
Blue Eyes

Hugh got into the elevator, with Lucas who squeezed into it. When the elevator was about to close. Hugh had his back to Lucas. Lucas stared at his back, and couldn't help but wonder who Hugh really is. Hugh was carefree with him, a while ago, now, he was cold.

Lucas tapped his feet, on the elevator floor. He watched as the number changed as they pass through floors. The familiar sound of the elevator rang out, as they got to the top floor. Hugh walked out and led Lucas to Lucia's resting ward. He took out the ward key.

Lucas raised his brows in surprise when Hugh opened the door. 'Is she caged?' Lucas thought inwardly. They walked in and Lucia who was sleeping soundly in bed opened her eyes suddenly. She felt the presence of people in the ward. She felt the bed she slept on, for her mask.

Lucas looked at Lucia on the bed intently. Her face was facing the wall. He could see her side profile, but he couldn't make anything out of it. As Lucia had hurriedly put on her mask, hiding her face. Lucia turned to Hugh and Lucas. She nodded slightly at Lucas.

She gestured her hand towards an empty chair in the ward. Her stance gave no room for objections. Lucas looked at Lucia for two seconds before he walked to the chair and sat down. Hugh on the other hand walked towards the bedside table and placed the bags on it.

Lucas expected Hugh to leave the ward, but Hugh settled on a chair close to Lucia's bed. Lucia had sat upright on the bed and faced Lucas. She didn't beat around the bush, and asked Lucas her question straightforwardly, "What are the latest developments with the company, its employees, and shareholders?"

Lucas looked from Lucia to Hugh. He felt that her question was not confidential. She was also acquainted with the CEO. 'Maybe she is just concerned.' Lucas thought. He cleared his throat, saying, "The company's stats are at an all-time high. We've received unpaid publicity due to the CEO's illness."

Lucia nodded but didn't comment on what he said. She knew Alix Enterprise's competitors, could use this publicity to their advantage. She would do something before it could happen. She just needed grandpa James' approval before doing what she had in mind. Lucia hoped her grandpa would wake up soon.

Lucas took her nod, as a cue to continue. Lucas didn't take her professional stance into account and give her points. "The employees are not calm, they think they would lose their jobs if grandpa James dies." Lucas explained. He had gotten this information from his fellow secretaries at work.

Lucia nodded her head, she could understand why the employees were restless. They thought the company would be sold if grandpa James died. They could lose their jobs easily that way. "They don't have to worry about that. Give an announcement that the CEO isn't dead and won't die soon."

"Any employee who still wants to leave after the announcement can resign. After paying the compensation fee to the company." Lucia said coldly, surprising Lucas. Her confident stance was authoritative and business-like. Hugh on the other hand admired Lucia. His eyes crinkled in amusement as he looked at her.

Lucas still didn't think of Lucia seriously. He only felt that he was briefing her on things about the company. The person he worked for and answered to, was still grandpa James. "The shareholders want to gain ownership of the CEO's shares. They think he would die soon." Lucas said.

Lucia smiled coldly behind her mask. Her eyes turned colder, and Lucas subconsciously looked at her, warily. Her stance gave off the chills now. Lucia didn't like how people thought of her grandpa as someone dead or about to die. "Compile a list of the shareholders." Lucia ordered.

Lucas looked at her disapprovingly. His subconscious wariness of her, dissipated with the invisible wind. "I can't do that. You can't order me around or ask me to do something against company ethics." Lucas said, defiantly. Lucia looked at him with raised brows, but she wasn't fazed by his defiance.

Hugh on the other hand, could not stand Lucas. "You'll do as she said." Hugh's voice was dangerously low. His dark eyes changed color to deep blue for a split second. Lucas shivered in fear due to Hugh's cold and oppressive demeanor, and he caught sight of the change in his eyes.

Lucas raised his hand shakily and pointed at Hugh. He was confused and thought that he was hallucinating. He couldn't see the blue color anymore. But Hugh's stance remained cold. Lucas couldn't help but nod his head weakly and scrambled out of the ward to get the work done.

Lucia watched as he scrambled out of the ward. She turned to Hugh with raised brows. "What did you do to him?" Lucia asked. She didn't feel Hugh's oppressive and cold aura, because it wasn't directed at her but at Lucas. Hugh stood up and shrugged nonchalantly, "I didn't do anything."

Lucia looked at Hugh skeptically but decided to brush it off. Her stomach suddenly grumbled and she turned beet red. She was embarrassed and Hugh chuckled at this. The bedside table was just behind him. He took the bag, with the packed food and took out the food in it.

"What did you get for me?" Lucia asked, with a big smile on her face. She was swinging her legs back and forth, as Hugh took out the food. Something about Hugh's presence comforted her and made her smile. She could feel an intense pull toward Hugh, since last night.

Due to grandpa James' sudden illness, she didn't notice the new intense feeling she felt for him. They were close to each other now, and Lucia couldn't help but continuously stare at Hugh. She watched as Hugh dished out her food, and noticed it was one of her favorite food.

Lucia couldn't help but smile, as she took the food Hugh offered her. She ate quickly because she was hungry. Hugh chuckled and patted her back when Lucia choked. "Slow down, little kitten." Hugh said, making Lucia glare at him with watery eyes. Hugh laughed out, looking at her eyes.

Lucia snorted at Hugh and continued to eat her food. She dished more food and was about to eat when she noticed that Hugh was eating something else. Hugh had an opened box of pizza in his hands. He had taken a bite from a slice already and Lucia's mouth watered.

Even though she had a portion of delicious food in her hands, her mouth watered at the delicious pizza in Hugh's hands. She dropped her food and looked at Hugh sulkily. Hugh noticed her gaze and dropped the box in his hands on the table. Lucia grinned widely and grabbed the box.

Hugh chuckled at her actions. He didn't find her annoying or childish. She didn't look like the authoritative Lucia she was a while ago. Hugh was glad that he was able to see different sides to her, that others couldn't see, except grandpa James. "You can eat that." Lucia said.

Hugh looked at the unopened pack of food Lucia was talking about. He didn't mind eating that, but he had especially bought it for Lucia. "Are you sure? You might crave for it later." Hugh said, trying to dissuade Lucia from giving up the unopened food. Lucia nodded at Hugh.

Hugh rested his back on his chair. He didn't make an effort to take the food, but he watched as Lucia took slice after slice of pizza and ate it. Lucia dumped the box in the dustbin beside the bed. "That was delicious. Thank you." Lucia said with a smile.

Hugh smirked and took the packed food. He opened it slightly, and Lucia could smell the aroma of the food. "What is that?" Lucia asked curiously. The aroma smelt familiar to her. "What? It is my food." Hugh said, with a smirk. He feigned ignorance to what she really asked.

Hugh opened the food completely. It was egg-fried rice. Lucia's mouth and eyes watered at the sight. Her mouth watered because of the aroma. Her eyes watered because she knew she would not be able to take in more food. She also knew she couldn't take Hugh's food again.

Hugh chuckled amusedly at Lucia. The egg-fried rice was splashed with sesame oil and soy sauce, just the way Lucia's liked it. Hugh took a large spoonful and relished the taste. He was not hungry. He wasn't easily hungry for food, but he wanted to tease Lucia a bit.

Lucia sulked and looked away from Hugh. She was a bit annoyed that Hugh had not told her that he got egg-fried rice. It was weird but she could give up pizza for that. She also did not want to be unreasonable, because she thought Hugh needed to eat.