
Terrifying Potential

As Oji instructed Cifer to envision his blood connection him to the Essence Sea and the strength of his ancestors just like the flow of blood from one finger connected to and merged into the other it happened.

Something that he had only heard of happening with the strongest Bloodlines of Emor after reaching a Cultivation of Skeleton Foundation. An activation blast from an enormous and instantaneous increase in the quality and quantity of Essence around him.

Such a blast wouldn't actually hurt Cultivators of that level, serving more as a natural effect of gathering their Essence and a warning sign to an enemy that everything was different now.

But Oji was much weaker than that and had enclosed the area. The blast threw him against the wall hard enough to snap the cheap material and crushed a hole it the top of his barrier and the roof of the house, letting everyone feel the extraordinary Essence of Death emanating from Cifer as his body turned Sapphire.

The same color as the band of Essence Sea that Sivla got his Manifestation. Oji narrowed his eyes, "Don't take anything yet! Ride the power of your Blood as deep as possible! Those Manifestations are nothing in your sight!" He ordered before resuming the instructions to keep Cifer diving.

Within 3 minutes Cifer broke into the next part of the Essence Sea, from 4,201 to 4,900 feet deep. His skin gain markings of Royal and Navy blue among the brighter Sapphire. A depth that the weaker Skeleton Foundations in Zhou would use for their Manifestation of Foundation. Oji kept giving instructions on the mantra and pressuring Cifer to hurry before the power of his Bloodline was exhausted.


10 minutes later Cifer was still projecting into the Essence Sea as the Grand Elders and the Clan Leader had arrived to investigate the disturbance. The amazement they felt was even greater than Oji's. To them this was the achievement of a Pinnacle Origination expert like themselves, or possibly a Skeleton Foundation like Aoi himself. It was simply impossible for the despicable Cifer to do this when he hadn't even started Cultivation! Impossible!

5 minutes after that his skin changed again, reverting almost to its natural shade. But the thin green markings gave birth to the realization that the impossible was happening before their eyes. The Grand Elders turned to Clan Leader Aoi. "Isn't that... the same markings as the Old Clan Leader's Manifestation of Foundation? From having dove over 5,000 feet through the Essence Sea?"

Reluctantly, eyes hollowed by shock and regret, Clan Leader Aoi nodded. How different would things be today if he had forced the Clan to truly take Cifer as one of their own? Ignoring the consequences to properly raise the boy instead of allowing the Clan to drown him in their hatred.

Then he thought of something vital. "Get the cifers." Seeing them look at him blankly he cursed. "The 3 cifers left with him when he was dropped off with us! Hurry! Those are his inheritance and the only play we have since we all know what happens when he is threatened."

Looking back, the Clan Leader felt the Essence of Death in the air started to reside as a White Lily appeared in front of the Cifer. The pressure it gave off told him it wasn't weak among the 4,901-5,600 range Manifestations. It might even have been among those that even he couldn't dive deeply enough to browse, close to 5,600 feet deep limit. If he really connected with a Manifestation that powerful for his Manifestation of Origination than nobody in Zhou, or even the domain of the Crimson Sect for that matter, would be his equal.

The Clan Leader didn't know to rejoice or curse when he was the White Lily bond firmly to Cifer and merge under his flesh. But the Cifer was not awake after the ordeal, leaving the Clan Leader unable to immediately address him. Instead, he chose to speak to Oji under the assumption that the teacher from the Crimson Sect would want to take the Cifer with him.


Oji finally relaxed when Cifer lost all tension and had to be carefully lain on the bed. "Just what kind of monster are you? I've never heard of anyone making it to the green colors in their dive before Mid Origination, but you did it before even starting Cultivation. Probably got a better Manifestation of Origination than I'll end up with as Manifestation of Foundation." He grumbled, frustrated by his lack of Potential once again, and felt a rare sense of inferiority.

He turned after setting Cifer down, thinking about the ramifications of such an obscene amount of Potential. Oji waved as the Clan Leader entered. "Nephew Oji, I want to express my thanks for giving Nephew Cifer a second chance after what those two absolute scum attempted to do to undercut him."

This game disgusted Oji, and helped him make a decision that he had been forming. It seemed crazy, but it actually was for Cifer's own good. "I'm not taking him with me."

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