
Prologue 1

Prologue 1

I looked down from the ramparts of the outer wall, at the forest of Melizas. The same forest that my father had defeated the demon general, Kogoth 12 years prior.

My father's soldiers saluted as they walked past wearing the golden dragon sigil of the Bellona family, my family.

Standing upon the ramparts was the one place I felt truly free, where I no longer had to concern myself with Mother and Father's lessons. While my Mother's magic lessons were entertaining, especially demonology, they were so full of theory and lecture where I eventually zoned out.

My father's lessons on the other hand grabbed my attention, the swordplay and the history of my family captivated me. Besides I was a descendant of Aurora, goddess of the Morning, and Cassius Bellona, the first hero of the Primus. Why would I need my mother's normal magic if I could use the divine powers of my family.

Suddenly the sky went dark and the sun turned black. If there was one thing in my mother's lessons that I remembered it was that when the spheres of Helion and Lunara met the path to the demon realm would open, and an incursion would begin.

I raced back to the castle as my father and his men ran out. It was a sight to behold, Arminius Bellona in full armor and wielding the flaming sword of my family, the Sun Blade. I saw as his golden eyes locked on mine.

"Caius get in the castle! Find your mother and prepare for a fight in case the demon's get past us!"

I did as instructed and ran to the grand hall where my mother was preparing warding spells. Next to her was my sister, Priscilla Bellona crying.

"Mother, what should I do to help?" I asked quickly hoping I could actually do the magic I thought she would ask of me.

"Just comfort your sister. I know you haven't been paying attention in my lessons." I looked over at Priscilla and as she looked a sense of recognition filled her eyes. She then ran up to me, grabbing onto me as tightly as her little hands could.

"We will be safe right?" She asked while sobbing. Her golden eyes looking up at me.

"Yes we will. Father is out there and will kill any threat," I responded hoping that would be enough to comfort her. When she finally let go I went to the wall and grabbed one of the decorative swords mounted there. At least it was better than nothing.

An hour passed. Then two and nothing happened. Finally I heard a knocking on the door and my father's voice. "I'm back."

Opening the door I saw my father sweating but no blood on his armor. Or on any of the other's armor for that matter.

"We will be in the war room, Isobel. Send a scribe with a raven for us." Father said to Mother as he and his soldiers walked to the room off to the side. I silently followed them to hear the conversation.

"Another false alarm. By Prima what is going on." My father said to his soldiers looking over the map of Ashmere and our surrounding lands.

"Imperator Bellona this is the 5th false alarm this year. Maybe these are flukes and nothing is coming through. Maybe we should stop using as many resources to scout the forest." Gracus Slynd, one of the praetor's under my father's command, said, almost in a daze.

Gracus was one of the most loyal and diligent commanders we had in Ashmere. For him to suggest such a thing was truly out of his character.

"We cannot grow complacent Gracus. I thought you would know better. We must be missing something. We cannot have demons this close to the Empire's border. These events also interrupt our trade with the Carnelian Queendom."

"Caius, what do you think?" My father asked me knowing I would sneak in.

"The only time demons can invade is when the sun goes back. Even if it is a false alarm we should ensure the safety of the city." My father beamed proudly at my response. I stepped up closer just behind Gracus, enough so I could be at the central group of soldiers. An odd smell of rotten eggs filled my nose.

"Gracus, my boy of 11 has more sense than you do right now. If you suggest such a thing again I will remove you from my council and you will be under the command of --"

"Father, what is that smell?" I cut him off and watched as he sniffed the air. His eyes flashed with recognition as he drew his blade.

"Sulfur my boy and thank you for drawing it to my attention." Suddenly I felt a yank and the coldness of steel. the sword pressed against my throat, its sharp edge threatening my life with every breath.

Looking up Gracus's cold blue eyes stared down at me, his pupils however glowed pink and from there radiated across his eye. I quickly looked down, scared of his gaze.

"Lower your blade Arminius and pray I spare your boy. My mistress demands you--" Suddenly the smell of iron replaced the sulfur and a warm liquid dripped onto my head. Braving to look up once again I saw a blade sticking out of his mouth that shortly retreated to the hands of Marcus York, my protector and sparring partner on the days my father was busy.

A pinkish glow emanated from Gracus's corpse as he hit the ground.

"A demon in our midst? Marcus and Titus look for other's with a similar condition. I must speak with my wife." Father said as he walked past me, ever the dutiful man.

"Are you alright Lord Caius?" Marcus asked, checking on me before following my father's orders.

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