
November 1-5

Diary November 1: I always thought humanity shared the same conscious and that the murderers were just human I never thought they were insane well how could I if I'm worse. How could I think someone like me was a monster we always as humans try to hurt each other verbally but the "Psychopaths" you talk about just do what you wish you could do. Humanity is fucked but us "murderers" do what we like because we are really human. No human can ever say they never wanted someone dead.

Diary November 2: After 2 years of not doing self harm I fell back into it the blade feels so nice when it makes contact that must be how all my victims feel when I cut them open alive. I've never thought about my future but my parents kept bothering me about it so.....that wasn't pretty. Growing up I never felt normal compared to the other kids I always a wanted to hurt others and I did I was a bully.

Diary November 3: I wanna drink until I drown in alcohol after I killed my parents I could do what I wanted to. I tried sex and alcohol the girl I had sex with was a blond but she was bad so her corpse is in my basement and the alcohol wasn't half bad. The girls name was Layla, I never really thought of romance so I also tried with a man it was the same. The human anatomy is more interesting than sex to me I don't know why.

Diary November 4: I decided to get a tattoo of a man with an axe killing angels and God feared that man. At school today I got in trouble for almost killing my classmate now the school wants to talk to my parents and they're dead. I recently found an interest in torture I mean I liked killing but killing people slowly seems better so tomorrow I'm gonna kill the head cheerleader Hanna.

Diary November 5: I brought her to my house I let her suck me for a while then put her in a chair and plucked out her finger nails then stabbed a knife in her thigh. It was no fun because she died after I cut off both of her hands she died from blood loss. I'm making sure to keep the body to see the human anatomy her brown hair still looks good and she died with her eyes open so they're open still.

Author's Note: hi this will just be diaries until the end of I think we'll go to the start of January.