

In 794 AD the descendants of the great ruler of the East, Jabeth the emperor of the Belthom empire began migrating southwards from the Asian continent towards Africa.

Jabeth had built an empire that ruled Asia for 600 years till his untimely death at the hands of Talon, the Warrior and founder of the Azfar brought an end to his reign.

The remnants of the Bolthem royal family and some few of their loyal servants and the royal guards moved to ensure continuity of their heritage and to escape from the claws of the Azfar supreme

They were oppressed under the Azfar dynasty that ruled Panuirva, the region that was originally their cradle land and the capital of the Belthom empire for 180 years after the decline of the Belthom empire in 614 AD that ruled Panuirva, the region that was originally their cradle land and the capital of the Belthom empire.

The Azfar people were a nomadic tribe of skilled mercenaries and war machines that were trained since there childhood to kill.

The forte of the Azfar was treasure hunting and bounty hunting. However they were sometimes hired by weak principalities to provide protection and to go on expansion raids and slave raids.

The Azfar were well known for their might and sword skills, their trademark weapons were the dagger and the pulwar sword. Their sword mastery stemmed from their daily usage and practice using the pulwar.

The current ruler of the Azfar dynasty was called the supreme Yazuar, grandson of Talon. His generation of rule was the third. He was well known for his rash decision making, arrogance and immense desire for pleasure and women.

He assumed the throne as a 17 year old teenager after his father died at 60 years, and he was now 40 years old. Though he had made a reputation for his rashness and poor decision making, he always kept to his father's plans and tried hard to uphold his legacy.

Therefore he ordered for the seizure of the heir and crown prince of the Belthom royal family; Ahmejaned III, as it was custom from his fore-fathers.


It was a serene evening, The sunset cast an orange glow on the skin of Ahmejaned. He was sweating profusely; his chest was heaving and his ruffled hair flowing in the wind.

His well toned muscles rippled with strength with every movement he made. His left hand gripped his opponent's left shoulder and pushed his torso back. He swiftly stepped away from his opponent and bent his body at the waist.

He grabbed his opponent by his calves in one giant sweep using his right arm and toppled his balance. He lifted his opponent off the ground and slammed him hard in the sand. Without giving him chance to recover from the fall, Ahmejaned grabbed his opponent's foot by the ankle and twisted it 360 degrees.


His opponent yelped and twisted his body such that he could lessen the pain in his ankle by lying on the ground face-down with his back up. This is outcome is exactly what Ahmejaned had calculated and was eagerly waiting for.

A smile appeared upon his face and instantly disappeared as he folded his opponent's leg backward while twisting his foot. Ahmejaned took advantage of his opponent's helplessness and sat on his lower back to exert weight and restrict movements and to also prevent his opponent from getting up from the ground.

"Yield and I shall end this fight Rahzad; there is no point in going on." Ahmejaned told the youth on the ground in a calm and deep tone.

"The tribe doesn't believe in surrendering, so I won't surrender." Rahzad snickered. "That Azfar pride will get you nothing apart from pain." Ahmejaned retorted

"Am not yet defeated, at worst it is a stalemate." Rahzad replied in a gruff and hoarse voice clearly fighting for breath.

"Hahaha stalemate you say? I think let me teach you another lesson you won't forget till you die." Ahmejaned replied Rahzad's shameless remark while pulling his legs backwards towards his body, such that Rahzad's body looked like a strung bow ready to send an arrow flying or a dry willow twig about to snap into two.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... you're really merciless, I was joking with you. Please pardon me. I yield, have mercy on a poor soul." Rahzad yelled and contorted his face to show that the pain he was feeling was beyond earthly measures.

Ahmejaned released his hold on Rahzad and let him go as soon as he had him wail and yield. He stood up from Rahzad's back and pulled him up by his right hand.

"That was a great match. The ending would have been different if you had yielded earlier on. But I hope you have learnt your lesson." Ahmejaned patted Rahzad's shoulder and told him with a smile on his face.

"Ouch, that hurts. Are you made out of stone? Totally oblivious and inconsiderate of the harm you cause to others." Rahzad grumbled and complained about Ahmejaned's iron like grip and his heavy slap that he intended to be a friendly pat.

"You better stop complaining or else we shall have another match." Ahmejaned teased Rahzad with a funny mocking look on his face.

"It is absolutely not necessary. Who was complaining? It was not me at all. I was just praising your powerful and invincible muscles and your fingers that have a grip similar to a falcon's, that's all." Rahzad hurriedly defended himself in a wily and clever tone thus he averted an imminent disaster that was about to befall him.

"Okay, then let's get back to the castle." Ahmejaned told Rahzad as picked up his staff and robe. He wrapped his turban around his head and threw his robe over his shoulder. He drove his staff hard into the sand, and made a deep whistle with his hands around his mouth to amplify the sound. He was summoning the camels that were grazing in the nearby oasis.

"Rahzad go and round up the camels from the oasis. We have to head home before it gets any darker than this." Ahmejaned told Rahzad.

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