
Half Truth, Love and Hate

She had a head full of curly dark hair, deep green eyes, and a tall nose giving her a delicate appearance.

In addition, her tall stature made the watermelons on her chest particularly conspicuous. Her dark green robe also gave

her beauty a regal look; she gave someone an impression of a wise and heroic person. Seeing her face, she was definitely the one who had overcome adversities and had a fiery temper. But now all her showed was deep concern for his grandchild wellbeing.

She came to him and burried Yang Xian head on her chest. Yang Xian instinctively lifted his hands to grab those footballs but then it came to him that it would be ridiculous to do that in this situation. So he took his hands behind her, while squizzing his head more on those melons, he too tried to give her a hug but it seemed that it would be impossible considering his arm length and her chest size, but still it felt good.

"Quick give me your hand, let me check your body again." said grandma while taking his hand into hers.

Soon her Qi entered his meridians and checked every nook any cranny inside his body. 'There doesn't seem to be anything abnormal but then why would he faint and have high fever? It can't happen without any reason right..' she thought while contemplating.

Seeing her in deep thought Yang Xian asked system for assurance 'System did you remove the poison' .

[Yes, Grade 2 poison was detected in your body and was removed when your soul was fusing. It was a one time thing. You have to either purchase cure for it or get related skills, secret techniques or rare spirit medicine as rewards by completing missions or by other way....terms and conditions apply.]


Yang Xian was also deeply thinking if he should tell her grandma about his poisoning but then he also had to explain how he got cured. Thinking deeply in that moment and remembering his master's teaching and future plans with system in equation and also events this body had gone through in this world. After all that he quickly came up with a plan similar to those situations depicted in webnovels he had enjoyed reading in real world.

When he made his decision he lifted his head but saw his grandma looking seriously into his eyes like she might have caught onto something. She said with a little doubt in her voice "Xian'er, do you want to say something that I should know?"

"Grandma,...I do have to tell you something but please trust me and what I am going to tell you please keep it between us"

Yang Xian said seriously.

She was very surprised at that reaponse as she just had a hunch when she had asked.

Holding his hands, she smiled with a tender look in her eyes as she gently berated Yang Xian "Xian'er,I had always believed you and will always do so in future. But I need you to know that you are my grandchild and you can always trust me with your every secret. So tell me what you want to say"

"Grandma, do you remember that time when father took me to the outskirts of Misty Mountain a year ago for my training"

"Yeah, how could I forget that, you got lost in the woods but then one of the guards found you in a hollow tree while searching the whole forest by night till morning. I even had to punish your father for being so careless at that time. How could he have lost his own child. Even your grandfather had a fit of anger when he learned of it from me"

"Yes, well actually it was my fault for making father to pluck that humming flower from the cliff I had saw.I wanted to gift it to big sister. When he had just left, I was kidnapped by a four arm monkey fortunately he just played with me by swinging from branch to branch but then we heard a scream of some beast and the monkey also left me while running in that direction. That was how I had got lost and the night was due and for safety I had found a hollow tree with hole in it's trunk just the size for me to hide. I slept there the whole night and the guard found me in the morning there"

"You had already said that before but it was still your father's fault no matter how you defend him. And how is that important in this conversation" not sure what he was getting at.

"It's important because that was not the whole truth something else had also happened to me I had not mentioned.

When I was in that hollow tree, I came across a gem that was embedded inside of hollow tree trunk, maybe the tree had grown around it. Thinking that it was just a simple ruby, I scraped it off and..."


"and took it in my hand...but..."


"but then it suddenly....." Yang Xian said while trying to build suspense in the story.

"But then what say quickly, or I will spank you hard" she said while raising her hand. The suspense was killing her and she clearly didn't like that feeling.

Yang Xian sweated at that as he suddenly remembered how his elder cousin brother Yang Yue had one time done some mischief and got spanked in front of us.

He quickly said "But then it suddenly started glowing in my hand when it came into contact with blood in my hand that was caused by some branches when the monkey was swinging me. I fainted right after that and in the morning when I woke up the gem was not there and then when peered out from the trunk a guard near there saw me and that was how that whole incident ended. I never said anything about it at that time because I thought it as a dream but now I am really sure that it was real" He paused and then said "Today when I had collapsed, I woke up in a place that was real yet unreal like illusion but you can't tell the difference when you are there"

"What! but the whole time you were here constantly in front of our eyes"

"Yeah, physically I was still hear but in my mind it was another thing. There I met an old man, when I asked him where I was and how did I come here. He told me that I was inside an Inheritance domain that was made by an ancient expert. It bounded me on that day when my blood came into contact with the gem which was the Inheritance Artifact. He made it to test it's future contracter who had bounded this gem can get his inheritance but the gem would passively test it's host for him to be worthy of it"

Grandma hui "...0_0...."

"I then asked him why did I came to this place now and not when I had found the gem. He said that I had to be atleast 10 years old as this is the age when kids potential could be gauged more accurately. But coincidentally I had been poisoned on this day, so when the old man who was also the sentient spirit bounded to the gem summoned me he also found that I had been poisoned. The poison was of Grade 2, the old man cured me but he didn't say why but said that it was one time thing he won't do it again as it was not in his power"


Yang Xian continued "Anyway, the old man advised that I should not tell about this to anyone for my own safety. He said that the Gem will give it's Inheritance as a form of rewards after completing certain set of test given periodicly.Today I had been summoned just so that I can know about it and be prepared"

'Will she believe, even I am not believing what I just said ' Yang Xian thought and said

" Grandma, I know it's not believable bu.."before he could complete his sentence she said "I believe you"

That stumped Yang Xian a little. He had never thought that she would believe him just like that.

"Why, do you not believe what I said? Your situation is rare but it happens from time to time. Everyone in their life may have chance encounters, where they would find godly weapons, inheritances, pills, heavenly and earth treasure of the world which would make them an expert famed throughout the continent. Like the famous Pill emperor Gou Zhou who was a blacksmith assistant in his teen periods, but then he found an ancient cauldron from time of second era in between some common cauldron. His chance encounter made him todays Pill Emperor renowned throughout the east continent. There are other examples like Berserk Fire King, Frost Queen, Thousand Mirror Sword Emperor, and many such cases where a normal person with the help of their encounter big or small became experts respected and some feared by all throughout the world. Some had established sects, powerful families organization, kingdoms and empires too."

"Even your Grandfather had a small chance encounter in the form of Grade 3 Spirit sword when he was in body tempering realm, this helped him a lot in his early days to hunt stronger beast and to acquire more resources for his growth; he brought his own family to stand on equal footing with other noble families of this city. That sword may have grown out of its use now but it's still helped him in his journey. As you are my grandchild, my blood, I am truly happy for you but also happier because you could share your secret with me." Grandma Hui smiled but then said in a serious tone

"Although you may have gotten a treasure of inheritance but that old man was right about what he said; never ever tell this to a single soul outside of your family or maybe not even them because there are as many cases where people are killed for their chance encounters. I do not know what you have gotten but please keep what I said in your mind; even best friends can sometime become backstabbers"

Yang Xian knew about all that as he had already learned about human nature whether dark or bright from his master so he knew what he possess may one day bring him calamity if it was found out. He shared his half made up secret to his grandmother so that he can tread more easily in the future and he can have a helper; but above all he trusted this body memories about his grandma; she may beat him, spank him when he does anything wrong or displeases her but she will do her all to protect him in danger because of love. Not only her, everyone in this family was like this, very loving and caring for each other. Not like other Noble families whose children fight each other for the head position, resources and power and sometimes it gets even bloody.

"Anyway, we will talk about your encounter later on but now we have to find that bastard who poisoned you. If I find that person I will personally show him how death is better than living".

From now on chapters are gonna updated only daily basis i.e 1 chapter each day. I have lot of stock now so please vote your precious power stones, and suggestions, encouragement in the comments which will be very much appreciated.

If we cross rank 50 there will be 1 extra chapter on Sunday with the daily chapter. That means 2chapter on that day.

Thank you

Badass_Fattycreators' thoughts