
ChangYang Princes

On the first day of July, I personally killed the emperor's younger sister, Princess ChangYang. As I held her throat and poured the poisoned wine into her lungs, she stared at me, just like every person who had died at my hands. Her violent struggles caused the wine to stain my hand, so I had to wipe her convulsing face clean and ruin her final touch of makeup, robbing her of her dignity as she departed. ChangYang fell to the ground, curling her knees and twisting uncontrollably, like a scorched bug under the hot sun, painfully and weakly resisting the dehydration of life. As the palace door was pushed open,ChangYang took her final breath, never closing her eyes, but dying first.

The Emperor came in and he also grabbed my throat. Hatred made his eyes wide open, but his rationality prevented him from killing me in the end." The Empress was so ruthless, and she should beware of potential backlash in the future." He spoke word by word, struggling to get the words out. "Good, my little Emperor JiangchenHuo has grown up. Saying such things confidently, without showing any fear or cowardice, and also hiding the grudge from the pillow." I moved my neck, which he had choked until it turned blue, and caressed his increasingly resolute face. "If one day the Emperor really has the ability, then I will let you cut my flesh to eat, skin my skin to sleep, so what?"

He didn't know that killing ChangYang was not my intention. If ChangYang had behaved herself and enjoyed her wealth and glory as a princess, I would have been close to her. Unfortunately, she was disobedient and did not know her place. She repeatedly conspired with her husband Yunmou Li , who was the Ministry of War's attendant, and the traitorous officials in court who wanted to get rid of me quickly, to discuss matters of undermining my rule.

I had no choice but to take a group of officials to go on a spring hunt to ease tensions. Spring was not the best time for hunting, as all living things needed to grow up before they were fat and juicy and could leave offspring. However, troublemakers were different; they had to be killed while they were still in the cradle.

I let Yunmou Li into the mountains and aimed my arrow at his throat. Watching ChangYang's big sweat drops roll down her delicate face and wet her clothes as she looked on, I laughed heartily. Suddenly, I put away my bow and arrow and patted her shoulder, saying, "What is the princess afraid of?"

Unfortunately, an hour later, Yunmou Li was found dead in the mountains, with most of his body eaten by wild beasts.

"Qiuyu, I will flay you alive!" Holding his mutilated remains, Changyang shouted at me in a frenzy.

I replied, "When you have the ability to do so."

She didn't have the ability, but she loved to stir up trouble.

When I received news that she had organized a 500-person guard of elite soldiers, I thought about it and decided to get rid of her to save myself from further trouble. After all, I had previously discussed it with JiangchenHuo , the emperor of Muzhou and Changyang's elder brother. I was only the empress, and even if I wanted to eliminate traitors, I should have listened to his opinion.

"The empress should think twice," JiangchenHuo responded.

So I thought twice and, after careful consideration, decided to get rid of her.

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