1 The Mysterious Winged Man

A bloody night tremble upon the East village of the Moniyan Empire people screams can be hear from one another,all that you can see is a white wings flapping hardly as blood splash through grounds.

The Nightmare has ended,the remaining people who survive still can't believe just what happen to their village all of them have the same questions in their mind "who have done this terrible massacre to our village" men and women die even children died for no certain reasons.

then one of the remaining villagers suggested to the people that "Let's seek help from the kingdom,I know that they can help us to catch and kill the murderer".

The one who suggested rushed to the kingdom to seek for aid meanwhile in the village one man said that they need to take shelter from the other village he said"We need to get out of here,What if the winged murderer come back here and kill us all?" all the people muttered.

*The night has come again

On the West Village(not far from Moniyan Empire)same happen again like what happened from the East village Blood splattered to walls,man get beheaded and some collapse because of fear.....Everyone didn't know what's going on all they can hear is a flap of a massive wings.. all the men in the west village decided not just to die Everyone rushed to the old storage house as they get a hold of their own weapon to fight a man shouted "We can't fight the monster clearly it's all dark as their torched all died because of the wind the monster wings produces" the leader of the village get the new upgraded lamp they got(provided by Moniyan empire) and all of them rushed to fight the monster.

The moment the hourde of men saw the winged monster the leader said"How could this be?!" The moment the leader swallowed his saliva one of his men shouted"It's an angel that kills our brethren" all of them was shocked as they saw the angel one of the crowd said "I thought all the angels are good... but this one is ....." before the man got to finish his word the angels fist flash to his eyes and that ended his life.

The men was shocked to what happened to thier comrade,seconda have passed but the men still didn't move and the angel slaughter them one by one....The leader was left alone all that happened was clear to his eyes...all his comrades died...the leader of the village cried loudly the the angel was about to flap it's wings but the leader shouted"why did you kill them?!" he asked while his voice was trembling and the angel replied with a deep voice "Because they commit a grievious sin"

and the leader if village asked "But why left me alone" and the angel said "It's not yet your time" and the leader quick asked this question

"just who are you to do this" the angel smirked and prepared his wings to fly and he said this words while he's about to fly "I am....Argus.....Angel of Justice."

-Chapter 1 Ended-
