
The End of The World is Violet?

Kai tries to survive in a world that went crazy after the day sky turned purple.

AuthorGopher · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Resolve to kill

Kai sneaked up on some mutant dog. He carefully aimed his rifle at it and shot.


The bullet pierced right through its skull, smashing its brain into a mush. Kai was satisfied with his shot. He looked around to see if there was anything else in his vicinity left to hunt. Unfortunately, there wasn't.

Kai approached the corpse and quickly consumed it. Although there was barely any change in his strength, his stamina was still restored.

He licked his lips and went further looking for prey.

He already hunted a huge amount of those dogs, few birds and one cat monster. It seemed like they really were animals that underwent mutations after the Violet Day. But he had yet to see any squirrels, rats or even worms. Did they not mutate like others? But then where were they? Did they all die?

As he was thinking this, Kai suddenly frowned. There was a smell of blood coming from nearby. He swiftly followed its trail.

When he arrived at the place the smell was coming from, Kai saw a dead body of a mutant dog. It was being eaten by some small creatures.

As if to prove his earlier thinking wrong, Kai found mutated rats feasting on the body of a hound.

They were disgusting, with dirty, spiky fur, red eyes and frighteningly sharp fangs and claws. They didn't look much different from normal rats, but were bigger and more ferocious.

Kai quietly crouched down. He prepared few daggers made out of blood. He positioned himself for the throw. And he swiftly threw four of them at the rats. They didn't even make any noise as they died instantly.

"Well, that was easy."

Those rats probably weren't suited for fighting anyways. They most likely hid most of the time and fed on the leftover food and corpses that other animals left.

'I guess other animals I haven't seen yet are in similar situation.' Kai thought to himself.


Kai then went on to test his skills further. He killed every monster he encountered from distance. After half a day of killing, he was satisfied. Kai was at the area outside of control of the High Class group. There were a lot of mutants around, since they didn't come to clean them up all the way around here.

Now Kai was on his way back to McRoy. He would brag about his achievements to him. Kai was humming to himself as he slowly approached his destination.

But he stopped abruptly.


He once again could feel the smell of blood. He ran with all his strength, which was very fast. He got there in half a minute.

What he saw there was William and Max standing against Jeremy and a guy that resembled a moose. He had grand horns on his head and his body was covered in dark brown fur. Kai also noticed a shadow moving not too far away.

'So, they really were with the shadow!' Kai thought for a second, but soon his attention turned to something else.

William wasn't in his best condition right now, so he was already barely holing on with Max's help.

"You f*ckers!" Kai screamed and ran at the moose-man. He created an axe out of his blood and slashed at him. However, Kai's opponent was surprisingly swift as he dodged the attack.

"What the f*ck are you doing!?" Kai once again yelled at them.

"Heh, we are finishing of the old man off, of course." Jeremy snickered.

"What!?" Kai was boiling with rage. He couldn't really think straight.

"Well, the last time he managed to survive, so we came to finish the job." Jeremy continued.

'Finish the job? So, they weren't satisfied with tormenting and beating him half to death?'

Kai created two knives out of blood and threw them at Jeremy's eyes. However, they missed. Jeremy just disappeared. No, it just looked like he disappeared, but in reality, he was extremely fast. Even faster than Kai.

In the next moment Jeremy reappeared behind Kai. He tried to punch him, but Kai senses were really sensitive. He created a small shield out of blood to block his punch and swung his axe at Jeremy.

Jeremy hit the shield, but ran away before the axe could hit him. Kai absorbed the shield back into his body. He couldn't afford to waste any blood needlessly.

Jeremy rejoined the moose-man. They both looked at Kai. Jeremy was clearly amused and the other guy looked really angry.

"Are you sure you have the time to deal with us?" As Jeremy taunted Kai, Kai suddenly heard a groan from his backside.

"AGH!" Kai quickly looked back. The sound came from William. There was a shadowy figure standing behind him, stabbing him in the neck with a knife.

"NOOO!" Kai took the rifle from his back and shot at the shadow, but it instantaneously disappeared. Kai quickly ran up to William and caught his falling body.

McRoy looked up at him and slightly smiled.

"...Kai..." It was the first time he called Kai by his name. But it was also the last time, as his life came to an end.

Kai was about to blow up from anger and frustration. Even though he got here in time, he still couldn't protect him. But Kai didn't let his anger and sorrow control him again. He took a deep breath to calm down a little.

"Haa... You b*stards are dead." Kai resolved himself to kill. There was no reason to show mercy to these scum.

"Haha!" Jeremy just laughed at that.

"And what exactly can you do, if you can't even hit us." Jeremy further taunted Kai.

Kai quietly drew his gun and aimed at them. Then he rapidly released three shots. Two at the moose and one at Jeremy. Jeremy dodged it as expected, but the moose-man tried to block it with his arms. His fur was really thick and his muscles were abnormally dense as well. The shots didn't do much damage to him at all.

"..." Kai silently looked at his enemies. He would make sure to kill them all.