
the exile prince

Reno a salary who got hit by car as he tried to get home and die. he then transmigrated to the world of trashia where science and magic collided with each other as he tried to survived in chaotic world. joined Reno as he explored the world where wars was a daily routine.

Dragovish · Fantasy
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20 Chs

chapter 8: compound bow and customize arrows 2

When Reno fired a mana bullet. He didn't actually shoot the people down below.

The reason for this, was because there are almost more than ten people inside and armed too.

Even though he got the skill the hunt. They will surely find him in the warehouse even though he was using skill.

What Reno shoot wasn't the people below but the lights.


Multiple light was destroyed and the process causing the people to be surprised.

"What? Who's there?!"

As the lights was destroyed turning the place dark. He left a single light where the peoples are gather.

The man named gin couldn't see anything behind the dark and shouted.

"Who's there! Show yourself or we will fire on you!"

As the enemies pointed their weapons on the dark ceiling. A arrow was hit the other guys neck.

This makes everyone to be surprised but it's already too late.

Multiple arrows was shot to the enemies as all the arrows hit their target. This makes gin to surprised as he never expected that the enemy they are fights was an expert.

The reason why Reno can do this, he was once joined a archery club and compete the archery games.

Although he didn't win, he developed other tricks to firing arrows out of boredom such as now.

'i never thought I'll use this trick for this.'

As Reno killed everyone except the leader a notification pops out.

[You killed 13 people for abduction.]

[You received 26 crystal coins.]

When he heard the voice of Sylvia. Reno was surprised as he gave a smile.

"So this people abduct half breeds."

As gin tried to escape. Reno shot the arrow but to his surprised. Gin deflected the arrow with his sword.

This makes Reno to be nervous as he fired another shot.

But gin didn't do this out of luck.




He deflected every arrow that came for him as gin was keep running towards the door.

He even goes as far as cutting the arrows in the middle making Reno to flabbergasted.

'Dammit, what kind of bastard is he?! How can he deflected my arrows without seeing me? Damn he even cut my arrows. '

As gin almost arrived in the door. Reno fired four shot in the gap on the door. Making the door couldn't open.

This makes gin to gritted his teeth. As he tried to use the window.

Unfortunately, the window was covered with steel cage for anti thief. But he tries to gamble as reno was hot on his tail.

When Reno saw gin's trying to do. Reno become even more nervous.

The direction he was headed was the place where the window as located and also the place where the lights are out.

Moreover, he can't see anything in the dark. As his only source of light wasn't it's range. If he succeed of calling for help, he will be doomed if he tries to escape.

As Reno quickly thinking. He decided to twist the arrow tip in his finger and fires in the different direction.

Gin who deflected the arrow earlier got hit from his side by the another arrow.

He never expected that somewhere in the dark hit him, but Reno didn't let this chance slip as he shot the arrows in the different direction.

This makes gin to panic as the arrows hit him from different places. Feeling that his life was in danger.

He use his mana to his legs as he increase his speech causing the arrows miss their target.

This makes Reno to be surprised as gin crash at the window. But because of the steel bar that protected the window.

It only bend largely as he couldn't escape but this chance didn't slip by to gin.

"Enemy intruder!!"


Reno's arrow hit gin's head but his last words gave the other guards to notified.

This makes Reno to curse his luck as he never expecting gin to use mana.

Reno didn't standby as he quickly when to the old man as he freed him.

"Let's go!"

The old man didn't said anything as he nodded Reno.

Multiple guards came from different direction and even blocked the door. But Reno who already scouted the base before going to warehouses manage to slip to them.

Although the the old man was wounded. He still have strength to fight toe to toe at the night owl's guard with his fist.

As the night owls look for intruders. Reno and the old man escape from the base as the old man laughs.

"Hahaha, thank you kid for saving me."

As Reno only made a disappointing face the notification pops out.

[You have save the old man.]

[You received 10 crystal coins. You're exclusive weapon from the old man will delivered shortly.]

Although Reno wasn't happy. He still smiled as he get the reward.

"Am haven't introduce myself. Names Alexander. My friends called me Alex."

"Am Reno."

"Reno? Never heard that before. Are from the sharp fangs?"

As Reno shook his head. Alex's eyes became widen and said.

"Really? Wow, for a kid like you to be this stunt. You have a balls to infiltrate the base. Let me guess. You want to steal some items in the warehouse right?"

As Reno nodded, Alex only click his tongue and said.

"Well lucky for you Reno, if it wasn't for me. You might be dead by now."

"Dead? What you mean?"

As Reno ask in confusion, Alex explain.

"All the items they smuggle by the night owls was registered to their intercoms. Meaning if you sell those items. They will find you since many of the shops here are owned by them.

Moreover, the main leader of the night owls has put a secret tracking in each items, it means that even if you use it. They will hunt you down. Unless you throw it away."

When Reno heard this, he couldn't help but smiled bitter as the Alex continued.

"Not only that, they have special elite tracking team called hell hounds."

"Hell hounds?"

"Yes, the team's job was to protect the items and also track down the stolen items. They are the most ruthless people as they will track and even interrogate anyone who saw you. And if they captured you. It's a god knows what will happened to you.

There was one rumors that the thief, who got captured by the hell hounds was tortured and even sell to the dark mage society to be a chimera."

As Reno listen to Alex story. He starting to sweat coldly.

His reaction made Alex to smile and said.

"Don't worry, although you didn't get the items you want. You still didn't lost completely."

"What do you mean?"

As Reno was confused, Alex patted his chest and say.

"I know a place where you can rob someone without getting killed. Also here's a payment for saving my life."

As Reno took the two items from Alex. A notification pops out.

[You received the item swiss army knife .]

[Name:Swiss army knife

Grade: legend

This swiss army knife was multi tool made by the legendary mechanic Alex triton as his hobby.

Tool list:

Lock pick

Combat Knife

Bolt cutter

Mini mana grenade launcher

Mana stone storage

Duration: none]

When Reno saw this, he then stared at the Alex with surprise and said.

"You're a mechanic?!"

Looking at disbelief, he only snorted and said.

"Of course I am, why do you think those bastards kidnap me and taken to their base?"

As Alex said, Reno who listens to the Alex ask excitedly.

"Then can I have a favor to you? I promise I'll pay."

When Reno said this, the old man frown and said grumpy.

"Look kid, although am happily that you save me. Am not so easily to persuade even if you gave me a billion gold."

"Huh? Then what should I do?"

"Nothing, am already retired from making weapons and stuff. You need to find someone else."

As the Alex denied his request, Reno couldn't help but to felt bitter. But he was determined to make the old man made his compound bow and said.

"Please old man Alex! Am willing to do anything."

"Shut it kid am not doing it. Hey! Stop clinging on my legs?!"

As Reno beg to Alex, he couldn't just gave up right after he found a wonderful mechanic with a rank of a legend.

He imagine that with his creation. The special production compound bow will increase it's quality and even. His custom made arrows will increase their damage.

Who knew if the old man made so other features for the bow.

As Reno ask Alex with determination. The old man gave up and spoke.

"Kid, if you really that determine. Then I have to ask you as payment for the weapon you want to ask."

"Huh? How did you know I want to ask for a weapon?"

"Hmph, when you look at the swiss army knife. I knew that your eyes telling me you found what you are looking for. As a mechanic myself, I've seen many people with the eyes like that."

As Reno scratch his head from embarrassing. The old man continued.

"Well it's also related to the place we are going to steal. But, a lot harder and dangerous than the original plan."

"A lot harder and dangerous? Then what are we going to steal?"

When Reno look at him with confused look. Alex, who became serious begin to speak.

"We are going to steal and take the person related to me."

As Reno as still in confusion. The old man sigh.

"The place we are going to rob is in the place where are half breeds are located."

As Alex said, Reno became too nervous as the old continued.

"We are going to take back my grand daughter in the east side of the lawless city."