
Why Doesn't The Elven King Have A Wife?

When little Ilodyer was eleven months old, he could already crawl and walk.

The Elven King seemed to be concerned about the baby wandering, so he set a soft barrier around the bed to prevent him from falling, and he always kept him in his arms at night.

The Elven King often took Ilodyer around to explore.

The forest of the elves was like a legendary realm.

Beautiful white buildings peeked out from the trees, adorned with imaginative carvings and exquisite architecture.

Epic stories were carved on the walls, and the elves carried themselves with elegance and gentle smiles.

Observing their daily lives, Ilodyer began to ponder about life in the human world. Humans lacked the elves' immortality and exquisite beauty, and they were plagued by sickness and troubles, having long lost the direction of their souls.

After Ilodyer learned to understand the language of the elves, he began to listen to various sounds.

The Elven King was right; elves were a proud race who denied any human ancestry within themselves.

Even in the presence of The Elven King, they couldn't conceal their disdain for human blood.

Until the day of Ilodyer adoption ceremony, such voices continued to linger.

Some visiting elves advised The Elven King against this, considering it an insult to The Elven race.

During these times, The Elven King appeared very cold and distant, his emerald eyes emanating an unsettling chill.

On the eve of Ilodyer first birthday, The Elven King held him in his arms and asked, "Tomorrow is the day you'll be adopted by me. Did your mother give you a name before?"

Ilodyer recalled the beautiful profile of the woman and her unspoken sorrow, and he nodded gently.

"What name?"


The Elven realm had a comfortable temperature, seldom too hot or cold, and rarely saw rain.

Yet, vegetation thrived.

Most elves raised unicorns, mystical creatures from ancient myths that now passed by Ilodyer.

They seemed to dislike his touch, probably due to his human lineage or perhaps his inherently human nature.

In this elven realm, Ilodyer reached his first birthday, and the adoption ceremony began. Perhaps the housing scarcity of the 21st century hadn't yet arisen, as each hall was unbelievably spacious.

This hall was even larger than the last, its ceiling a starlit sky.

Stars twinkled in the firmament, casting a soft glow within, making one forget the radiant sunlight outside.

The Elven King remained seated on the steps, a female elf holding Ilodyer. The elder elven chief recited lengthy prayers.

The grand hall was exquisite, and Ilodyer curiously looked around, eventually gazing at the stars until he drifted off.

When he awoke, it was already evening, and he was in the arms of The Elven King.

"Why aren't you wearing clothes?" Ilodyer thought and nudged The Elven King awake.

"Father King..."

The Elven King opened his beautiful emerald eyes and looked at the waking child.

"Stars..." Ilodyer pointed to the stars outside. He meant to convey that he didn't intentionally fall asleep during the ceremony, but his limited knowledge of The Elven language led him to gestures.

"Ilodyer is referring to the stars in the sky of the hall today?"


The Elven King sat up and held little Ilodyer, lifting the white curtain. The night sky was clear, a gentle breeze carried faint music and singing.

It's so pure without pollution. The stars were so bright and beautiful, like diamonds. If only people from the 21st century could see this.

The gentle voice of The Elven King echoed, "You were quite naughty today, sleeping during such an important occasion."

"Ah..." Ilodyer shook his little head and pointed to the sky. "Stars..."

"Because of the stars?" The Elven King sighed surprisingly. "The stars in the sky of the hall ceiling, they're waiting for souls to awaken..."

Huh? What? Ilodyer looked up at the night sky, it seemed every culture believed stars were the souls of the departed.

"Elves have eternal life, and the meaning of death is different from humans. Human death implies disappearance, while elven death means the passing of the soul. When an elf soul is damaged or passes away for certain reasons, it returns here, to the hall, awaiting rebirth."

Wow... Is this what humans hope for, eternal youth? Does that mean elves are the closest to gods?

The Elven King looked at the changing expression on Ilodyer innocent face and suddenly said, "However, I believe... that the race most favored by the gods is still humans. They were given the greatest gift."

What is it?

Ilodyer widened his black eyes at The Elven King, could elves envy humans?


Ilodyer looked puzzled, tilting his head. The Elven King beautiful pupils shimmered like stars, captivating and unmovable. He lowered his head and kissed Ilodyer cheek, saying, "You'll understand one day."

A gentle night breeze brushed past, and Ilodyer had a different understanding of the elves for the first time. Only many years later would he comprehend that the elves' immortality endured until the world destruction. Their fate was intertwined with the entire world.

At the age of three, Ilodyer began his education. His teachers didn't treat him any differently because he was The Elven King child. Indeed, it was a society distinct from the human-centric one. Ilodyer studied diligently, reflecting on the differences.

In fact, elven education was flexible; elves had plenty of time, so there was no rush.

The most challenging aspect for Ilodyer was learning The Elven language.

Perhaps it was because elves were an ancient race with a broader vocabulary and linguistic skills than humans.

Mastering The Elven language would greatly aid in learning elemental magic.

Ilodyer, with his newfound ability to speak, was content with his voice.

His soft childlike tones carried a pleasant midrange, and due to his inherently lazy nature, his speech was unhurried.

His voice was attractive, imbued with a faint laziness that was inexplicably alluring.

However, it wasn't until he turned three that he learned his own surname: "Thiri'el Gorhen", part of The Elven King family name. Unlike the Dark Elves, the general elven culture lacked strong notions of familial ties.

But, Ilodyer, whose mental age was already thirty, found it peculiar: why hadn't The Elven King married or had children?

He couldn't ask directly, so one afternoon, while napping on The Elven King lap, Ilodyer suddenly sat up and said, "Father King."

"Hmm?" The Elven King lowered his head, his emerald eyes looking at the black-haired child in his arms.

"Why don't I have a mother?" Well... asking like this should be easier, right?

"Ilodyer mother is far away... When you grow up, would you like Father King to take you to see her?"

"Okay..." Is he planning to take me to see my human mother? Uh... elves reach adulthood at a hundred years old. By that time, my human mother would have long passed away, or she'd be an old hag... "Then, why don't you live together?"

The Elven King chuckled. "Because Mother isn't accustomed to life here, so she lives in a distant place."

"Oh..." Damn, treating me like a child. Ilodyer pretended to be tired and buried his head in The Elven King embrace. Unexpectedly, even The Elven King would lie. They say The Elven King is the closest being to the God Of Creation, so why would he lie...

The one teaching elven language was a female elf, seemingly in her twenties. Her long, curled golden hair, fresh voice akin to morning dew, and outward appearance revealed no hint of her being a linguist.

"Teacher, teacher, why doesn't The Elven King have a wife?" Ilodyer asked with a childish tone, tugging at the teacher hand.

The female elf chuckled softly. "Doesn't Ilodyer know? The Elven King doesn't need to mate."

"Why?" Ilodyer looked at the female elf with wide eyes. Could it be that elves lacked a certain ability? Wow, this revelation is quite shocking.

The female elf took Ilodyer hand. "The Elven King is the being closest to the God Of Creation. There's only one king among the elves, and The Elven King body doesn't suffer harm. Even if it disappears, the soul can be resurrected and awakened in the temple. He will lead our elven race until the world collapse. Does Ilodyer understand?"

Ilodyer obediently shook his head, although he understood deep down. So, that's how it is. Since The Elven King has always been alone, there's no need for him to have children, nor does he require females. Wait, does that mean elves experience loneliness like humans?

One day, upon returning home, The Elven King was still in the garden, ready for afternoon tea. But this time, there was another boy by his side.

The Elven King waved for Ilodyer to come over. Ilodyer was about to take a seat nearby, but The Elven King picked him up and placed him on his lap.

...I hate this. I don't want to be treated like a child...

The Elven King hand gently caressed Ilodyer black hair, his voice tender. "Ilodyer, this is a child of the Mithlóte family, six years old this year. Tomorrow, he'll study elven language with you."

Ilodyer looked up at the child standing next to Father King, his pale gold hair flowing softly, a shade of blue as pure as the sky over the mountain. By age, he was three years older than Ilodyer.

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