

The clangs can be heard as the claws and scythe clashed in the battle...

"Death! I am asking once again! To lend me power, vanish the limb of my enemy..."

With a small pause, the limb of the lady and the dragon fall off onto the ground.

"What a move you got there WHAHAHA Showing off your trump card in the beginning of the battle. what a waste."

The dragon limb return to normal like nothing happened.

"My regenerative power is the most powerful in the world!!! No one can match this regen speed" The dragon arrogantly laugh.

"You talk big huh? being lonely sure does boring" The lady limb becomes ashes and form new another limb..

The lady jump, preparing her scythe to strike down. As its hit the dragon head, the scythe emits a fire...


However, the dragon blocked the scythe easily by its horn.

The lady then jump off and stand on the ceiling.

"Scorched" The lady smirked. She then raised her hand revealing its palm.

And start chanting...

"Spirits who guided me to win this battle. Let me borrow your strength once again gaving corrosion to the one's hit by my deadly scythe"

She then slowly point her palm on the dragon.

The fire then turn into a black raging fire.

The horn of the dragon which hit by the scythe fall off.

"youu!!!!" The dragon is furious its eye's become red it emits a azure fire as its fuel its breathe.

"Feel the wrath of the fire dragon!!!"

The dragon then burst out all the fire in its stomach.. As it hit the lady, a strong screen of smokes filled the cave.

"Whahaha that fire so strong... I don't think anyone can survive that"

The dragon arrogantly said and turned its back to leave while laughing loudly.

"Revealing our back is a sign of weakness" The lady unfazed still standing opposite to the ground as it defies the gravity.

Blocking the dragon all out attack.

The girl took out her knife and sliced her hand.

" blood flows to pay all my sin... please gave me more power to return whats deserves for them."

The scythe that blocked the fire, turns into color green starting to charge up ready to return the damage it recieved...

"This is it huh?" The lady smirked once again and closed her eyes. As she open her eyes it turns into color of an emerald green.

She then swings her sycthe. The scythe released a green electrifying wave everything it touch will be cut into half as it hit the dragon, a sudden burst of explosion shaken the ground gaving off a strong screen of smoke. The cave once again filled of black smoke...

As the smoke dissappear a sliced dragon is revealed.

"I need more power"

Luna's thought.

A black bird pop out at the lady side.

"My lady we don't have much time left" The bird said with a low tone looking at the scene... Blood every where from the ground, wall and such and the dragon sliced body on the middle.

"This may gave me power but it's not enough to fight her." The Bird is worried about them but he doesn't have nothing but to trust her master.

The lady silently walks toward the dragon's dead body...

The lady pick the fallen horn... She walks toward the head of the dragon and brutally took out the other horn.

She put it to her slings bag and without a pause she leaves.

The bird then sigh and without hesitance it multiply itself and started to feast the dragon's body...


"Azrail, My lady... I think its time"

The 2 of them left the cave...

The lady look around and jump onto the tallest tree she jump and she jump until she reached the highest peak. She then silently watch the horizon as if she doesn't have regrets.

The bird follows and close its eyes...

"Are you ready?" The crow then swings its wing and they both dissappear into the mid air....

A hundred years later.

"mommy! mommy!" The little girl kept pulling her mother dress.

"what it is honey?"

The little girl point out the book.

"That book? The book about the hero and the necromancer who fought for a month but no one knows who win the fight..."

"Oh then where are they? I thought necromancer was our protector"

"No one knows where they went and yes, the necromancer was our protector but they were corrupted by an unknown force" The mother blindly picked a different kind of book and put it to her basket.

Later that day.

"and they lived happily ever after"

The child sleep soundly as her mother kiss her on the forehead.

"goodnight sweety" Her mother then turn off the light. As she open her door she felt that her chest became hot.

She look at her chest and saw a spear like bone stabbed her heart...

Despite her heart stabbed she uses her energy left to take look to her child.

She was shocked to whats she saw.

Her child has this 8 spider like limbs on its back. Crying red blood, her eyes are all white and the half of her mouth fall onto the ground.

The only thing her mother can do is cry before her time finally come.


Luna charge onto the window, striking the child with her scythe, cutting it into half.

Luna without thought feast the child, tearing all 8 limbs...

She then removes the crystal and feed it to her scythe...

"Let's go" Luna said before dissappearing into thin air.

So I released the prologue after the chapter 1 my mistakes everyone.

I researched about writing and they said prologue keeps the audience to ask why.

SO I guess whahahahhaa

KibooChancreators' thoughts
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