
Fugaku Uchiha

The next day…

A new student was joining the academy. She was from the Hyūga clan, one of the leaf's most important clans.

"What's up with your eyes? Don't look at us, you weirdo!"

Unexpectedly, she was timid, with black hair.

"Don't even look at us, you weirdo!"

Two students were bullying her as Naruto stood between them, trying to stop them.

"Come on, cut it out! Leave her alone, what did she do to you, anyway?"

"What? You wanna be a big hero or something?"

Naruto clenched his fists.

"You shouldn't pick on people weaker than you, you know?"

I was trying to sleep but I couldn't stand by and watch Naruto fend them off by himself so I switched places with her.


"Don't do anything you'll regret."

I say while getting ready to fight.

"Was that some sort of ninjutsu?!"

"No, it's another wierdo! Run!" They ran out of the classroom, screaming.

"Nice one, Tsuki."

I nodded and smiled.

"That girl is the one you met a few weeks ago?" Naruto nodded.

"I never thought I'd find her in the academy, she didn't seem like someone who would want to become a shinobi."

"I see…"

"Huh?" Naruto looked above him and saw Shikamaru and Choji about to fight.

"Hey! Hey! What're you guys doing? Stop it! You guys are friends, aren't you?"

Naruto tried to stop it but nothing happened.

"Cause fatso started complaining," Shikamaru said as he shoved Choji.

"Shikamaru, open your eyes! I'm not a fatso, I'm…

pleasantly plump."

"Alright! Let me buy into this fight." Naruto said with a smile on his face.

Shikamaru looked at Naruto.

"What's that mean?" He asked.

"Then I'm gonna buy all the snacks with all the money you'll give me," Choji added.

"Whaat?" Naruto and Shikamaru were stunned.

"What's that about?" Naruto asked, confused by what Choji was talking about.

"Haha haha!" They all laughed after sharing some confusion.

The real me was training with Itachi at the Uchiha training lake.

"Follow my instructions OK?" I nodded and watched Itachi.

"This jutsu is the key jutsu in the Uchiha clan, it's taught to every Uchiha as a way of passage." I watched as Itachi quickly made the hand signs.

"Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!" Itachi blew out a gigantic fireball that boiled the water.

After it dispersed, Itachi looked at me and said,

"Now you try it."

I made the hand signs just as fast as he did and then inhaled a lot of air.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu!"

I released the air and chakra, making a gigantic fireball above the lake, it was massive and it boiled the water below.

Itachi was in disbelief, his usual non-expressive face changed this time as his eyes widened.

'The size of that fireball is similar to my best and father.' He said to himself.

"I'm curious, even with the Rinnegan. I'm sure you have to go to school."

I looked back and saw a man walking towards us.

The man had long dark bangs reaching his shoulders and had two marks on each side of his mouth; he wore a jonin vest with the Uchiha symbol on each side of his hands and looked very similar to Itachi.

"You must be Sasuke's friend.

Tsuki, isn't it?"


"I'm Fugaku Uchiha, the head of the clan and captain of the police force."

Fugaku looked over at the lake, which was still boiling.

"Your display of ninjutsu earlier was impressive, no wonder Itachi has taken a liking to you."

"Thank you."

Fugaku seemed to inspect my Rinnegan, he looked at them keenly.

'So these are the Rinnegan.

Even from up close, you can feel how powerful they are. They resemble the Sharingan a little.'

"Tsuki, Shisui is waiting for us, let's not keep him waiting."


I start heading back but I looked back because Itachi wasn't coming.

"Go on ahead, I'll be right behind you."

"Got it." I made a hand seal and vanished from the spot.

Shisui was sitting on the edge of the cliff while he waited for them to arrive.

"Shisui!" He looked back and saw me running towards him.

"I was worried you weren't going to make it," Shisui said as he stood up.

"Itachi taught me Fireball jutsu."

"Oh really? And where's Itachi right now?"

"I'm guessing he's talking with his father. He told me he'd be right behind me."

Shisui nodded.

"Tsuki, I'm sorry but I've received a new mission, I'll train you some other time."

"Oh, C'mon, that's not fair!" I folded my hands and looked away.

"Here, don't waste this money on Ramen again.

I'll be back, I promise." Shisui ruffled my hair before giving me some money and leaving.

I hurried back to my friends as they were having a walk and laughing.

Shikamaru was listening to Naruto telling a story while Choji was eating his chips.

"Uh, Naruto, you want some chips?"

"Oh, yeah thanks," Naruto said.

"Can I have some too?" I ask as I balance on a line above them.

"Wait, if you're above us then…" Shikamaru looked behind him.

*Poof!* The clone dispersed into smoke.

"Oh man, what a drag." He said before pocketing.

"Hey, look!" Shikamaru pointed at Ino, who got rejected by Sasuke again.

A tear dropped from her eyes.

"What, seriously? What a drag."

"Man, forget that.

No girls for me." We said.

We caught her attention and an icy glare meets us.

We all start running for our lives immediately.

After a while, we stopped running, Choji and Shikamaru were exhausted and were trying to catch their breath.

Naruto and I weren't even sweating, our training got us stronger.

"Man, she's terrifying when she gets mad.

What a drag."

"Naruto, look over there."

He looked up.

"It seems I spy with my little eye, a pervy Iruka-sensei," Naruto said as he spotted Iruka with many women on each side.

"What do you say Naruto, you wanna do that?" Shikamaru asked with a sly smile.

"You serious?" Naruto asked.

Choji nodded with a smug look.

"Naruto, I have a better idea," I add to this mischievous plan.

I whispered into Naruto's ear and Naruto giggled at how amazing the plan was.

We walk over to Iruka-sensei with smiles on our faces.

"Oh, so it's you two, what are you doing out so late? Young kids should be in bed right now."

"Harem jutsu!"

*Poof* multiple clouds appeared as multiple clones of both blonde and dark-haired women appeared on each other.

Iruka blushed with his eyes open and he flew back as blood rained down from his nose, making him faint and the girls ran away.


We all laughed at him before running off again.

After a while, it became too late, and Shikamaru and Choji were leaving.

"See you later, your super sexy jutsu was awesome!" Shikamaru said.

"Bye-bye," Choji said before walking away with Shikamaru.

"Hey, Shikamaru, it's curry night at my house."

"That sounds great, I'm getting tired of my mum's cooking." They both laughed while leaving.

"Ok, see ya!" Naruto said as he waved them off.

"Yeah." Shikamaru said.

"See you tomorrow!" Choji yelled.

"Hey Naruto, Shisui gave me a few bucks earlier, let's get some new equipment tomorrow." Naruto nodded.

"Hey Tsuki, could you teach me the shadow clone technique?"


"I want to train with you and Shisui while my clone goes to the academy."

"That's not possible." Naruto tilted his head.

"Why not? You do it."

"But that's because I'm the best at Taijutsu in the academy, you'll probably pick a fight with Sasuke and then lose."


I laugh and run while Naruto chases me.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Naruto yelled as he chased me.


You'll have to catch me first!"

After a while, we reached our apartment and entered.

"Alright! I'll teach you tomorrow morning, wake up early, we need to get better equipment." Naruto nodded.

"Good night, Tsuki."

"Good night, Naruto."

We closed our eyes and slept.

(Authors Thoughts:

Sorry for not updating in a while, I've had a terrible and busy week but I hope I can make a comeback.)

Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

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The_Hollowcreators' thoughts
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