2 Part 2

"Oh, how saddening," He threw the paper onto the chair beside him and went on with his business. He went to the coat closet and put on a simple set of sneakers. He walked outside again to be greeted by the small mole skipping across the narrow driveway.

"Oh, you! You ruined my lawn!" He said lunging towards it. From fear the little rodent stood there, paralyzed. His hands gripped its throat tightly until he was satisfied.

"Ha-ha, that should teach it," He said holding its lifeless body. He tossed the small animal into the tall grass and walked away. Just a few feet away from his crime, he took a deep breath and absorbed the sun's delicate rays.

I hope to find Mother on my walk today. He thought to himself as he shifted along on the sidewalk. He passed many quaint homes, some with extravagant gardens, some with fancy cars, and some with children's toys just lying there for the take. He never batted an eye, he only looked down on the dull concrete sidewalk.

Should I go to the woods today? He thought as he walked onto the street, having avoided eye contact with a father and his children playing on their lawn.

"Good morning sir!" Said the father. He said nothing in return, he just kept walking.

He soon found himself on the sidewalk once more, in his convoluted thoughts. He thought of many things; soft fresh bagels, long, silky, auburn hair flying in the wind, the appealing discord of piano keys being played all at the same time. Oh how he missed the piano, how the keys made sense. If one were to press on a key, that sound would come out to bless one's ears. But nothing now made sense to him. Nothing was like a piano. He kept walking until he reached a small wood near the highway.

Maybe I can see Mother here! He thought as he hastily walked into the woods. The friendly feeling of sunshine started to fade away as the covering of the tops of the tall, brooding trees blocked the heavenly light. Twigs snapped underneath his feet with withered up leaves from past falls to follow. The excitement and the desire to find Mother overtook him causing a smile crept upon his face.
