
Chapter 6

It feels like I've been in this prison my entire life, like after the first twenty years I have stopped counting the days...how can time move so slowly, and why is the punishment so severe for something as little as hitting a lowly village leader, I'm the demon king for god's sake, how could they just trow me in some prison?Well they don't know that. At least the guard is a cute girl, as such my sore eyes can at least see something nice.

-Hey, guard girl. For how long have I been here for?

-About 20 minutes.

What....20 minutes....20 minutes and here I am feeling so bored and old that I could be called grandpa? How can they make it so boring? I know it's a prison but still, 20 minutes felt like a life time for fucks sake!

-Hey, are you okay there?

Ah, that voice, it's a familiar voice...who's voice could it be? Could the angel of death have finally come to release me from this boredom and lead me to the sweet embrace of the unending void that is death?

-Stop daydreaming and respond Seiji.

-Ah?! Ignea! Have you come to save me?

-No, it seems like you'll have to stay in here for eternity.

-Geez, stop being so mean and get me out of here.

-Fine, fine. I settled things with the village chief and your free.

-Thanks o legendary fairy, you have my eternal gratitude!

-Yeah, yeah, sure. Now you owe me two lunches.

-Sure, so do you have anything special in mind?

-Yeah, on my way here I passed by a restaurant that had an amazing smell coming from inside, I can't wait to see what kind of amazing delicacies they have!

-Let's go then.

Considering how enthusiastic she was I thought that she'd bring me to some fancy restaurant that I'd have to spend all my money on in order to pay, but isn't this just a ramen shack? It's my first time eating out with a girl and it's at a ramen shack...damn, she's making me fall for her.

-Huh, who'd have thought that you'd want to eat at a ramen shack.

-What's wrong with ramen? Isn't it fancy enough for our demon king here?

-On the contrary, it's way better than those military rations from the castle.

-How come the demon king has to eat the same rations as the soldiers?'

-We're in war, we have to cut as many costs as possible.

-Well, anyone who likes ramen has a better standing in my point of view.

-Thanks miss fairy.

After finishing lunch we went to take a bath at the inn and then left for the wyvern's mountain. On our way out of the village we dropped by a shop to buy some provisions and equipment and then headed into the forest. After walking for some time we encountered our first real enemy, a giant....mosquito. I know what I said before about saving my mana but sometimes a man's gotta burn a bug alive and so I did. I wasted that mana but at least it looked pretty cool when flying into the sky in despair.

-You are a demon.

-Yes, I am indeed a demon.

-That's not what I meant.


After walking for a few days we finally reached the mountain. It looked big from a distance but from it's bottom it looks absolutely enormous. More importantly, as soon as we got there we were able to hear it, the wyvern's roar. Even if it's so far away it was so loud, the sound it made was terrifying, enough to make one's bones shake. That is the wyvern's special skill.

-Seijiiii...What was that?

-The wyvern.

-How can you be so calm right now? Didn't you hear it?

-I did, but it's still just an S-class, there is no way for me to lose.

-We should hurry and find that stupid plant and leave. Why does that thing have to be so rare?

-If you mean the draconic bloom , there is one over there.

-So fast! How did you... actually I won't question it. It's better this way, now let's leave.

-No need to hurry, we still have that wyvern to tame.

-No way. I am not going, I still want to live, ya know?

-Well, if that's the case...

I just picked her up and princess carried her, she may be complaining and kicking but at least she's cute while doing it, unlike that damned counter girl.

{And as such our adventurers have reached their destination for now, but how will a fairy and a demon king with no magic left fare against a wyvern?}

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