
The everlasting

"Moving on is hard but we can't remain in the past". His tone caring as he shared the pains that the burden holds. Can two people who has unfavorable odds by life and pain connect with one another and move on? Read to find out! UPDATES ARE EVERY MONDAY

Winter_bearJK1 · Teen
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3 Chs


With the evening getting longer the overwhelming feeling of disgust and anger built up. You had just left the aching hospital now going home to escape reality. The skies not as gloomy as it used to be allowing some bright colors to make wave. As the long drive home took place disturbing thoughts kept replaying making your stomach go in knots.

What happens if she dies and i'm not there....

What happens if she dies and I am there....

Ugh damn it...

The sad gestures you carried weren't in vain as the power you held was to weak. The dying figure she held was dejected and full of agony. Her body skinny as can be as her movements were slow and monitored. watching that moment replay made the situation harder to bare. Anyone who'd experience a love one dying can't simply explain the emotions that are displayed it's indescribable. On the way to the  escape you looked on your right and noticed a beautiful park filled with such color and life, A few couples were relaxing glancing at the defined sunset as some allowed their children to throw there liveliness around until tired. The park had such beauty within and such magulat aura it was hard not to glance at it's charm.

Maybe I should relax here for a bit...

Not that i have nothing to do....

With your concluding thought it was decided to spend some time in the refreshing park to gather your thoughts and to evaluate yourself. Today was a very mournful day as it was filled with bad luck and moments you wouldn't share with anyone.  Everything felt like a never-ending nightmare haunting you. Once you pulled into the parking lot something caught your eye, It was a man about your age and he sat there with a faint expression over his face. 

Exiting out of the car you approached him to get a better view only to be astonished by his visuals. The man was wearing a fitted silky white turtle neck accompanied with a dark chocolate colored coat, his facial defined with such ease. The man turned to you giving you an heart warm smile. 

"Hello there" he greeted.


"Hello" you stated.

The fresh breeze brushed against your skin as you both exchange warming smiles. The man seemed like a welcoming and overall an outgoing person. His aura seemed captivating and attractive almost like a magnet. His hand reached up slightly and pointed towards the empty part of the bench, once he moved his hands your eyes scanned it as exposed tattoos were shown. Moments of the sick hospital visit slowly wash away at the moment as you sat next to the endearing stranger.

"I'm Jungkook" He smiled.


What am I doing talking to a stranger...

Is this the cause I pay for my dying mother and sheepless friends....

"You seem ruff..."

His words filled with concern. Many people would give you the pity party when it matters but now it's gotten annoying as to be labeled the Girl with a dying mother. The trees swaying with the cold breeze taking a bit of your childish viewpoints along. Jungkook looked at you with his daring brown eyes intimidating you with his looks, flushing you instantly.

"It's been a ruff day"

"How so?" Jungkook states. 

"I don't wanna talk about."

Why would i want to explain my emotions to a guy i just met a moment ago...

How this world become....

Jungkook continues the conversation with a chuckle making you feel uncomfortable yet loose. His laugh was relieving in a way. The day may have been bad but the man sitting next to you on this glorious evening watching the sunset was thriving to you.

"You don't have to tell me, Don't feel obligated." His tone serious.

The vibrant colors of the sky collid in a beautiful ways as the trees and grass looked more lively then normal. The hospital was a dark torment of you past and present but this man could be your future to a better feeling of hope. The crackles of branches slowly admit as you glanced at your watch noticing you've sat there for 10 minutes noticing the longer the arrival home would be.

Fuck I'ma get home late...

"Um sorry to end this chat so early but I have to go." You stated grabbing your bag getting ready to approach the car.

"Wait" he pleaded.

"Can you take my number...I would like to meet again, if that's fine with you?"

Should I give it to him...

Or not....

Without much thought you handed him your number walking off quickly. Jungkook smiling ever so kindly, His smile radiating off yours. Something felt like a miracle because for once in your life you had actually felt the warmth your mother give offs, off of Jungkook. 

Was it planned?

Was it purpose?


It was love...

And it made it's mark..

A/N: Welp I have a huge headache now XD