
Chapter 19

Since Alastair is no more I decided to go back to the city and look for the girls and sure enough I found them exactly where I expected them to be, the restaurant we ate at the first day. I slowly but surely made my way behind Ignea, Yuzu, who sat on the opposite side of the table saw me immediately but stayed quiet as I signaled her to. I sneaked up to Ignea, who was to immersed into her talk with Yuzu to notice me and as I was about to scare her, a subtle grin appeared on Yuzu's face. I knew she was up to something mischievous but I didn't stop her since most kids do stuff like this, and after what happened to her parents she should enjoy herself a bit. That's what I thought but the words that left her mouth surprised me a lot. I never thought she'd try something like this...It won't harm anyone but it won't be too funny for Ignea when she realizes what happened.

-Miss Ignea, what do you think about master?[Yuzu]

-What do I think of Seiji?[Ignea]


-Well, I think he's an interesting person. Despite being a very important person he's a down to earth guy and even if he's so strong he's actually quite goofy but dependable at the same time.[Ignea]

-That's not what I meant, I meant if you like him![Yuzu]

Damn, this is more embarrassing than I thought.

-What! Well...I guess I don't dislike him...[Ignea]

-That's not a proper answer....[Yuzu]

I'd better interrupt this while I still can.

-Yo! How was your day, girls?[Seiji]

-It was very nice master.[Yuzu]

-WHa?! for how long have you been here?[Ignea]

-Gee, I just got here Ignea, what are you acting so strange for?[Seiji]

As if I could tell her that I stood behind since the begging.

-Oh, OK. Did you hear that loud noise from earlier today? I wonder what happened? It came from the direction of the holy mountain.[Ignea]

-Holyy Mountaaaain....?[Seiji]

-Yes, the legend says that the primordial goddess had first descended there thousands of years ago and as such it's a very important spiritual place.[Ignea]

-Issss that soooo....[Seiji]

-Yes, why are you sweating and why are you stuttering?[Ignea]

-I don't know what you mean![Seiji]

-Did something happen, master?[Yuzu]

-Nothing, everything is fine. Now finish your food and let's go, tomorrow we're leaving towards the capital of the demon kingdom.[Seiji]

Crap, how the hell am I supposed to fix that damn mountain...why did I have to be such a show off and destroy the whole thing!?


Why am I so stupid!?

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