
Immovable force

Alto stood in front of the towering mountain pierced by The Way Out.He stood in a valley under two suns, surrounded by mountains in each direction except one.

He only knew because there was an absence of a peak standing tall through the canopy of trees,but he couldn't tell much else because of the dense foliage surrounding him.

The valley wasn't much lower than the peaks and it most definitely wasn't flat.It was covered by trees and foliage,an area of life in this mountainous region.

He took a deep breathe and he could feel his veins of crystallized energy pulsing with warmth,it seemed this place was full of energy.

His body was buzzing with energy,his veins felt itchy and his body desired to explode with movement.

When he had been Reformed he had inherited some hazy memories of basic information so he knew a small bit of what why going on.

The cave he had just left was called The Cradle by the golem race and it was where golems were formed out of different kinds of rocks.

Cradles appeared because of dense energy in the environment nourishing caves for extended periods of time.The golems formed and could not leave The Cradle till one stood victorious,it was survival of the fittest in the most basic way.

Whoever wins lives,and for whoever loses...

Golems often looked back fondly on their first battle in what they call The Crucible.In fact anytime Alto thought about his victories his boulder head split open to form a craggy and slightly disturbing smile.

He also instinctively knew that he must protect the Cradle at all costs,even his life.It was an auspicious place for golems and one of their few codes besides honorable battle was to protect the cradle.

It spawned their young and gave them an opportunity they were eternally grateful for, life.

If you thought about it Golems were just rocks powered by natural energies and somehow given the ability to think.

Unfortunately,because golems are literally dumb as rocks other races have been known to take advantage of the newly formed golems,and of course the various gems and valuable minerals inside the Cradle.

He himself was proud to say he was a bit of an exception to the "dumb as rocks" stereotype,and he was pretty sure it had to do with him being the first spawn of the cave.But it might also have to do with his location he wasn't really sure,Alto wasn't sentient after all.

That was about all he knew aside from basic information and knowledge of the other golems and their families.

Like the marb...


A blinding light crashed down near Alto and he could feel the rocks that made up his body crumbling from the vibrations.The forest shook from the impact and the mountains trembled.

His eyes were blinded by the light and when he opened them he saw that some of the trees were missing entire sections of leaves and some weaker plants had been uprooted.

But most startling of all was the tower.

A snow white tower stood perfectly straight a mile or two in the distance,It was so tall it appeared to have pierced the heavens.

The wildlife was screeching and running about in a frenzy as their habitats were destroyed and the blindingly bright pillar radiated light into the landscape.

Alto was almost immune to temperature but even he felt the temperature drop as dark clouds rolled over head and it began to...snow.

He was almost sure the Cradle had been formed because of this occurrence,it seemed this world had an abundance of natural energy and others had eyes to claim it as well.

He was startled out of his thoughts when a mellow white screen simply popped into existence in front of him.

[ Rock A My Baby: Protect the cradle from the waves of invaders.After the waves protect it from natural enemies for two weeks.

Difficulty: F (increased,Golem race and attributes taken into consideration.)

Duration:two weeks and the duration of the waves.

Rewards: Stronghold capabilities,

Random Building-depending on performance.

A Title fitting your rocky grandeur.

Alto was startled by the impossibly thin sheet of light and almost fell on his rocky bum.However when he looked closer at the details he was quite please by this task,as he was going to do it regardless.

He also admittedly chuckled,well actually just rumbled at the name of the task.

Alto saw above the little box a kind of sub box appeared,titled menu.He brought up his thick rocky finger and pierced the menu button.

The panel simply fizzed a little then the text changed.

[ Stats:]




He was interested to see what the little square of light thought of him so he now after having learned his lesson,he lightly pierced the stat box and another row of text appeared.This time without the screen buzzing and flaring up.

Name : Alto,The Enduring

Race: Reformed Golem

Level: 5








Un-Used Points:15


The Enduring:The more damage you take,the stronger you become +3% End,Vit,Str for each massive hit in Health. +5 End

Forged In Fire: You are a weapon forged from countless death matches with your own species.

You Will Kill .+5% crit chance in fights to the death.

+5 Str

He was quite pleased with what he saw and it seemed he had benefited greatly from simply being a Golem.Health confused him as it didn't show up in a way he could see but it seemed the panel had a way to calculate it.

He woke up from his thoughts when he heard a uniform padding in the now lightly snow covered grass.Then he heard the howling,the padding became a stampede and soon he saw snow white wolves like out of the undergrowth.

The area around the Way Out was clear for roughly 30 feet so Alto had more than enough time to brace himself.

The wolves were...strange,beyond their abnormally white fur and bigger size.They seemed not at all like wolves,Alto only knew because of the information in his head but wolves were crafty predators that scopes out prey to find weaknesses.

These wolves just charged like a frenzied horde,they snarled and growled their eyes blazing with hunger.

He saw past the ocean of white fur and met crimson the red eyes of an apex predator.A wolf so massive that it was almost as tall as Alto, 3 or 4 meters and had a set of teeth to match.

They charged into the clearing at a blistering pace right at Alto,who calmly set his feet and squatted.He preferred head on confrontation anyways.

The first wolf leapt off powerful hind legs into the air,attempting to take a chunk out of Alto.Unfortunately,Alto was ready and the dog met the powerful meteor that was Alto's fist.

The wolf's head collapsed in an explosion of gore and it's body fell to ground limp.

The next wolf had attempted to go for his legs and got brutally stomped by Alto's rocky feet.

The clearing turned into a mess of gore as Alto continued to collide into the wolves.His entire exterior became covered in blood and the wolves' one snow white fur became matted with blood.

The wolves couldn't bite through his hard rocky body but they did manage to get some cracks in.Halfway through the fight a wolf got lucky and bit into one of his crystal veins.

Alto's entire arm felt like fire and liquid crystal seeped out of the vein.He became furious and pounded the wolf to mush,he then proceeded to rampage through what was left of the horde.

Until a massive impact collided with his back.He fell face first into the snow and the wolves took the opportunity and began too jump on his fallen body.

He could feel his strong stone skin being pierced by teeth and claws and he began to rack up injuries as his body began to crumble.

He desperately struggled throwing out fists and killing wolves.He fought with his entire body and soon found himself standing upright.

He was surrounded by dead wolves except one.The alpha stood tall and proud albeit with what appeared to be a broken shoulder and blood that might be or might not be his.

The wolf growled at him and launched itself directly at Alto.Alto shut the wolves massive mouth with his sturdy hands and used the momentum of the jump to pound the wolf in the snow.

He took no risks and beat into the wolf.It resisted furiously but soon let out whimpers,then it was silent.

Alto staggered up from the mush that was the wolf.The clearing was covered in bodies and the snow was dyed red in blood.

He soon felt a rush of energy,the energy was received from his fallen enemies and he saw the familiar glowing screen pop up at his side.



Title obtained: Immovable Force-You will weather the storm.After all your enemies are slain you will remain standing,tall and proud.

+5 End +5 Vit

Alto quite liked the title and found it fitting,he then checked his updated stats

Name : Alto,The Enduring

Race: Reformed Golem

Level: 8








Un-Used Points:21


The Enduring:The more damage you take,the stronger you become +3% End,Vit,Str for each massive hit in Health. +5 End

Forged In Fire: You are a weapon forged from countless death matches with your own species.

You Will Kill .+5% crit chance in fights to the death.

+5 Str

Immovable Force-You will weather the storm.After all your enemies are slain you will remain standing,tall and proud.

+5 End +5 Vit

He then received another wall of text popped up.

[ For obtaining atleast 3 titles,title section while be another option in the menu and till appear separately ].

Alto wanted to keep on looking at his menu but he began to hear distant roars and sighed.

He lumbered back to the entrance to the Cradle.

His body slowly reformed aided by the added energy from his kills.

The snow continues to fall covering the dead bodies,covering the blood.Like hiding the scene of a murder and after a few minutes there was no trace of the brutal fight that occurred earlier.

He heard the roars again,close this time.

Alto cracked his neck and popped his rocky knuckles.

He was ready.

Uhh this chapter ended up being longer than I thought it would be so enjoy I guess haha.

I had a long car ride so I had a lot of time to write.

SmallAmbitionscreators' thoughts