
4th Chapter

I start wandering around the house searching the rest of the rooms. The house has been raided and even my mattress has been taken. I walk out of the house, shut the door, and start walking back towards bunker GOV.

When I get to the front door of the library. I tell the surly looking guard the password and head inside. I walk down the huge hallway and turn left into the large common room. A couple of people were milling around but no-one that I knew well. I walk through the grey hallways that maze the place, turning right, into my room 56D. Looking at bare walls I'm filled with an empty feeling. It's been more of a home to me than my original house. I hear the running of footsteps then someone jumps on me from behind.

"Blythe, your back! Where did you go? What did you do?," someone says. I turn quickly to see my best friend, Sam. She is jumping up and down,  with her similar honey brown hair and slightly darker green eyes. So many people have mistaken us for sisters.

"Just went to see my house," I reply.

"Do you still have that rainbow number plate on the door?"

"Yup, still there and still colourful. Probably the only thing bright about this city. Hey Sam do you know anything about bunker 252?"

"Hang on, that sounds familiar…. Wait!" she cries as she bounds out of the room like a bunny on steroids. I follow her out of the room, back through the common room and down a hallway filled with screens. She types vigorously onto a hologram, a picture comes up of the entertainment district which is south-east of the inner city.

"I was researching and found this yesterday." She starts reading off the screen.

'Bunker 252, classed as the least habitable bunker of the city and is told to be full of unexpected experiments. When searched by survivor group RBK, they couldn't get through the first defences. No-one has bothered going back, calling it a lost cause.'

"Well that fits the description," I murmur.

"Of what?" Sam asks.

I show her the letter, her face screws up into a frown and looks up after reading it completely.


"Yeah I know they hate the government, what is going on?"

"I don't know but you know what we have to do."

I sigh "Yup, we are going there aren't we?"

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