
Versus Tiger Kins

The tiger kin was swiftly knocked down when Lucifarge's knuckles connected with him. With the destruction of the wooden walls, the outer surroundings became easily visible, drawing the attention of onlookers who had halted their tasks to witness the commotion at the chief's house.

Those standing behind Lucifarge, including Ru who had been trembling moments before, now fell, especially Ru, who felt completely surrendered to her own thoughts. The ease with which Lucifarge subdued the tiger kin with a single punch left an impression — a reminder that he could effortlessly seize control if anything went beyond his interests, making the prospect of not becoming a slave seem challenging.

Outside, the tiger kins, having lost interest in bothering the cat kins, redirected their attention to the fallen tiger kin. Outraged, they roared upon realizing that a monster was responsible for the takedown.

"///You, how dare you! Are you the one who took him down?! You're getting your nose into the wrong business.///"

Approaching Lucifarge, the tiger kins moved with precision, but Lucifarge, with his high SPD stats, skillfully evaded their combined assaults. Dodging a jab aimed at his temple, he maneuvered behind the tiger kin, grabbed the extended right arm's wrist, and applied pressure, resulting in a bone-cracking sound.

Despite the fierce struggle, Lucifarge appeared unfazed, showcasing signs of fatigue in the tigers. Initially concerned, the cat kins began applauding when they realized Lucifarge's resilience. Lucifarge's morale soared with the cheers, inconveniencing the tiger kins.

Ducking and sliding to avoid a kick from above, Lucifarge swiftly countered by standing up and kicking the abdomen of the assailant, inflicting pain. As minutes passed, the tigers displayed weakness, and Lucifarge capitalized on it, efficiently knocking out all 15.

"Lucy, I'll take the responsibility. Please assist me in cleaning up the mess, and I'll prepare to visit the tiger kin tribe. I decided to take you under my wing," Lucifarge stated, summoning the Fenrirs from his dimension.

'Wait. Did I just decide all by my interest?'

"If it's okay?" he added.

Confusion lingered among the cat kins for a few seconds. Lucy gathered the village heads, explained Lucifarge's words to them, and after a brief discussion, approached Lucifarge with their decision.

"We promise to always follow you, our master." Lucy's words surprised Lucifarge, who had initially been thinking of protecting them, but circumstances led to them choosing to follow him.


[After the victory, the system was just updated and lost 1 boost. You now only have a 4-boost. Some adjustments have already been implemented. Please be wary of every decision you make.]

Upon the sudden update, Lucifarge was taken aback. The loss of a boost after such a challenging battle caught him off guard. Contemplating possible reasons, he arrived at a conclusion.

'I see, so the boost's purpose is to help me build strength. It said boost, but that didn't mean I'd be boosted indefinitely. I think it's reasonable for the world to balance out. I guess.'


[Stats update, status update, stat points distribution included. Every level up you make, you will not receive stats. Dear Reincarnator will be given stat points as a reward for leveling up to distribute.]

*Ding* 7x

[You level up!]

'Tema, what are the adjustments in the system update?'

[The effect of 'every move you make' will now fall into a 15% stats contribution.]

"I'll think of you living in my dimension, but in the situation right now, I can't carry you all," he said to Lucy, who was left confused by the sudden statement.

'It is still 5 MP per square meter. I need to level up so that I can keep up with the population. If I can't create the needs they need inside my dimension, I think they won't survive.'

"Well, to explain it perfectly, I have a dimension in which I can let you live. But right now, the population I can only take is limited because I lack materials. I need to find the materials, so at the moment, I'll leave Shiro here and take Purity to help me gather the materials."

With the brief explanation by Lucifarge, even they couldn't understand it well. They nodded their heads, seeing Lucifarge as their sole hope for survival.

Lucifarge sat at a nearby chair and focused on his skill. He injected his mana and created a cycle in which minerals could recreate inside. Implementing a weather cycle and only two seasons to help them survive comfortably, he felt his mana being depleted, earning only 3 MP per minute.

Continuing the update in his skills, he envisioned the exact feeling and vision of the things he wanted to include — minerals, trees, fruits, animals, and insects. After a few minutes, he finished the update but stopped expanding as he couldn't keep up with the amount of mana being used. Now reserving his mana as his boost had decreased, he declared, "I'll now gather the materials. I'll be back in a day or two."

He asked Lucy for information on high-threat monsters or monster zones and registered it in his skill <Environment Scan> with a vague description of the path he'd take.

In just a few minutes after finishing his breakfast, Lucifarge stepped out with Purity to level up and complete the dimension. On their way out of the forest, they encountered a pack of wolves, which he entrusted to Purity. Deciding to train Purity and delegate some responsibilities to him, Lucifarge stated, "Tema, what's my status? You haven't notified me after that fight."

[Please forgive me, Hanzel, I already told you we are in a merging state.]

"You're getting more open to me, huh? Calling me already by my past name."

[It's because I am part of you.]

"Yeah, right."

Once they emerged from the forest, Lucifarge witnessed the vast plain where the grass swayed with the wind, and the blue sky with birds soaring overhead—a scene that could be described as 'serene.'

<Environmental Scan>

An image of the vague surroundings appeared in his mind. He saw a wide expanse of plains, and beyond it, a mountain range, behind which lay the monster zone.

He engaged in numerous battles with monsters as they journeyed across the expansive green plain. Slimes, goblins, orcs, and giant spiders emerged. It wasn't just a plain; it served as a rest stop for monsters to replenish their strength after surviving the challenges of the forest.

Feeling mentally drained, Lucifarge sat down and checked his status.


Name: Lucifarge (Hanzel Go)

Age: 11 days (16 yrs. old)

Race: Hobgoblin

Lvl: 25

Exp: 69/950

HP: 390/390 (+78 HP, +48 HP(3x))

MP: 165/6155 (+30 MP, +25 MP(3x))

STR: 195 (+40 STR, +28 STR(3x))

SPD: 123 (+19 SPD, +15 SPD(3x))

INT: 168 (+8 INT, +10 INT(3x))

Stats Points: 40


-Active Skills-

<Shoulder 3 Bash, LVL> <Dash, 4 LVL> <Wood 1 Cutter, LVL> <True 2 Defense, LVL> <Consecutive 2 Punch, LVL> <Basic 1 Heal, LVL> <Environment 3 Scan, LVl> <Haste 3 Leap, LVL> <Night 2 Vision, LVL> <Inventory, LVL MAX> <Dismantling, 1 LVL> <Soft 1 Freeze, LVL> <Water 1 Walk, LVL> <Dimensional 3 Biome, LVL>

-Passive Skills-

<Super 2 Growth, LVL> <Familiar, 2 LVL> <Stats Absorber, LVL MAX> <Monster Language, LVL MAX> <Divine Beast Language, LVL MAX> <Demi-human Language, LVL MAX>


"So this is the update, huh. Just how slow have I got?"

[Your growth slowed by 86%.]

"Argh. Can I also see some conditions for skills?"

[Access denied.]

Lucifarge felt frustration as he finally faced the slow pace of his growth. But he did not expect another piece of news that added fuel to his frustration.



[After the successful grinding, the system was just updated and lost 1 boost.]


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