
Home Coming

I put my sword down and walked to the other side of the room. It wasn't a real sword, it was plastic and I wasn't in the mood any more to fight. The warriors were home and everything was becoming chaotic. The warriors are supposedly the strongest and most hard working group in the building, but I know I'm on that list too. They just don't want someone who knows what their doing.

If I didn't already hate them enough I might have tried to be there friend and give them advice, but no. No one listens to me, cause I'm just not here.

I smashed the door open and took a large stride down to my room. The longer till I got back to that hell, the better. I only ever came out when they weren't here, and only for exercise. I never left my room to eat unless I made a fit and they would let me eat in the hallway in peace. I tried my best to ignore him. He didn't take the hint.

Though the roommates I had never let me eat in peace, anyways. They never stopped talking or whispering. There whispering was terrible and I bet everyone else's was to. People down here and the ones above the ground were no different. I mean attitude wise of course, but each one has a reason for that. I sighed, I went into my room and locked it from the inside. I didn't bother looking for food. I wasn't hungry.

I went and face planted on my bed. The locks for a room beside me unlocked and someone came out. People started to shift and move around, they whispered. I heard it all, bet the other person did too. It made no since when would they put someone in there, that one has been empty for years. I sighed.

"Your new?" The voice was male and came from the next room. "You didn't eat?" I didn't answer him either. I stayed quiet, not bothering to talk. No one listened when I talked. "Do you know who I am?" He growled at me.

"Do I look like I care?" I answered finally annoyed. "No, now shut up and let me be."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew who I was." He pointed out.

"You act like I should care, should I?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a warrior here girly." He shot back. I went quiet for a second. I didn't say anything. I gave up talking.

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep. Plus you just made me hate you more." He snorted like I was joking but he didn't talk to me afterwards. I closed my eyes and the warrior alarm went off. Someone had pulled it. I couldn't sleep with it going off. I got angry real fast. I unlocked the door and went out.

I ran down the hall and to the left, I checked every alarm as I went. I did it to the right as well and when I didn't see one I went to all the hidden ones. One in a dark corner had been pulled, scattered pieces of glass everywhere. The scent of rotten eggs flowed like star dust, and I followed it.

I didn't have to breath, being around smelly odors was the thing down here. My nose just stopped and I ran faster. My body didn't slow down as adrenaline made me run faster then being angry. Though I was angry.

I stopped and found a group of guys who had gotten out of their cage. They were laughing, and when I looked closer I found them making rotten eyes and throwing them down the hall. I moved to the side as one went toward my feet. I used my feet and climbed up the walls toward them, I wasn't as fast but I was very quiet. I stood behind them when a group used flashlights and turned down the hallway. Glad I was here or they could have run away. This place had many places to run in and out of.

They turned to run and saw me, they stopped and dropped more eggs on themselves and the ground around them.

"Boo," I said and they went running back toward the group. I jumped down and walked over to them. A group of seven, including the guy from the cell behind me was there. They looked at me. They poor trouble makers were hiding from me. I closed my eyes and sighed, when I opened them I stood still facing them. I continued down the hall and the moment I was away from the rotten eye smell, my nose started to work and I was breathing again. It smelled like dirt and dust down here.

I sighed and it echoed. I walked into my cell and didn't bother to lock it, I only closed it. I jumped on my bed and closed my eyes. The rattle of the cell door made me open my eyes.

"If you don't let me sleep, I wont hesitate to kill you. I'm not in the mood. Begone." I said and closed my eyes again. I didn't hear anything but something light touched my head. I stiffened but didn't move, my breath held itself.

"Thank you for being there first. I'll make sure to put in a good word for you. Neighbor."

I hated him but the soft touch made me fall asleep faster. The way it moved in circles on my head soothed my anger, and my adrenaline to a dull roar. The voice was male and by what he said it was the guy from earlier. This might have been the first time that I dreamt of something good in this hell.

When I opened my eyes, something warm was on my other side, holding me. I rolled over and found a man, a real man beside me. His body was pale in some places as others were a lot more tan. He had pants and a t-shirt on. His hair was a mess of brown and what looked like dyed parts of black.

His resting face wasn't as much as a comfort as his hand had been to my head. I looked around at how bright my room was. I'd say I missed breakfast and was about to miss my workout time, that is if they didn't cancel it. I sat up and moved over him, one slow leg after another. I stood looking at him fill my bed. Sad how he was most of my bed.

I looked to the cell door and it hung open. I walked out and was greeted by a servant.

"Sir, your food." She froze.

"He's in there." I smiled as she thought of something ridiculous about what happened with me and him.

I headed for the door to the gym. The door stood closed and by chance locked. I read the sign. I wanted to hit some thing so I hit the door till my hands were covered in my red liquid. It was always closed when they were here, why was I hoping it wasn't now? I growled and hissed and then I kicked the door and dented it. Well that was going to be hard to explain.

I looked at how bad my hands were and sighed, a few days to heal. Mainly cause it was self inflicted and my body didn't heal self inflicted pain as fast as it should. If anything it was faster then normal people but slower then when someone scratched me, or bruised a rib cage.

The feeding from those where great!

I walked back to my room. I walked in to see the man and the muscle. His shirt was off and on the floor as the servant cleaned his wounds terribly. If anything she was hurting him more then actually cleaning the wounds. I stepped back into the shadows, and watched as she hurt him more. It got to the point where he was on the edge of screaming.

I went over and pushed her aside. All over his back and front.

"Stand up," I told him. He did and he grunted showing that he wasn't happy. "I'll do your back first." I ran my hand over his back, I noticed where he flinched and went after the spots around it. I cleaned it with the damp cloth the girl had and healed most of it on my own by the touch. If he didn't move for a while he would be healed in a day or two. "Lay down." He layed on my bed. I did the same on his front side.

"How did you do that?" He was looking at me with interest in his eyes. I shrugged. I knew, but I also knew that if I told him I did it with the blood from my hands he would of had a bird. My hands were all healed now too though or mostly. My leg was a bit sore but I could take it. I sat on the bed.

My whole body felt lazy, he must have had a hard time if this is becoming a pain for me. As long as I didn't being him back to life I think I should be okay. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before talking to me again, I know didn't have the energy to talk to him.

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