
The exotic

It's a pity that you're alive.Now I'm going make you life worst than a insect.(WHISPER) What's happened to me just now!!! I can't control my body anymore........ Why me!!! I beg you please leave me........

Rose_berry_9598 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Perfect hetaera

Flashlights are touching my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes. Where am I? Last time I was in the hospital. My head feels heavy. I think I was in a coma and that was a dream.

"quick !!!!! call the doctor, patient is responding!!" Aurora's mother said that.

"um!!!" Aurora whispered...

The doctor moves toward Aurora's bed and said "Ok, She doesn't have any problem now. She needs rest. Just give her liquid foods."

"Sorry dear, mommy would take care of you from now on.'' Aurora's mother said.

" Sisi, look what is this.... isn't it that thing you're looking for, "Aoran chen said.

" Don't disturb her Aoran, your sister is still sick. After she gets better you can let her see it." Aurora's father replied.

"Sisi, look at it. this is that crystal cutting dolphin, you have glared at it in the way of Australia. Although it is cheap, I know you like cute little shining crystal stones....." Aoran said.

"If you like shining crystal stones. I can buy worldwide all the crystal stones. Aoran why did you buy a cheap one instead of the order in designer..." Aurora's father didn't finish his phrases and her mother said "Just, let her rest. Seth said that she needs rest."

It feels really warm when your family members are around. They are laughing sweet quarrelling...I want to say " I love it Aoran, you know me wll"

But why I can't move my lips.

" Who gives you right to talk with them?"(whisper)

That cold voice is flowing in my every blood cells. What is this? then last time wasn't it for my coma!?

"You don't need to be confused. Everything, what's happening to you is real." (whisper)

Who are you are you? How would you control my body like this? My family has family has finally reunited. Why are troubling me!?? Where are you are? Just come in front of me...

"Looks like you're much brave than I imagined. So, Do you need punishment? Ohh, looks like you need it"

Then that pain comes again and started to flow in my whole body...

Why are you torture me like this?

"Because I saved you " (whisper)


" You were in a coffin now if I didn't save you. Did you think your surgery could success if I didn't help you!?" (whisper)

Then why did you save me? If you want to torture me like this.

" Looks like someone has forgotten that she wants to live. And I think it's such a waste if you die. You can be a perfect hetaera also I can use your background power. You owe me for your life. "(whisper)

Shout up!!! I can't let you use my background power.

" How can you!? Do you have that much power to control your body. Are you willing to bear the pain...." (whisper)

Yes, I am.

Then that pain suddenly comes into my body this ten timer more force. It feels like my all body parts are in icy water and electronic shock is flowing in body.

" If, you beg me I can let you go."(whisper)

nooooo!!! You can't use my family background.

"I've seen so many rich brats before but looks like you're brave among of them. You such a fool, why you're not to begging me instead bear the pain?'' (whisper)

Because once granpa said me that.....