
The Eye of Fate

"Fate Cannot Be Avoided but, Destiny can be made!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- POWER! Everyone dreams of having it but, only a few could. Masses admire and fear the ones who have it. Either way, if you have power, you will be a monarch... an absolute… This story is about an ancient soul who pursued absolute strength to be at the summit of a lawless world! All-knowing and All-Seeing trickster, that is capable of coming out of every situation scratch free and able to turn every disaster into an opportunity. Sometimes a Hero most of the time a Villain but whatever he is, he never loses! This is the journey of The Sorcerer to conquer his FATE and become the only absolute within the cosmos.

2kZ · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Rock State Stellar System

Every governing system has a dark side. Black markets, assassins, slave traffickers, information brokers, and many other shady businesses happen under officials' watchful eyes. They might control these shady businesses but never get rid of them. Without these shady elements, it was impossible to do politics.

Therefore, there were few stellar systems that were reserved for these shady elements. Almost everyone knew about them but none was brave enough to accuse it publically. Rock State stellar system was a such place. It was made out of a collection of fifteen planets excluding the sun. eight of them were habitable. But that doesn't mean other planets were unused.

Rock State stellar system was infamous for illegal weapons business and as a home for some of the most vicious pirates. People without considerable backgrounds would not do business here unless they wanted to be targeted by pirates.

Many cultivators who reached the end of their potential came here to join a pirate gang hoping to live their last days of life in depravity. So it was normal for normal cultivators to travel to this area of the galaxy and not go back.

Their ship landed on planet number six. This planet was the smallest therefore, it acted as the hub connecting the eight planets. Not many businesses were on this planet. Mostly restaurants and brothels. So travelers had to pay another ship to go to the desired planet for their business.

"Put this on and follow me closely don't get lost"

Kayson gave Eric a plain wooden mask. After looking around Eric realized not only them almost everyone was wearing masks to hide their identities. When they got out of the ship he looked around and was amazed. There were many people. Structures and buildings were different. To him, it was a foreign land.

"Don't act like you are amazed. We'll be spotted as rookies. Just pick your jaw from the floor and follow me." Kayson's annoyed voice rang from the side. Eric came out of his stupor and followed Kayson.

Kayson went through and streets and paths like a person who was used to it. It was basically a maze that Eric couldn't tell left from right. They went like this for some time and entered to a shabby shop called 'Nine Fingers'. Eric wondered what kind of name was that.

"Ding" Kayson rang the bell. The inside of the shop was tight and dusty. No one tried to clean it for years.

"What?" A grumpy voice came from the other side of the rusty counter.

"Need to sell this."

Kayson threw the alligator fish hide through the counter. Through the counter hole, they saw two hands rubbing and inspecting the hide. Only then did Eric understand why the shop was called nine fingers. That person only had nine fingers!

"Hmm not bad. Five gold coins." Said the grumpy voice.

"Ten!" Kayson followed immediately.



"Seven!" 'Nine fingers' grunted. It showed that he was annoyed and already at his limit.

"Deal!!" Kayson said calmly.

"Tch… Here you go." Nine fingers threw seven gold coins onto the counter. Kayson picked them up land left with Eric.

After they left. Vender with nine fingers turned towards a dark shadow at a corner.

"Inform the gang! Rip away as much as they can from them. How dare them to come to our territory and bargain."

"Yes, leader." Shadow disappeared swiftly.

Eric and Kayson did not have any idea they pissed off a notorious gang. They walked some distance towards the shipyard. On the way Eric got anxious. He felt like someone was watching their views.

"Master I feel many eyes are on us."

"Good senses. They were watching us for a while. Don't worry it's normal here. Everyone was keeping an eye on everyone."

At the shipyard, Kayson brought quota this time.

"Two for Rock Yard."

"Three gold coins." The man at the counter said without even blinking.

"What? That's outrageous!" Eric shouted back.

"That's the cost. Pay up or should I make you leave?" The man was clearly hostile towards them. Kayson immediately understood what was going on.

"Three gold it is." He threw the amount on the counter. Eric tried to interject but Kayson stopped. He dragged him out of there.

"Good that you sensible." The man at the counter smirked.

They got onboard the ship and seated. Eric was not happy about giving three gold for the ride. The total amount for the trip from Green Giant to Rock State planet six was one gold coin and 50 silver coins. This was a daylight robbery.


Kayson chuckled slowly. "Don't get angry. There are some fights not worth participating in. They were clearly trying to rip us off. A trip between planets only costs one gold coin. They purposeful increased it. By the way, have you noticed how many fingers the man at the shipyard counter had?"

Eric did not remember looking at that person's hand. At that time, he was busy fuming. But he guessed it.

"Is it nine?"

"Exactly. Those bastards were from the same gang."

"Sons of bitches… Master, should we do something?"

"Like what? Don't rattle up we won't be here for long. As soon as we got what we want we'll leave."

"Master? Will we have enough money to buy leaving quotas? Even though that pills were valuable enough it's not good to take out in a place like this." Eric was worried. But what he said was valid. If they took out such valuable items out here, they'll probably become instant targets.

"Don't worry we won't be using those ships to leave here. Also, not everyone in this place is a backstabbing snake."

Kayson reassured. The ship started to leave. It only took an hour to land at the next destination. Same as before Eric followed Kayson.

Planet Rock Yard had a rocky terrain. Among these rocky landforms, many huts and cottages could be seen. Around these establishments, many weapons could be seen. Some were offensive weapons such as swords, sabers, daggers, bows, lances, and spears. Some were defensive tools like armors, shields, pads, and gloves.

Even some of the legendary talismans were on display. Eric was flabbergasted. The only weapon he ever used was a refined iron knife. Compared to it these weapons were hundreds of times better. He gulped greedily.

"Tch Tch… You really need to expand your horizons. As my subordinate, you need to have some composure. If not how can I rely on you to reflect my imposing image? Every place you go; you'll ruin my image by acting like a country brute!" Kayson said in disdain. He was mocking Eric's amateurish behavior.

Out of all the sarcastic comments, there was only one word Eric found interesting.

"Subordinate?" He asked surprised.

"Yes. Don't start crying now. We got work to do. Compose yourself and follow closely. Act like you know the place."

They went through a lot of weapon huts. It was clear most of the weapons were used items. Even though Eric prepared himself it was still shocking. He couldn't even recognize most of the weapons. The most shocking thing was the ships. There were ships for sale!

But he was even more shocked when Kayson led him to one of these shops had ships parked on display. Then he remembered how Kayson said they were not going to use those ships to leave. The value of the pills was clearly not enough for a ship. He instantly got nervous.

'Is he trying to steal a ship?' In his mind, Kayson was able of doing such crazy stunts.

They entered the hut, it was bigger and more well-arranged than other shops, clearly, someone paid attention to the esthetics. There was a well-arranged table in the middle of the hut. On it, a few spaceship models were arranged in a row. Beside them was a bell. Kayson rang it.

A moment later a melodious voice came.

"What can I do for you customers?"

A young woman cladded in blue-fitting clothing came out. Her hair was tied to a bun. Few hair pins added some colour to her face which was plain. But there was nothing plain about her voluptuous figure which clearly could put men into a lustful daze. Her aura shrouded with untamed savagery increased her charm with added danger. Very fitting for Rock Yard.

"Yes. I happened to notice these models here. Are they for sale?" Eric's expression turned weird after hearing Kayson asking for a model. Good thing his face was covered by the mask.

"Customers, they were nothing but some ship models my father collected from here and there. They're not worth anything just decorations." The young woman answered patiently.

Evidently, she looked not happy about the customers who were asking random questions. There were hundreds of them every day who came to her shop when her father was not around to impress her. She thought this was another weirdo who was trying to catch her attention.

"Since they were not valuable how about you give all of them to me? I'll pay you. I have a young nephew who likes these kinds of toys."

After he said that young women confirmed these two were here to cause trouble. Who wanted these old ship models? Moreover, buying toys from a shady shop in Rock Yard? Who believes lies like that?

"Humph…" She harrumphed. "You two were here to make trouble. If you scram right now I won't call the guards. If you not, don't tell me that I didn't warn you!"

"Looked like this lady clearly misunderstood my intention. I really wanted to buy these models, nothing else."

"Since you don't listen, don't blame me." Saying that she took a thin long whistle.

Kayson recognized it instantly. It was the warning alarm given to all the vendors to use in case of trouble. Once the alarm was rung nearby guards will storm the place and catch the troublemaker. If he did not have a powerful background he would be slaughtered instantly.

At that time, he had no choice but to use his trump card. "Young lady, you might want to listen to me, I know a way to cure chilling heart poison."

As soon he said this the young woman froze. She slowly put the whistle down with shaking hands.

"What did you say?"

"I said, I know a cure for chilling heart poison!" Kayson repeated himself.

"Who are you? Are you from the Ice Castle?" Her voice become cold and savagery blood aura oozed from her. It was enough for both of them to understand her cultivation was way higher than theirs.

"Young lady, why do you assume everything without confirming? But since your suspicion was reasonable I tell you this, I came here exactly for these models. Their sentimental value to me is similar to the value of chilling heart poison cure to you." Kayson said sincerely.

After he said that young woman visibly calmed down. She took a few breaths to calm herself and spoke again. "Forgive for my rude behavior. I was agitated easily. Every day I have to deal with weird people who come to our shop.

"Can you confirm that you have a cure for chilling heart poison? Also, can you tell me who inform you about my need for the cure?" Her voice sounded hopeful yet cautious. Good qualities to have when living in an environment like Rock State.

"I can confirm that I have the cure. This disease cannot be solved by normal pill concoctions. It needed special fire herbs and a needle technique to expel the poison from the heart. That's the only thing I can disclose."

He continued. "As for the information, I hope you're not naïve enough to ask that considering the surrounding you live."

Young women's cheeks got red. As Kayson mentioned everyone knew about everyone within the Rock State system. She nodded shyly. Clearly embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Eric was impressed by his young master's performance. With few words, he managed to make that savage girl blush.

"So do we have a deal? For all these ship models, the cure."

"I don't know whether I should trust you or not. But I'll believe this once. You can take the models. What is the method to cure it?"

"I cannot disclose that to you. I have to do that in person. I'll come back in one month, at that time bring the old guy here. Till then give one pill at a time in the middle of the night when the chill becomes most evident." He threw the pill container he took from the cave.

Eric dazzled.

'To bring that pills to give to this young lady, he had to know about the condition of the cold disease earlier.'

But according to his investigation, Kayson never left the Green Giant. So how did he know he will be needing these pills here? So confusing and mysterious.

The young lady caught it and looked back at him. She didn't know what to think about the current situation. Kayson was already collecting all the spaceship models.

"Remember one pill in the middle of the night. I'll be here within one month." He said after collecting all of them. Next, he turned and left with Eric.

"Customer what is your name?" He heard after he walked a considerable distance. Kayson paused and turned slowly.

"I'm known as Ezra."

Ezra - The calmer manipulative persona.

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