
Arcane Mana Control(1)

As I took a leisurely stroll in the garden after a hearty dinner, the night breeze caressed my face, and the twinkling lights of Valeris city sprawled below cast a mesmerizing glow. The hotel I was staying in, the Jadewind Hotel, was a spectacle in itself.

It was an architectural marvel, once known as the Jadewind Fortress—a strategic defense fort owned by one of the 'First Awakeners'. Situated atop a hill overlooking Valeris, it had stood as an impregnable bastion.

That was a time when peace was a distant dream, and the city's safety had depended on such fortifications.

This fort was known for its impregnable defense using a wind barrier, its mana formation was so perfect that no one could ever invade by finding a fault in the barrier.

Now, in an era of relative tranquility, the fortress had transformed into a luxurious hotel, preserving its grandeur and history. I couldn't help but be captivated by its majesty, a living testament to a bygone era.

My evening took an enchanting turn as I stumbled upon a bonfire with a guitarist serenading the night. His melodies possessed an irresistible allure, drawing me closer. I settled into the audience, letting the music wash over me. Each note seemed to weave a tale of its own, and I found myself lost in the haunting beauty of the performance.

The guitarist's fingers danced across the strings, conjuring a melody that resonated with my soul. It was both relaxing and exhilarating, a rare moment of tranquility in a world fraught with challenges.

As I was listening to the guitarist's songs, my gaze shifted towards the strange well in the garden.

'found it'

I thought while listening to the melody being played.

*Clap, clap, clap!*

As the final chords faded into the night, the guitarist took a bow, receiving applause from the appreciative audience, myself included. With a sense of contentment, I decided to explore the garden further.

The night view of Valeris city, with its gleaming lights and bustling streets, was a sight to behold. The enchantment of the evening filled me with a sense of wonder and anticipation for what lay ahead.

Returning to my room, I glanced at the wall clock—it was already 10 in the night. I had a plan to execute under the cover of darkness, and the time was ripe to prepare for my night endeavor.




1 a.m.

I slipped out of my room, shrouded in darkness, and made my way to the garden once more. This time, my steps were purposeful, leading me directly to the enigmatic well I had noticed earlier.

Arriving at the well, I surveyed my surroundings, ensuring that no prying eyes were upon me. With a rope intended for fetching water buckets, I prepared for my descent into the well's depths.


I groaned as I descended into the well,

The journey down was far from graceful. I lacked the skills of a seasoned climber, and the old rope added an element of danger to the endeavor. It was a harrowing experience, testing my strength and resilience.

Also, the danger of rope breaking due to how old it was, made me sweat buckets.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I reached the dry ground of the well.


Gasping for breath, I took a moment to regain my composure.

I inspected my surroundings, and there it was—a peculiar hole, roughly two feet in length. My smirk returned as I donned my mining helmet, its light illuminating the darkness. I crouched down and began to crawl into the hole.

For what seemed like an endless crawl through dirt and rock, the passage slowly expanded, granting me the freedom to stand. I trudged onward for what felt like an eternity, the minutes blending into one another.

And then after an hour or so, like a beacon in the abyss, I spotted it—a door adorned with inscrutable patterns. Others might have been confounded by the enigmatic symbols, but I knew precisely what I was seeking.


My heart raced with anticipation as I retrieved a knife from my bag. With a deep breath, I drew the blade across my palm, wincing as it cut into my flesh.



Despite the pain, I took my bloodied palm and rubbed it on it, or more precisely I smeared my blood onto the intricate pattern on the door, drawing a 'S' onto the door. The moment my hand left the surface, the door shimmered and dissolved, revealing a room bathed in radiant light.


I marveled at the sight—a room adorned with luminous rocks, each emitting a soft, white glow. At the center of it all stood an altar, upon which rested a book.

"Seeing it in person is surely different from reading it in the novel,"

I muttered to myself.


my steps resounded in the room.

My heart pounding with excitement as I approached the book, anticipation coursing through my veins. With a single step, I reached out to grasp the tome, but a strange wind barrier surrounded it.

I knew according to the novel that the barrier would rip anything that touches it to shreds,

But this was no obstacle for me.

As I made contact with the barrier, it dissolved, as if its owner had returned and the book no longer needed protection, 

This was due to the room recognizing me as its owner when I smeared my blood on the door, This was the only way to reach the book,

and a trap was set so that anyone who entered forcefully or by breaking the door wouldn't be able to get there hands on this precious book.

I appreciated the carefulness of the creator of the trap as I took the book in my hands, 

With the book finally in my hands, I took a step back and glanced at its title.

'Arcane Mana control.'

A triumphant smile spread across my face, and I couldn't contain my laughter.


I laughed like a maniac, the sound echoing through the chamber.

how could I not,

I finally had the first key I needed to survive and help my closest people survive in this world that would become war-torn in the upcoming years.

Next chapter