
Chapther 7: A knew fact and a proposal!

"So is anyone going to explain to me why our little princess here just healed the intruder. And why Sam is more fierce than usual." Tyler asked like a father asking his mischievous kids about their wrongdoings.

"Oh shit my bad!" Everyone's head snapped to a now very pale and panicked Nick.


~Rosari's POV ~

The whole room was coated in silence, waiting for Nick to explain. He, on the other hand, tried to play it off by giving an innocent smile.

"I...Eh forgot to inform Taylor about our new...addition to the group, I was occupied with other stuff okay!" Nick said trying to explain to the very disappointed group.

"But did you know that Taylor was on his way here?" Skye asked Nick.

"Yeah about that... I knew he was on is way because I just got of the phone with him when I went out of the room a moment ago. But like I said, I forgot that small part of telling him about Rose because I had some stuff to do." Nick said like it was not a really big deal.

"And what might that other stuff be?"

Skye asked looking like she had a headache, with one hand on her forehead, pinching her nose bridge and the other on her hip.

"Uh...some…. stuff!" Nick said with an awkward laugh.

The group was not at all happy about Nick's response. Even leading to Sam gripping Nick collar again and saying some colorful words and how he had one job.

Caine had in a flash covered his younger sister's ears. Saving them from hearing the not so pure stuff, coming out of a certain hot-headed female member.

This time it was Lily's turn to calm Sam down by putting a hand on her shoulder. Whispering some soothing word about how he was not worth killing and so on, with a smile.

Sam click her tongue at Nick in disgust before she turned to Taylor with her eyes looking sideways in regret.

But before she could even say a word, had Taylor already put a hand on her hair, giving it a light ruffle. He then, lazily went over to take a seat on the solo couch. Gesturing everyone does the same.

I could feel myself smile a bit of what just happened between Sam and Taylor. It reminded me of a father patting his child in the head.

*He might not be that bad even though we didn't start off on the right foot.*

I felt an understanding of his previous behavior towards me. He was just trying to protect the people he loved.

Skye took the lead and explained everything to Taylor from the beginning when everyone had settled down.

It was funny to see how the man had turned from a protective warrior to a now laid back and sleepy-looking man.

*If I did not experience the stuff from before, I would have thought that he couldn't hurt a fly.*

"... And that was all, what do you think?" Skye asked Taylor who lazily shifted his gaze to me and back to her.

"It 'might' be better to have her near us, so we can keep an eye on her but, it can also come back and bite us in the a$$. I think 'some' of you have already noticed that her 'scent' is...quite unique." Taylor said while glancing toward some members.

"What do you mean by tha-" Skye asked but was interrupted by Nick?

"He means that she does not have a scent, like at all." Both Nick and Sam looked at each other, both exchanging knowingly glances.

"And when were you guys thinking about, oh I don't know telling the rest of the group about THAT important fact!" Caine exclaimed in frustration and throwing his hand in the air.

"What does my scent have to do with anything?" I asked with my brow furrowed in confusion.

"It has a big significant to your identity and type, stupid!" Brittney said harshly to me.

"What Brit means by that is, everyone has a scent, some more unique other more normal. The scent can help one to different which type you are, but if you don't have one that means you are either masking your scent or belong to a very dangerous class…" Emma explained with a worried expression.

I could feel a hard lump build up inside me. The group looked at each other, silently exchanging worried expression.

"...and when it comes to you, we believe it's later. Only a very few people can mask their own scent." Lily said trying to give a reassuring smile.

It felt like my heart would burst out of my chest. Too scared to hear what I already suspected.

"...what type…?"

"The unknown type." Taylor answered observing my reaction.

Unknown type… didn't they say that they were the most dangerous class and one should be wary and carefully around those.

*If it was not hard enough to uncover who I was before, it certainly is now!!*

It felt like the mystery surrounding me just became bigger and more complicated. Looking down at my hand I felt lost, not knowing if I should be happy about the new discovery or scream about the fact that I am no better than a freak.

*Who or what am I really!*

"Okay, but that doesn't change anything in fact it's even more of a reason for us to help her," Skye said with sight while rubbing her temples.

"But sh-"

"No buts Caine, we are supposed to lead thousands of people one day, how can we guide and help anyone if we can't even handle this.

You know as well as most us, how much our parents expect from us. If we turn away from her now, then we can't ever expect anyone to respect and follow us in the future." Skye said seriously.

The whole group, after pondering for a bit all agreed with Skye.

"That's why we should bring her with us to 'there', it's the perfect place to uncover who she is and where she comes from," Lily said with a bright smile.

They started to discuss how they could help me and so on. Some agreeing and disagreeing. I was to caught up in my own though to really listen to what they were talking about.


"Why would any of you help me when you don't know a thing about me, for all I know, I could be a bad guy trying to hurt you guys or worst!" Without realizing it, I said what was in my heart.

The room was yet again coated in a deafening silence. It felt like the black hole in me grew larger every passing second, slowly eating me away.

*I feel so weak and pathetic!*

"It's true we don't know a thing about you, heck you could be a serial killer or something for all we know," Nick said while making a thinking posture, breaking the silence.

I felt a pang in my heart, feeling all my energy go away.

"I sor -"

"But we don't think you are a bad person, right guys," Nick said with a smile, looking over the group.


"I don't suspect Rose to be a bad person, because if she was one, she wouldn't be able to enter this place," Emma said while giving me a kind smile.

*Wouldn't be able to enter this place?*

"This place, our hang out, is protected by a special ancient shield, making those who have bad intentions and evil heart unable to enter. And that's one of the biggest reasons for us believing you are not truly a bad guy." Skye explained to me when she saw my confusion.

"Making it more of a reason for us to take her with us!" Lily yet again squealed in excitement and clapping her hands.

"I agree with Lily, I might not know much about this little kitten, but she has strong fighting will. And the safest choice right now is that place, if she is an unknown than the best place to hide her is there or until we know the next step." Taylor said all calm and laid-back with two fingers rubbing his under lip. He had been quiet for a while now just observing the group and me.

" That's true, and if you want to uncover something then it's there, that place has the best resources and material. I'm sure the chairman knows what to do." Emma said looking happy about the idea of bringing me to this unknown place.

"Um… something has been bothering me, but what is the place you guys want to bring me to?" I asked wanting to know where they really wanted to take me.

The whole group glanced at each other and started to smile, to my shook, I even saw a small smile playing on Brittney's lips. The whole group looked like someone had brought up a precious memory to them.

"The place they are talking about is-" Skye started but was cut off by a very exciting Lily jumping up and down in her seat screaming.

"The Academy! The Blessed Sword Academy!"


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