

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


Suddenly a notification appeared in front of Ethan which brought him out of his thoughts.


Newbie Gift Pack


Ethan clicked on the notification in order to let it expand and provide more information regarding the Gift Pack.


Newbie Gift Pack:

1)When the user used his Talent for the first time, there would be a 100% probability in generating an ability that users requires the most at that time. However the particular ability would only be generated if the person on whom the talent is used, has that particular ability.


"Not bad at all," Ethan muttered before zoning out once again as more information started entering his brain.

'So I am in a separate dimension which would collapse within thirty minutes, within which I have to use the ability 'Travel' in order to leave the dimension,' Ethan organized the information in his mind as he sat back on his bed.

A blue panel appeared before his eyes as the countdown started.

Ethan closed his eyes as he thought about his family and friends whom he would leave behind. While choosing the option to travel and not go back to Earth he didn't feel much hesitation or guilt.

He was a typical boy from a rich family who had an ordinary life. Nothing exciting was going on in his life and he could be considered as an average person living on the Earth. As for his relationship with his parents was a bit complex. They were not around much, busy in their own work. Since the age of eight, Ethan had spent most of his time with his babysitter rather than his parents.

Though Ethan didn't blame them for it, neither did he threw any tantrum. 

Ethan had always been independent, partly due to his parents' absence and partly due to his own nature. He didn't need constant attention or affection, and he understood that his parents were providing for him in their own way. It wasn't a perfect family dynamic, but it was their dynamic.

As he thought about leaving Earth behind, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Relief from the pressures of living up to his family's expectations, relief from the monotony of his ordinary life, relief from the feeling of being overlooked and forgotten. He knew that his parents loved him in their own way, but he also knew that they wouldn't truly miss him if he were gone. It was a harsh reality, but one that Ethan had come to accept.

The idea of traveling to a new world, experiencing new adventures, and meeting new beings excited him in a way that nothing on Earth ever had. He imagined the thrill of exploring uncharted territories, the rush of adrenaline as he encountered alien species, and the satisfaction of knowing that he was making a difference in the universe. It was a chance for him to break free from the chains of his mundane existence and forge his own path.

Ethan had always felt like an outsider on Earth, never quite fitting in with the preppy, picture-perfect image that his family projected. He longed for something more meaningful, something that would give him a sense of purpose and belonging. And the opportunity to leave Earth behind and embark on a journey through the stars seemed like the perfect chance to find that.

He knew that some might see his decision as selfish, abandoning his family and friends for the sake of his own desires. But Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that this was what he was meant to do. It wasn't about running away from his problems; it was about seeking out a new destiny, one that was entirely his own. 

As he made his way through the final preparations for his journey, Ethan felt a sense of peace settle over him. The weight of his past life on Earth was slowly lifting, and he was eager to embrace whatever lay ahead. He knew that he would always carry the memories of his family and friends with him, but he also knew that it was time to make his mark on the universe.

Finally stepping off the bed, Ethan was ready to leave the dimension.

The system had already provided him the way to use his abilities. Without any further ado, Ethan willed to activate the ability, 'Travel' and disappeared from the white dimension which started collapsing into nothingness after his disappearance.

In a dense forest...

"Cough, Cough, Vomit," Ethan vomited almost everything he had eaten the last night. He tried to use a nearby tree for support as his stomach was churning and he felt dizzy after using his ability.

'Where the hell am I?' Ethan thought after regaining his bearings as he looked around, but was barely able to see due to the moonlight.

Soon a blue panel appeared before his eyes.


Current World: Twilight



'Huuu,' He took a deep breath as he read the information appearing in front of him.

Ethan thought, 'I'm glad I read all the Twilight books and watched the movies too.'

He was relieved that he at least knew about the world he had traveled to.

'Though I have no idea what year this is,' Ethan thought as he glanced at the moon.

Coming back to his senses, he knew he had to keep moving, to find some sort of safety in the dark and unfamiliar forest. As he trudged through the underbrush, he could hear the sounds of wildlife all around him. The rustling of leaves and the hooting of owls made him acutely aware of the danger that lurked in the shadows.

The moonlight barely pierced the thick canopy, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. Ethan felt a shiver run down his spine as he realized he was completely alone and vulnerable. The thought of wild animals prowling in the darkness sent a surge of fear through him, but he clenched his jaw and forced himself to push on.

Suddenly, a low growl made Ethan freeze in his tracks. He strained his eyes to see through the darkness, but the only thing he could make out was a pair of glowing eyes. With a surge of adrenaline, he took off running, his heart pounding in his chest. The animal gave chase, its snarls and the sound of its paws thundering behind him.


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