
Chapter 32

The sealing of the dragon king and Raijin's rushing of things really meddled with my plans. The way things are right now, we might finish the first stage too soon for that machine to be completed. Anyway, rather than thinking about how bad things are going, I should just calm down and enjoy my quality time with Ignea and Runa.

When we came back to Odrax, me and Ignea found Runa quite sad and bored. Raijin did his best to keep her entertained but his efforts were for naught. As a big brother I do know how hard it is to keep little girls entertained. When Toki was little I used to have to take her to the carnival near the city almost every day or else she'd throw a tantrum, now that I think about it, I think I might have spoiled her a bit to much back then but I just couldn't help it since she was so cute.

Lately she started to keep her distanced herself from me and it honestly makes me quite sad but she's a teenager now and she's probably just embarrassed to be pampered by her older brother.

She does have a reputation to maintain at the royal academy after all, since she can't lose face to her rival Karin who is comparable in skill to her but has a better ranking since Toki does have a habit of skipping classes.

Focusing on the situation at hand, the girls almost finished their shortcakes so before we go I figured we should chat a little bit since lately we didn't really have any time to relax.

-So, how were the cakes?[Seiji]

-Delicious, the strawberries were full of flavor and had a nice refreshing coldness to them.[Ignea]

-And the cream was so sweet and and.... I have nothing else.. I just liked how sweet it was.[Runa]

Ignea and I just burst into laughter since Runa said that with such a cute voice while still having a bit of cream around her lips. People could never guess that she's the successor to the throne of the dragon race after seeing her like this.

And as for Ignea... I did a bit of digging and it seems that her father comes from a noble family whose title was revoked by the king before she was born. Her parents, when they were young were also famous A class adventurers that specialized in fire and light magic.

She is a much more impressive person than she realizes and has quite a family background without knowing anything about it. But that isn't so surprising since her father now works as a teacher and her mother has a clothing shop. She grew up to become an adventurer without her parents telling her anything and had taken care of her younger siblings while they were working. Now she became the heroine of Yafrenia, though I haven't announced that to the public yet, and is on her way to become one of the most powerful heroes in history. She has a long way until there but that's fine, after this whole thing is settled, we will have plenty of time. But in the meantime I still have to do that.... to make them pay....

Hey people!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Also I have two things to ask you:

1. Is it ok if I try and write the next chapter in the third person point of view?

2. Does no one reply to my questions because you all hate me? :(

Kojou5creators' thoughts
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