
Your sister hates me.

The following morning, Ella woke up early as usual and headed outside for a little workout routine. When she went back in, she saw Daniela making some sandwich bread and boiling water for their breakfast.

"Good morning baby", greeted Gabriela.

"Morning mum. See I woke up early today", replied Daniela.

"Yup. Keep it up", said Gabriela as she patted her head.

"Okay. You should go bath now, breakfast is set", said Daniela happily like a kid who has been given her favourite candy.

"Alright", reply Gabriela.


After having their breakfast, the girls left to school in high spirits.


When the classes for the day finally ended, since it was the first day of resumption, Gabriela decided to hang out with Harry a little before going for her part-time job.

On the other hand, Daniela has quit her part-time job because it was stressing her out, so she decided to go to the green park with Iris.

After hanging out for a while in silence, Gabriela couldn't stomach it anymore. Harry hasn't talk to her since, instead he was engulf with his phone smiling and typing. What she didn't know was that he was chatting with Thalia who has been clinging to him because she heard from her friend Sophie that Harry's fake girlfriend is really pretty. She was fake to him but she never knew it.

"Hey! Who are you chatting with?", Gabriela asked him with her eyebrow raise.

"No one", Harry answer without glancing at Gabriela and continue typing.

Gabriela fell silent for a while, before raising her head to find out who he was chatting with, but to her ought most surprise and disappointment, Harry raise his phone up and logout of the chat before looking at her. Gabriela scoff and ask, "Why don't you allow me to look at your phone if you weren't chatting with someone?"

"I wasn't chatting with anyone", Harry said firmly.

"Then what were you doing?," asked Gabriela.

"I was playing game", said Harry.

"What kind of game could have made you so engulf up to the point of smiling like a maniac?", Gabriela ask looking at him with a dissatisfy expression on her face.

"It was word cookies friends", Harry said.

"Oh! I know that game and I like competing with Eric, Daniela and Iris. Gosh, you can't believe I use to surpass all of them", Gabriela said happily.

"Let's get going", Harry said with a tone full of annoyance.

Gabriela who didn't know were she had gone wrong with her words decided to ask him what was wrong of which he answered with "nothing".

"Nothing? Seriously? Then why are you so stone face all of a sudden?", Gabriela ask.

"I'm not. It's all in your imagination", Harry reply half raising his voice.

Daniela and Iris were just strolling to the garden near the park when they heard the voice of a man and a woman arguing and to their surprise it was Harry and Gabriela.

Daniela step closer to the couples who were still arguing and said from behind, "Why are you staring at my sister like that? Did I give you the permission to glare furiously at her? Do you think because you are her boyfriend, you have the right to bully her as you like,huh?

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that? ", Harry asked with a displease tone.

"And who do you think you are to bully my friends? ", Iris jump in before Daniela could even say anything.

"Look who's talking. Who gave you the effrontery to confront me?", Harry asked with a voice full of disdain.

Gabriela was so shock out of her wit, when she heard her sister and Iris voices. Of course, she knows the fact that her sister and Iris do not like Harry, however she didn't expect Harry to re-act the way he just did. She was disappointed, so disappointed. After taking in a deep breath Gabriela decided to speak up before things get out of hand. "Daniela I never expected you to be that hostile towards Harry. He wasn't bullying me in actuality, but he was ignoring me when he was the one that suggested we go out on a walk. I was angry seeing him so engulf with his phone, so I decided to question him. And to be frankly sincere, I don't like the way you were talking to him right now. He's your senior and also my boyfriend. So even if you don't like him as my boyfriend, you have to respect him because of me." Then she turned and face Harry who was looking at Daniela with a disgusted look and said," Harry I'm more than disappointed in your immature character. I love and respect you, but that doesn't mean that am stupid. You have no right to raise your voice on me, my sister or her friend. A man should always be reasonable and responsible towards a woman. But you are just an opposite side of it. You don't know how to coax a woman, What to do for her to suppress her anger and how to make her yawn for you all the time. But amidst all, I will forgive you this once".




Everyone were speechless for almost 2 minutes. She was not refuting her sister alone but the both of them.

When they didn't speak anymore, she use the initiative to tell them it was time to leave, after that she drag Daniela and Iris away when Harry didn't say anything to her, not even a"sorry". She didn't say anything offensive to him, " so why was he angry." She thought in her head, but didn't say it out.


"Hey are you okay?", asked Daniela when she saw the disappointed look in Ella's face.

"Yeah. Just take Iris home, I gotta go to work now." said Gabriela with a reassuring smile.

"Alright, bye." said Daniela and Iris.

Next chapter