

The great human civilization has been passed down and developed a splendid culture since the start. However, this universe was not created for humans, and human civilization is doomed to face one challenge after another, as well as crisis after crisis. Asteroid impacts, gamma-ray bursts, encounters with malicious alien civilizations, and changes in Earth's orbit caused by other stars' gravitational disturbances... There are numerous challenges that may be encountered, and... as long as humans exist, these things will undoubtedly be encountered. On an ordinary day, without any warning, people noticed that the sun had dimmed... Human civilization is about to face its first major challenge since the dawn of civilization.

KingofMortals · Sci-fi
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196 Chs


The mystery surrounding the spacecraft known as the Crimson Heart has been playing a role in the emotional state of every single person on Earth. Since the spacecraft re-established communication with Earth, additional information regarding the spacecraft has become available. Every message, regardless of whether it's about the health of the astronauts, the extent of the damage to the spacecraft, the state of the repair efforts, or anything else, will capture people's attention.