
6th Chapter

As I open my mouth to reply the sound of loud static comes through the room. "Blythe, I know this may be confusing but you must understand this is for the sake of the world." It was my Dad's voice echoing over the static. "I will explain, see the government came to us, your mum and I, to continue research into the global warming crisis. We accepted thinking of you and your siblings health. We thought the project was going well, so well in fact we let slip some things about the research. The media took it on and made rumours about our experiments calling us crazy." I think about what Dad is saying, it makes sense. Every time something about the research came on the HTD, they would turn it off and deny it. Dad continues, "After that our workers were even sceptical of the experiment itself and many quit, the project going downhill."

"So that's why you bought a position in the bunker?" I say, getting more and more angry at him and this stupid experiment. "So, Dad, why does it say successful on the tag in this room?"

"It's successful because we trapped you and others into horrific situations, and had significant results from it." Sam makes a noise in her throat, while I try looking for the source of the speaker. "Blythe, what your mum and I didn't know was that when we signed up for the experiment, we had unknowingly signed you up too, to be the subjects." Sam and I gasp at the same time looking at each other. "But, Blythe, we have improved our research because of you, we will be on track now."

"And how long has this been going on Dad, how long?"

"Honey, it's been four years, but it's improving!"

"No Dad, it hasn't, I say with a surprising calmness in my voice, all of these chemicals must have gone to your brain, nothing has changed!" I start shouting now, Sam still behind me, her mouth gaping open. "Dad, where is mum? Where are the rest of the scientists?"

"Oh Honey, they all have died, the stress was to much on your mother."

"What!" I scream at his voice, I start sobbing and I feel Sam move closer to me.

In a whisper and still sobbing I cry, "Dad, quit this project, it isn't helping anyone."

"Blythe, I can't do that, it would prove all those people right. I am going to finish this experiment." He says with a seriousness that he would use when I used to get into trouble.

"I'm going now honey, don't struggle, this will be over soon."

"What!  Dad, listen to me, I love you, don't do this to me!"

"Hmm…. that's funny that's what you said the last nineteen times."

"Wait, Dad, what?"

I hear the speaker crackle again, then silence. An alarm goes off somewhere inside the room as the giant doors start closing with immense speed.

"Quick, Sam, Run!" We start sprinting towards the door, but it closes before we get there. "Sam, what do we do?"

"I don't know!" She slumps to the floor and starts crying and sobbing.

"Sam, come on, we have to get outta here, Sam…." as I try to get her motivated I hear a hissing noise, looking to see where it's coming from, I see a gas filling into the room. "Sam, we, need, to, leave!" I feel weak, my eyes are drooping with sleepiness.

"Sam?" But she was already asleep. The immense sleepiness washes over me as my eyes close.

Desolate, decaying and, well, abandoned. I walk down a specific street I know well, turn left into a cul-de-sac and walk slowly to the end.

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