7 Midnight stars

After, seeing Yuki and saying goodbye. You started heading home until you heard people yelling and shouting near by your home. You got closer and saw 3 houses on fire, and one of those houses were yours.

"MOM!ANNA! SOPHIA! DAD!" You shouted. You ran towards the house and you saw your dad, Anna and Sophia running out the house.

"Dad, where is mom?" You asked.

"Do you REALLY THINK you WANT me to go BACK IN THAT HOUSE?!?" He yelled. "I will NEVER GO BACK TO THE stinking HOUSE!!" He walked away and went down the alley to take a cigarette.

Right when your father left you with your siblings, a Tall guy wearing a Hanfu Red cloak came into your house and found your mom and slowly place her on the ground.

"Your welcome.." He said with his deep voice.

"Mhm, I haven't seen you before, Whats your name?" You asked.

The guy was pretty quiet at first, but you looked at you.

"My name is Jimin" He said. He looked up and said. "I got to go..."

In a flash, he was gone! You looked left,right, behind you, everywhere!But he was gone!

"Sis, Are you looking for the guy? He went UP!" The girls said. You looked where they were pointing at and you was nothing, but a hole in the clouds.

"You are so silly! He can't up the sky, He probably went to help other people." You giggled. You went on your knee and check your mom temperature. You were surprised, you want to a doctor when you grow up and so you did some studies and your mom will always help you. Your mom temperature was warm, usually at this stage, she should be burning up.

"Mom, are you okay?" You asked quietly.

"Yeah... The young guy saved my life. I was trap in our bedroom and I almost got hit by the roof, but the guy saved my life!" She said in a shocking way.

"Same here!" Said Your neighbor. "I was stuck in the bathroom and one minute later I was out here."

Your neighbor is a elderly lady and she is very sweet and nice. You dont have a grandma, but you been knowing the lady all your life and she let's you call her,"Gandma".

"Grandma! Your favorite Jacket!" You said.

"Oh, its fine sweetie. I always get a new one from my husband. WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!!" She replied.
