

In a dingy, small single room apartment, lay a handsome young man and of medium build with sloven, messy black hair that hangs from his head almost perfectly complementing his handsome yet lazy temperament seen at first glance.

This young man (seemingly around the age of 15) laid there on his mysteriously stained mattress at the corner of this room with a confused and pained expression written on his face.

'Where the hell am I? Wasn't I just dead?!' Almost as soon as he thought that, a piercing pain followed with an overwhelming load of information flashed in his brain.

This information were his memories, but what caught him awestruck was that these memories. Seemingly of the the exact same young man as him, a fifteen year old orphan by the name of Luther king.

What caught him off-guard was the fact that the and information that rushed to his head seemed to be more extraordinary than he could possibly imagine.

Around 60 years ago, the planet on a whole experienced an unexplainable phenomena, where an unknown yet seemingly infinite energy was emitted and generated by our atmosphere.

Many scientists around the world frantically studied this energy, later naming it mana.

Mana was found to have been a reliable source of clean energy that is now commonly widespread around the world. This new source of energy ushered a time of immense peace and prosperity through the world.

It was also later discovered that Mana can be absorbed, stored and ejected by the human population. It was then found that teenagers with a large capacity for mana were naturally awakening special abilities around their 17th birthday.

40 years after this discovery, the world finally reached an era of equal wealth and living conditions. With further studying this energy source they discovered and invented two things:

They created a generator that seamlessly converts Mana with electricity and vice versa, this caused new waves of technology around the world.

They also discovered that you can forcefully awaken someone's abilities by injecting Mana into them until they reach their limit.

These abilities are now categorised and ranked based on how much mana capacity you have when you first awaken your ability.

These abilities are usually affected by bloodline and inheritance and are ranked as following [F,E,D,C,B,A and S] whereas F-rank is widely known as the weakest and S rank is the strongest.

Luther's own parents were part of the first generation to get abilities. But yet again, to his luck, both of his parents were F-rank.

Before they died his father had a pocket sized dimension that he could tap into and his mother could freeze time in one cubic meter in front of here but it consumed massive amounts of mana that she did not have.

Luther was sifting through the newfound memories in his head, from the way his parents mysteriously died in the exact same was as his life, to the constant bullying that he suffered afterwards, both because of his orphan status and his own doomed F-rank inheritance.

He scanned through the memories that were left behind until he found something peculiar. Moments before he transmigrated into this body, a mysterious and dangerous energy flashed in waves throughout his room. Causing the previous Luther to feel enormous amounts of pain which eventually caused his death.

Luther checked his phone to see if anybody else experienced this energy and what he found shocked him. Throughout the whole world that energy shot across and mutated every single plant and animal across the world. Not only that but mysterious space cracks are appearing with even More of these monsters around the world.

This caused mass hysteria around the world as no one ever expected this to happen.

'Dammit, I didn't even get the chance to awaken any abilities, but the world is already in a crisis! What the hell is my luck' as Luther thought this, something that would have never expected to happen, happened.

As he sat on his bed a mechanical voice echoed throughout his mind.

[connecting to host and granting system…]

[host deceased during process…]

[granting new host…]




[finished integration process…]

[congratulations new host on your successful transmigration and integration]


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