
Goblin Ruler

[Beginning synchronization in 15 seconds, 15... 14... 13...]

"Pfft, cough." Jack, who was sipping water in the kitchen, jerked at the sudden mechanical voice in his head, nearly choking.

"Who?! "He quickly scanned the room but found no one else besides him. The voice felt so close, as if a speaker were lodged inside his ear. He concluded it must be a hallucination.

Setting down the glass, he decided to rest and clear his mind. As he exited the kitchen, he saw that his sister, who had been watching cartoons, had vanished before his eyes, accompanied by the mechanical voice.

[Players, be ready.]

Before Jack could react, the countdown in his mind reached zero.

Instantly, everything turned pitch black, and an irresistible force began pulling him. He could feel his body gradually freezing in an expansive space.

After the force disappeared, everything returned to normal.

Surprisingly, Jack found himself no longer in the kitchen but surrounded by towering trees. The sun bathed the surroundings in a warm light.

Before he could process this change, another mechanical voice echoed, accompanied by a holographic screen.

[Synchronization done…]

[The player has been randomly assigned as Dungeon Master.]

[Dungeon Assigned, F-Class Goblin Ruler]

[Will you proceed to accept the Dungeon?]

(Note: Rejecting will transfer you to the commoners camp. The player must think wisely.)

Jack hesitated, taking a moment to calm himself. Breathing steadily, he looked at the screen again. Only moments ago, he was casually drinking water—now faced with a surreal choice.

"Do I have a choice?" The system remained silent. Sighing, he accepted. "Yes."

[Checking Qualification…]

 "Now.. what?"

[Check that 'Jack Green' is qualified as a goblin ruler.]

[Starting synchronization…]

"Synchronization again?" Jack muttered.

[Goblin Dungeon Core has registered 'Jack Green' as its master.]

[Reorganizing the Dungeon Core according to Jack Green's data.]

The once-green scenery and sunlight abruptly vanished, and Jack found himself in a vast white world. Overwhelmed and uncertain of his role, he couldn't contain his emotions. Standing with hands behind his back, he muttered, "There's nothing I can do."

And then, after a few seconds, the world returned to normal.

[Synchronize Complete.]

"Nothing happened, though…" Jack paused, his gaze falling on a crystal emitting an enchanting green glow. The crystal exuded a mystical aura, captivating him.

He hadn't noticed it before, but now he found himself inexplicably drawn to it, unable to look away.


Owner: Jack Green 

Title: Goblin Ruler (F)

Job: Dungeon Master 

Rank: Normal Class

Skills: Dungeon Management (F) 

Attack: F 

Stamina: F 

Defence: F 

Intelligence: B

Magic: F

Dungeon: Level 1

Magic Crystal: 10

Units Available: (none)

Summoned Card Available: 5


Five cards floated in front, gradually revealing their contents. Each card showcased a drawn green figure adorned in distinct garments and carrying a different set of objects, accompanied by a title below.

[Goblin Worker]

[Tier: Grey]

[Skill: mining, carpentry.] 

[Description: Basic laborers performing various tasks in goblin settlements.]

[Goblin Soldier]

[Tier: Grey]

[Skill: Combat]

[Description: Entry-level warriors armed with basic weapons for defense.]

[Goblin Scout]

[Tier: Grey]

[Skill: Stealth]

[Description: Entry-level skilled in stealth and reconnaissance for intelligence gathering.]

[Goblin Maid]

[Tier: Grey]

[Skill: cooking, cleaning]

[Description: A diligent worker responsible for maintaining cleanliness and order in goblin settlements.]

[Goblin Bard]

[Tier: Grey]

[Description: A charismatic entertainer with a knack for music and storytelling.]

[Skill: Sing]

(Note: The player can only choose one card; once chosen, the rest will disappear.)

"This looks like a Yu-Gi-Oh card," Jack thought, and his interest perked. Assessing his situation, everyone could know what is the most useless card here, especially given the situation and environment he was in, so he dismissed the goblin maid and goblin bard. 

The goblin scout could find it useful to know his surroundings and inform him of incoming danger, especially in an unfamiliar place. However, this card didn't really provide him with a sense of security. 


After considering, the other cards vanished, leaving the Goblin Soldier card.

What he needed most at the moment was security.

Jack lacked combat skills and had never invested time in learning them. In this unfamiliar world, where the surroundings were unknown and potentially dangerous beings inhabited the forest, he valued someone with the ability to fight. This quality became crucial for him, especially as he sought a safe place to stay.

According to the system, Jack was supposed to be a dungeon master. However, as he surveyed his surroundings, it was clear that this environment was far from resembling a dungeon. Jack deduced that, despite the absence of an actual dungeon, the system designated him as a dungeon master since it provided him with a dungeon core. In essence, he held the title even without a traditional dungeon structure.

Jack summoned the Goblin Soldier.

A fierce-looking goblin, clad in wooden armor with a wooden spear, appeared. The goblin's initially hostile expression softened as it looked at Jack and kneeled.


Goblin Soldier 

Tier: Grey

Rank: Normal Class

Skill: Combat (F)

Attack: F

Defence: F

Stamina: F

Intelligence: F

Magic: F


Cost: 10


Precisely. In order to deploy the Goblin Soldier, Jack needed ten magic gems, and fortunately, he possessed the exact amount—possibly as part of a newbie gift pack from the system.

"You can stand up. What's your name? " Jack asked.

"No name, my lord," the goblin replied respectfully.

Jack was a bit surprised that he could understand him and grateful; at least, he had someone to communicate with in this strange forest. After a series of questions yielded little information, he decided to find a safe place as night approached.

After walking, they discovered a suitable place to stay. Jack placed the Dungeon Core on the ground and instructed the Goblin Soldier to guard it while he ventured into the cave. The cave presented three entrances, all leading into the unknown. Two entrances were shrouded in darkness, while the third exhibited a faint glow, seemingly emanating from the ceiling. Upon closer inspection, Jack discerned that sunlight filtered through a gap in the roof.

Intrigued, Jack gravitated towards the entrance with a light. As he observed the surroundings, surprise painted his features. The cave harbored its own ecosystem—vibrant and alive. The play of light revealed intricate flora and fauna, the silent dance of an ecosystem thriving beneath the subterranean ceiling. The air, once stale and damp, now carried hints of life and vitality.

Just as he began to appreciate his surroundings, a distant roar echoed, shaking him to his core.

He rushed outside.

Welcome to the very first story I've crafted. I hope you join me on this journey and experience something wonderful!

FuelbyRamencreators' thoughts
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