

She was kidnapped and forced to marry a ruthless prince of an unknown land. Neya had no other choice or else she would face the consequences. NEYA'S PROLOGUE I didn't know that when I made the deal with Jordan I would face the consequences in the future. Now I undergo my intolerable punishment because of my foolish actions.

TREVERIS3 · Fantasy
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108 Chs


Neya was still at her first plan. It was not working like how she wanted it to work out. So she was preparing to go to plan 2. Her second plan the one that she thought it might work.

Nahor was some how nice to her but not so nice. Neya didn't mind so much as long as she knew she that her mission was progressing.

She always tried to start up a conversation with Nahor but it was always in vain as he was always busy most of the time and she didn't get any chance to talk to him.

"What is he always busy with?"that's the question she keept on asking herself.

If he kept on being busy most of the time her mission there would be slowed down. She had to find a solution to this or it wouldn't end up well for her.

One time as she was moving around the palace she noticed a certain mysterious room that was a few rooms from hers. Her curiosity to find out what was there was was killing her. She thought that it would be locked but to her surprise it was open.She guessed that someone was in there .She entered in and she was surprised when she saw nothing in the room but a small door that was slightly open. She quietly moved to the door but she stopped in her foot steps when she saw that familiar figure. She stood where she couldn't be noticed by Nahor. She peeked through and saw a whole bunch of books in the shelves. That's when she realized that it was a study room., she came to discover that it was Nahor's own personal study room where he spent most of his daytime. She guessed that he didn't want any disturbance that's why the room was in a place so isolated where no one would think of going.

She peeked through the door once more and saw him writing something down. "What could he be writing?"she asked herself.

As she realized that her presence was almost sensed, she quickly went away from there.

Now this was going to be a big problem for her and was going to change everything if she didn't find a solution. and if Nahor kept on spending time in his study room, her plan would absolutely fail.

"I will have to come up with a solution for this very soon,"Neya said to herself as she left the room.