
Where do broken hearts go.

Gabriela has been running for over 30 minutes . The rain which was drizzling before was now falling heavily and the streets were quiet. She ran into a desolated area still crying, she had never cried like this before, not even the very day she saw her own father being lowered into six feet's of the earth. She was the only strong one among every one present in the funeral ground apart from her evil uncle, but now she was so hurt that every pain came surfacing in her mind. She had been crying out loud and running alone in the lonely street today, because the guy she loved so much from the depths of her heart was only using her and had even slapped her in front of everyone. How was she stupid not to know and see the truth? Maybe love is indeed blind. Every word he and Thalia said today had stabbed her heart hard as it kept echoing in her ear. Imagine being hurt by the cousin you gave your motherly love to, your bedtime snacks, shared everything you ever had with, even prefer to suffer insomnia just to look after her in the hospital for three days and nights and also being hurt by the guy you gave your heart to without asking for anything in return.

Crying and draining in the rain only made her look like a lost kitten, who didn't have a soul that cared about her.


Her body was going weak as the time pass by, her emotions have overpowered her entire being when suddenly she bomb into a firm chest and a large pair of arms holding her in place. When she raised up her face, she was met with Brian's handsome face looking at her tenderly. She thought he was Blossom because they look alike and asked with a horse and trembling voice, "Blossom where do broken hearts go?"

Brian was quite surprised that she mistaken him for his brother, but then he remembered the look alike and the only thing that distinguish them was the black mole on his ear lobe, hence he lowered his voice to a soft and tender one, before replying her question. "I'm not Blossom, but Brian Ella. Broken hearts only have one place to go and that place is, "letting go the pass and looking forward to the future". So stop crying because of a man who doesn't deserve you Ella. You are smart, beautiful, righteous and an excellent woman. So can you please stop hurting yourself like this?"

Maybe because of his firm chest, strong arms that made her feel a sense of security and warm words of comfort, her soul immediately left her body and she pass out falling backward. But before she could reach the ground, Brian grab her by her waist and pull her up before carrying her to his car park not far away. He place her in the back seat before getting into the driver's seat and drive away.


Halfway through the journey, Iris call came through and Brian had already predicted how worried she and Daniela had become after not finding Gabriela, so he immediately pick-up the call. "Hello?"

"Daddy my friend Ella had gone missing. Her phone is with us and it's already falling this heavy. We don't know how to find her, can you please help us", Iris worried voice could be heard through the phone.

"Don't worry, she's save here with me", reply Brian tenderly.

"How.....How did you find her?", Iris was shock and overjoyed at the same time.

"I was following you little devil when I didn't know what you were up to", said Brian.

"Whatever, please just bring her back to the mansion. Daniela is in the mansion right now", said Iris.

"Oh. Is your second Daddy back?", asked Brian.

"Yes. He's brewing some ginger tea for us", reply Iris.

"Ok. Tell him to brew more tea because of Gabriela. She has been drained in the rain for over 30 minutes", said Brian.

"Ok daddy. Bye-bye", said Iris.


After hanging up, Iris course under her breath, "Dammit".

"What's wrong Iris? Is my sister save?", asked Daniela worriedly. Though she heard what Iris was saying to her brother, but she didn't hear what Brian was saying.

"Don't worry sis, she's in safe hands. My brother was following us all along, so he found her on time, but she's drain in rain", reply Iris as she hug Daniela.

Sigh, Daniela hug her back and said, "I'm so grateful for knowing you and your brothers. I just can't imagine what would have happen to Gabriela if not for you and your brothers".

"Silly, what do you mean? Gabriela risk her life the other day to save my brother, so there's no need to be polite towards us. Just take us as your siblings", said Iris while pinching Daniela's nose.

"Hey!!! You are asking for it sis", scream Daniela.

"Tsk! Your nose is so delicate to the touch, so I don't mind pinching it all day", reply Iris.

"I'm gonna pinch your cheek until it turns red like fresh tomato", said Daniela angrily.

"No..... Please don't.... ", Iris scream and run to the kitchen and hide behind Blossom.

Just then, the sound of the door opening could be heard. Following next, was Brian with Gabriela in his hands all wet from head to toe.

Daniela immediately run to them and ask, "Bro Brian, is my sister ok?"

"She's fine. Right now, she just need a hot bath and rest, as she has been crying in the rain for a longtime before I found her", reply Brian.

Daniela sigh in relief and said, "Thank you very much, Bro Brian".

"You don't have to be so polite with me, you can just call me Brian.."

"Or daddy", Iris completed the sentence and wink at her brother.





Brian could already felt a headache coming, while Blossom and Daniela remain speechless.

When no one was ready to say anything, Brian said, "I'm taking her to my room. Daniela come with me and bath her, so that her clothes can be changed".

Iris immediately refuted, "Why your room daddy? Why not my room or the guest room?"

"Your room will be too noisy for her and the heater in that guestroom isn't working", reply Brian before heading up stairs.


"Oh", Iris reply with a raise eyebrow.

Brian suddenly stop and said, "Get that your oversize bathrobe and heavy stockings for her, Iris."

"Ok daddy", reply Iris.


Daniela followed Brian quietly into his bedroom and was in awe. The room was spaciously decorated in Italian style, one glance at it, you will know it's worth millions.

There was another two rooms in the room which was his study room and his dressing room. Just then there was a knock on the door. After obtaining permission, a maid came in and went to the bathroom to prepare the bath. Daniela was quite surprise to see a maid because when she and Iris came back, she didn't see any body in the house.


Ten minutes later, the maid came out and inform them that the bath was ready. Brian who was still carrying Gabriela in his arms which was already numb by now, nodded and heard into the bathroom. Daniela immediately follow suite, as well as Iris.

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