
I was playing Skyrim earlier and realised, I should probably stop installing stupid mods when a guard turned into shrek and then proceeded to kill everyone.

{Musutafu, Japan, In some messy apartment, 3 months after the Angel incident}

So, I may have overreacted a tincy wincy tiny bit. You remember when I was having a mid-teenage life crisis and was saying something along the lines of "MY DIGNITY! I LOST MY DIGNITY, I FEEL VIOLATED!"

Yeah well, Apparently I was just being born.

Funny! yes, I know, Go and laugh for all I care. Just wait until you die or something and the same happens to you.

Also, I have come to realise being a baby is not fun, I thought it would be cool, being able to just rest all day, sleeping and all and no one complaining. BUT NOPE! Apparently, babies have like, The worst possible emotional stability and cry, screech and laugh at nearly anything. My emotional baby ass started crying because my Mums hair is too dark...

Like why? I get that long and messy dark hair is sometimes creepy but still. I couldn't stop being overly terrified until around half an hour later when my mother gave up on calming me down.

Apart from that incident though, Let me tell you about my current situation. I am currently in a bean-bag blanket thing, Laying on top of a mountain of alcohol bottles while watching Scream 2.

Now, You may be wondering. How did you fall so low in life? Well, No you dumbass. I have not yet reached that point again, Instead, my mother is just a lazy ass and couldn't bother cleaning up one of the rooms for me to sleep in. Instead, I just sleep wherever I am put. Once, I was just put on top of her coffee table while she had her feet on it... Great parenting, 2/10, Am going to annoy her later on in life.

Let's get back on track and inform you of more stuff, I have created a habit of talking to some fake personalities in my head. It is sometimes fun, I have the psychotic one, The perverted one, The lazy one, The power-hungry one and The one that likes drama. Certainly the strange combo but who am I to complain... Sometimes though my mentality gets mixed up with the others and causes me to make badly influenced decisions or actions.

Ah! I forgot again... This is going to be a problem later on.

Anyway! My situation is this, No father again, Only my mother who is lazy as hell, Also my mother is rich. Let me expand on my situation by talking about what I heard about in passing.

My mother has a quirk called 'Manipulation' She can manipulate stuff. Obviously. However, It is incredibly weakened from its true potential, Which is probably the reason why AFO didn't take her quirk. She can manipulate her body functions and some other stuff that is useful for lazy people.

From what I have seen, She can manipulate her body to not need toiletry or showering, At all. I have also noticed that she has used the quirk to reduce the strength of her hangovers, Though it is only as useful as about a half-hours worth of rest.

Also, My mother has a job as a secretary. She clearly doesn't like the job since when she comes home she always complains about her boss overworking her. Though, I think her boss is only making her do the needed work and she is just lazy...

My father is an unknown bastard though. I am pretty sure that he was only created to have slight reasoning to my eventual abilities though, Because how would I explain being able to control Light while my parents could fart lightning or something?

Thus, When his use was up. (AKA, Pregnating my Now-Mother with me) He just disappeared from existence, Because my mother works in a fairly important company and have tried looking for him. Sadly though, There wasn't even a trace of him the moment my mother fell asleep. He filled the crack and never came back, He Painted her face and left the place, He Smashed her rear and disappeared... You get the point.

Also, My mother is immature. She doesn't have any dignity at all at home, She essentially just becomes a sloth. If she has to get up to eat then she just wouldn't bother. I can't complain though since I am the same... I can already tell we are going to get along well as if we are perverts drawn to good hentai...

Now, back to training to crawl.

~{Line break, Also my cat is with me now!}~

{Musutafu, Japan, The same apartment, 2 years later}

So, My training has paid off. I am now able to walk, slightly run and speak at the bare minimum. The training was the epitome of training... With my fucking will! You have no idea how bloody annoying it is just trying to roll over for weeks at a time, Eventually, I did it and felt like I was the King of Doom only until I started crying because I was uncomfortable.

Now, Another thing is learning Japanese. That was an absolute cactus-dildo of a thing to do, It was pure torture for my lazy life, I had to actively listen to my Mother and other people to pick up certain points in speech and stuff like that. Gah, You have no clue at all.

In my previous life, I slightly learnt Japanese, When that COVID thing was at its highest point I decided to push my Weebness to new levels and learn Japanese so I can read the Manga-Raws. It failed because midway through the common-speech section our schooling started again, and our mother was nearly going nuts with my sister being the most annoying thing on Earth at the time.

So, That was something. Also, My current mother and I are more like siblings, I literally only call her mother for courtesy. We do everything siblings do, Chill together watching bad comedies or horrors, Fight over who gets the TV and steal each others piece of cake while watching interesting stuff. That sort of stuff.

In my previous life, My siblings and I didn't really have a bond at all, I could barely call them family. It was more like a bunch of roommates sharing a house rather than a family living together. Of course, Back then my younger bro and I hung out a lot but eventually, we stopped talking. Mostly because I was stupid and thought it was immature for a 15-year-old to hang out with his 11-year-old brother at home. I really liked hanging with him too at times, We vibed and talked about anime for a long time, Played COD and other stuff together.

If there is anything I learnt from my past life, It is that you should value and try to be closer to your family. I understand that sometimes circumstances either stop or change that, but if you can, Then do so.


Leaving those depressing thoughts behind, I have discovered people are naturally stronger in this world. Quirks have clearly affected people and made all people naturally stronger, not that stronger only about .5x, Which is probably what caused me to be able to walk properly this early, Though my sense of balance still isn't perfect.

Anyway, Currently, My mother and I are acting like Goody-Two-Shoes in front of our new neighbours. They are your definition of an average family... In this world at least. He is a centaur, So his body is literally Half-Horse and Half-Human.

The creepiest part about this family though... Is that the mother has the body of a child, her quirk allows her to alter her appearance, It doesn't actually change anything other than other peoples perspective of you. She is using it to look like a 13-year-old girl... The father is a sicko.

The father has your average centaur body, Horse half and male upper half. Though The upper half is currently wearing an office worker outfit, and he also looks like a Yakuza with his mean-looking face. He would be the average Japanese office worker if it were not for his Centaur body and constant rape-face. He has dark brown eyes, Slightly large lips, Sharp eyebrows and a strong chin lastly he looks as if he would permanently borrow your spine if you spoke to him wrong.

The mother looks like she is the epitome of innocence, Of course, She would be if it weren't for the bad feeling I'm getting from her.

The mother has light red hair that goes down to the middle of her back, Her eyes look as if someone took the softest green possible and used them to create her adorable eyes, She could probably make humanity regret their decisions if she used the "Puppy dog eyes" technique. She has a gentle face, It is like looking at a peaceful child-like monk looking as if there are no wrongs with the world. Along with all that she has the appearance of a doll, Smooth paper-like skin, Glowing green eyes, soft red hair and a small weak-looking body.

Now then, their child, A female looks like the amalgamation of them both. She has light brown eyes from her father along with her mean-looking face, Of which is clear who she inherited it from. Apart from that, She has inherited everything else from her mother apart from her legs. From her mother, She has smooth pale skin and a small appearance.

Breaking this Angry looking Loli though is her weird... faun appearance. She has extremely tiny goat-like horns coming out the side of her head, Of which just makes her appearance cuter. However, What truly mixes up her appearance is the Goat legs. Legs that are human down until her mid-thighs of which begins her goat legs, From thereon she has soft maroon coloured fur going all the way down her legs. Halfway down her legs is what greatly discomforts me... Her legs bend backwards at her knees and from thereon continues her goat legs...

Why god? Why must there be a family of furries in my safe haven?

Fucken SMACK! Double chapter... Sorta. This chapter is uploaded like 1 hour or so after the previous since... There was a bloody spider on my desk.

A huge huntsman one that was going skitz and was doing laps around my desk, I was freaking out since it is 3:13 AM right now and I can't get any of my family to kill it. So I went on a journey down and through my house at 3 am to look for the bug spray. I eventually found it in the lounge room in the coffee table drawer. It took me a solid 10 minutes to find it, and through it all, I was bloody scared of the spider coming to me. After I found it I went back into my room and to my desk to spray it with bug-poison to death. It wasn't there.

Now, I started getting really bloody scared now. There is a spider the size of my hand running around my room somewhere and I can't see it, So I start looking through my room frantically when suddenly I felt a bone-chilling crawling sensation on my right leg. I fucking screamed.

I jumped for what felt like 3 meters in the air and started frantically smacking my leg while almost having tears in my eyes because... Ya know. A HUGE SPIDER IS ON MY LEG!

Long story short I nearly had a heart attack from finding a Huntsman spider on my leg and because of my adrenaline and fear staying for a while, couldn't finish the chapter quick enough within 30 minutes.

Hope ya enjoyed it! Because I'm going to go to arachnophobia therapy...

ItShallBeChloecreators' thoughts
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