
Chapter 5: Get to know them [Part:2]

~Rosari POV~

"It was Skye who found you first in the forest, you were laying on the ground unconscious when the other arrived there"

'Huh Skye, but who was that man then. I was sure that I was saved by a man, even though I can't remember his face I remember his touch.'

"Rose are you Ok?"

"Huh, yeah I'm Ok,"

"Then that's good, if you are all set let's go to the living room, so we can sit and talk there, the other might also be there."

"Ok, that would be good,"

That's when it struck me, I didn't really know these people except for their names and faces. Emma started to go to an unknown direction, following her I felt the panic grow inside me.

"So uh… Em, who are you guys exactly?"

"Oh, that was one quite a surprising question."

Now realizing how rude and dumb that question sounded, I felt ashamed and regretted even asking.

"Rose don't feel ashamed about asking, didn't I tell you that you can ask me anything."

"Yes, you did."

"About the people in the group, hmm… ok we can start with my brother.

As you know from before his name is Caine and is one of the oldest in the group. He is a protective brother who always by my side and helping me out when I'm in problem.

He can easily make new friends and is fun to be with. Caine likes to do sport and eat junk food. He dislikes vegetables and clingy people. He can be a bit serious and mean to others he doesn't know, but by heart, he is a cheerful and caring person. "

She said with a small smile while looking straight ahead.

"He has a girlfriend too. You have met her, remember Britteny?"

She glanced at me. I scanned my brain and then remembered.

"Oh Isn't she the girl you ran after?"

She sweat dropped a bit.

"Yes, it is her, sorry about that. Brit is a kind girl, but she is like that because of a reason, so whatever she says to you, don't take it to heart ok."

I nodded.

"She might be a bit cold to you at first, but I'm sure after a while she will warm up to you."

"That's a relief to hear."

"Brit is the one who loves this group the most, she would do anything to protect her loved ones."

"Then we have Sam, she is the one with the biggest temper in the group, so you should be careful ok" She glanced at me to see if I understood, I nodded.

'I knew that she had a temper, but when I looked into her eyes I saw loneliness, I wonder why.'

"Sam doesn't care what other people think about her if it's not someone she cares about. She likes to fight and is one of the best fighters in the group. The best one is Blake and Taylor."

"Who are Blake and Taylor?"

"Oh you haven't met them yet, they were too busy to come. You could say that they are the two suns of the group, meaning they are the two leading figures. When it comes to decision-making in the group Skye, Blake, and Taylor's voices are the most heard and important ones. "

"Oh, okay."

"Now back to Sam hmm…, where was I… Aa Yes. Sam is kind-hearted to the people who, one: Don't piss her off, two: hurt someone near her, and three: is a good person." She said while counting her fingers.

"And then we have Lily, she is… how to say quite a unique person because of her personality, you will understand when you meet her. She has a kind soul that could never hurt anyone. Lily loves books and to learn new things, she is also one of the wisest in the group."

"Any question so far about them?"

"No, not really but who was the guy that fainted before"

'I want to know what his problem was.'

"Ah you mean Peeta, he is Skye's twin brother. Peeta is a funny person that can make anyone laugh, even when they don't want to. Peeta is, I think three minutes younger than Skye and those two always fight about it all the time.

If you remember earlier he fainted. It's because he drank energy drinks and that makes him become drunk. Even though real alcohol doesn't work on him, energy drinks do. Funny right?"

We started to laugh. It felt weird but in a good way. When she talked about them so happy, I felt a pang of yearning, like I too want this kind of friends that would protect me like family.

"Another person that is not normal is Nick, do you remember the guy that Sam and Skye picked on?"

"Oh, you mean that guy that Skye said was a douche bag and player!"

"Ahaha yes him. His name as I said before is Nick, and he is kind of a player, but he is a good and caring friend, he's like a second brother to me. The thing with Nick is that he can have a big mouth sometimes."

"So I have seen, hmm Em tell me about the girl who rescued me."


"Yes her. What kind of person is she?"

"Skye… hm I would say that she is the mature type of person who likes everything neat and clean. Nick is the total opposite of Skye because he is quite a pig, and he doesn't really care about order or etiquette like Skye."

"They must often fight than" I said with a small smile. I didn't know why but I got a nonchalant feeling inside me like I knew how it felt to fight with someone all the time.

"Yeah sometimes, but Skye would always leave that place or just give him a death glare, so he would stop. Skye kind of takes care of the group. What I mean is, when something happens, it's usually Skye who holds the group together, and she is the best when it comes to negotiations and words."

"So she's like a mother of the group."

"Yes you can say it like that I think… or it's more like if there is a fight between some members, she would talk some sense in them, and she is really good at persuading people. She is one of the few people Blake and Noah listen to and many people respect her because of her kindness. She hates hurting people, or more specifically she hates any kind of violence"

We neared a white big door that I assumed led to the living room.

"She must really be a good person then?"

"Indeed, I think she is one of the kindest in the grou-"

She didn't even get the chance to finish her sentence, because of the horrifying scene in front of us.

Nick was in, what seemed like a ball of water two meters above the ground. That was not what scared me the most though, no it was the girl whose name was Skye, that had a dangerous glint in her eyes.

She just stood there with her arm outstretched against Nick. Her hair floated around her like snakes and her aura screamed bloodthirst.

'I think I take back what I just said, she does NOT look like a good person, I mean, it looks like she is seriously going to kill him even!!!.'

Both me and Emma started to scream out of shock and fear. Like our scream had broken the spell, Skye's head snapped our way with shock and confusion in her eyes.

She looked at us then at Nick who was now on the ground coughing for air, Emma ran to help him. They talked for a short while before the other came into the room.

Emma's brother Cain ran to her, pushing the quiet pained Nick to the side to examine her for any wound.

I spaced out a bit, debating if these people are trustworthy.

'Like come on that girl nearly killed him and don't forget that there was a magical water ball floating in the air, is she maybe a witch or something... Oh! God! They did tell me that they were not human… '

I looked at them carefully, because for all I know they could be monsters in disguise.

"... Forgotten someone is here. "

Then all eyes were on me, I looked down in discomfort at the sudden attention I got,

'I just hate when everyone is looking at me, can't they stop that!'

"Eh guys, she won't faint right because that will be troublesome."

I felt my cheek become warm with embarrassments. I heard a slapping sound and saw Cain, Sam, and Skye glaring at Nick who held his head in pain.

Skye looked at me and smiled when she saw my attire.

"Those clothes suit you Rosari"

Everyone nodded in agreement.


"Okay, now when you awaken, we should maybe continue on our previous conversation."

"But, before THAT can we at least sit down" Nick added all wet and tired.

"Okay, let us settle down first then," Skye said while looking a bit irritated at Nick.

We all took a seat on the couch except Lily and Nick who sat on the chairs.

I sat between Skye and Em, while Sam sat on Skye's other side.

Caine sat together with Brittney, placing an arm behind her, she responded with leaning back on him.

'Hmm, so they are the cute type of couple huh.'

"You might still be a bit confused and scared about what you just saw?"

I didn't say anything just nodded.

"Like I said before this is not the human realm, this is the world of supernaturals. When I say supernatural, I mean all kinds of mythical creatures and beings." She said slowly to see if I understood.

I again nodded.

"[Sight] Rosari I have questions that has been bothering me."

"Huh, what is it?"

"You told us before that you were a human, right"


"How come you thought that you are a human, do you maybe remember something from the other world that can prove that you are a human?"

That question caught me off guard.

'Huh the other world, now that I think about it, I don't recall anything that can prove that I am human. Nothing, then why did I even assume that I was human?'

"No I don't, I just thought that I was human."

"You were right Lily, about her," Skye said while looking at Lily who held a flower in her hand.

"Huh, what was she right about?" I said confused

"When you fainted before, Lily came to me and told me that maybe the spell on you had damaged a bit of your knowledge like you don't remember what kind of creature you are, so you just assumed that you were a human because that was the only or the last creature you remember."

'When she put it like that, it made more sense because when she asked me before what kind of creature I was, a human was the only creature that came up at first.'

"Another hypothesis of mine is that you might have mixed human with the class, human type."

"What do you mean by that"

"In this world, there are many kinds of creatures, so we divide it into 4 types of groups and those are…" She paused and took up four fingers.

"First is the human type, those are the creatures that only have one form and that is the human form.

Number two is the beast type, those are the creatures that can switch from a human form to beast form, or only has one form, the beast form.

Number three is the Rare-type like the name says, are really rare to come across and are few in number but really valuable and special.

And then we have number four, the Unknown type, those are the creatures that one should be extra careful around.

Those are the 4 types you are divided into, but everyone belongs to a specific group that is your race"

"Oh...okay, but one question? Which type of race are you guys then?"

"Oh, we are divided into different groups!" Nick said.


Emma looked at me and gave me a smile.

"Me, Cain, Brittney, Skye, and Lily are in the human-type while Nick is a beast-type and Sam is…" She stopped and looked at Sam.

"I am a Rare-type," She said a bit bored and looked out through the window with her face resting on one of her palms.

"Oh" Was the only thing I could muster up, because of the sudden awkward silence.

"You want to see something?" asked Lily randomly.

"Uh, okay," I said looking at her.

She stood up while holding the rose in front of her. It started to float and suddenly the red rose turned into a lollipop.

My eyes become big.


"Lily is a witch, she can do magic," Said Skye while she looked at Lily.

"Whaaat… wait you thought that little trick was cool" Nick exclaimed while he stood up and pointed at Lily, who now was sucking on the lollipop innocently.

"Wait until you see me then" Without any warning he started to change into a black panther.

"So pretty," I said with a smile.

Everyone looked at me shocked.

"Did you just say HE was pretty?" Skye said in disagreement

Nick who still was in his beast form walked over to me proudly.

I patted his head.

"Yeah, he looks so cute, like a big kitty cat," I said with a squeal. The room became death silence.

"Did she just say that Nick was cute like a kitty?" Skye asked with big eyes.

Not able to hold it in anymore, Sam burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh my god best comment E.V.E.R. I totally like this new girl hahha she just called Nick a kitty cat hahaha ain't letting you live that down Nicky cat," Sam held her stomach while tears came out of her eyes.

Everyone burst into hysterical laughter while Nick ran out of the room with embarrassment.

"Omg, that must have hurt his male pride haha I pity him," Cain said while he tried to breathe after laughing so hard.

"Um did I say something wrong," I said unsure.

"Nope, you said the perfect thing girl!" Sam said with a big smile, noticing that it was her first time smiling at me or at all for that matter.

"Nick is a shape-shifter" Skye said.

"Um what is a shape-shifter"

"It's a creature that can shift their form or shape to anything depending on the shaper's ability or level. But every shape-shifter has a dominant form, that they can take their full potential power and strength in. The other forms they can take out about 30% percent of their true strength"

"Was that his dominant form then?"

"Yes that was my dominant form that you soo rudely called 'cute'," Nick said now re-entering the room, looking quite irritated and taking his seat again.

"Um Sor..."

"No need for that, he is just being a jerk" Cain interfered while giving Nick a scolding look.

Emma looked worriedly between her brother and Nick. She gave Skye a pleading look.

"And then we have Cain and Emma who are gifted. Gifted are those who have an ability or a gift. For example, Zeus is an ability user and one of the first to?"

"You mean like eh... Zeus the thunder immortal or something"

"Yeah, sort of. They are what the human calls Greek god, but you see the human got that wrong. The human misunderstood gifted people for something entirely else."

"But how come they could even misunderstand when all of them were here?"

"It's because before we and the human lived in the same world and after an incident, our world was created and all supernatural beings were banished here. No one could go to the human world while no human could come to the supernatural world."

"Oh, okay"

"And I am an Elemental. That is the person who can control the elements." Skye said while she summoned a water ball in her hand.

"Are you a Water bender then"

"Yes, but normally an elemental can only wield one element, rarely two, where I can wield all four of them," Skye said proudly.


"Brit is a tamer. A tamer is when you can tame any kind of animal or beast-like creature. The more powerful you are, the more powerfully beast you can tame."

I glanced at Britteny and saw her playing with Caine's hand. Sensing my gaze on her, she gave me a glare.

I quickly looked away from her not wanting to pick a fight.

My gaze landed on Sam. She was the only person who hasn't said what she was. Skye noticed that I was looking at Sam and became a bit nervous.

"Eh sorry Rose, but we can't really tell you what race Sam belo-"

"It's okay Skye, you can tell her. Either way she is going to know what I am sooner or later while living with us. And she is quite the funny one, I kinda like her. Maybe we should give her a chance, and on that note, I am a Phoenix. "

"Ooohhh if Sam says she likes the new girl then that means she must be special huh~. Like Sam, I think the new girl is not bad at all, she is upfront with her feelings and I like that *cough* minus her calling my awesome form cute *cough*" Nick chimed in.

"I, too, like her, she even became my friend," Emma said cheerfully.

Cain suddenly coughed and looked shocked at his sister.

"What! Since when did you two become so close? Why didn't you tell me!?!"

"I didn't tell you because I knew you would react like this! And we became friends when I brought Rose her change of clothes." She pouted.

"Of course I would reac-"

"Okay enough with your sibling fight now!" Skye said while giving Caine a warningly look.

I could suddenly feel my inner warning clock go off. Looking at my side I caught Brittney giving me a death glare that could probably bury anyone 10 ft underground. Her glare made me really uncomfortable.

"Um, can I visit the restroom for a bit," I said quickly to Skye.

"Yes you can, it's the door in front of the living room."

Before anyone could protest or say anything, I half sprint/ran out of the room closing the door behind me. Leaning a bit on the now-closed lounge door I tried to calm my beating heart. I could hear them talk inside, surely out of surprise of my sudden marathon run.

Seeing the restroom door and speed walked to it. I didn't really need to use it but it was the only escape path I could think of at the moment. I really just needed to escape from that room for a bit, so I could collect my thoughts about everything.

Someone suddenly grabbed my hand when I reached for the door knob and without warning shoved me against the wall.

"Who are you and what are you doing here, little girl."

Said a deep and manly voice.


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