
We are already friends.

At the school cafeteria the duo ordered for what they wanted to eat while chattering away.

Iris was busy showing different pictures of her pink dresses to Daniela who was listening to her with full attention. Gabriela was so surprise to see them get along in such a short period of time. On the other hand Harry was busy admiring this beauty in front of him that he didn't notice when she was staring back at him with a questioning look. He only came back to his senses when their food arrive.

"Why were you staring at me as if I was the food you wanted to eat?,"asked Gabriela who was so surprise at this cutie dazing out while looking at her.

"I... It was nothing. You really look good and I was just thinking about how to..", his words suddenly came to a halt. How was he suppose to tell her that he was so enchanted by her smile and beautiful face.

"How to what? Gabriela think in her head but didn't drag the matter any further.

"Alright! Come-on let munch this food before it disappears,"Said Gabriela which made others laugh out loud.

Iris was laughing until tears began to well up in her eyes which cause the latter to stop laughing.

The ate their food happily and chatted so enthusiastically. After eating Gabriela and Harry still had class in the evening, so they had to return back to their class while Iris and Daniela told them they were gonna wait for them.


After the evening class had come to an end, Ella pack her belongings while informing Daniela that her class is over unaware of the pair of eye that was staring at her again.

"You are something girl without noticing it," mumble Harry while trying to calm the demon inside of him and he wish he could just ask her out right away. But no, I have to get a hold of myself we have just meet and she might see me as a pervert.

"Hey Mr Harry, why are dazing out again?", exclaimed Ella.

Harry who was caught red-handed could only smile sheepishly while been drag out of the classroom.

Five minutes after, they caught sight of Daniela and Iris walking towards a luxurious car as a man in his thirties step down from it to open the door for Iris. Iris turn around and wave a good bye to her three friends before the car zoom off.

"Who's that man that came to pick your friend?", asked a surprise Gabriela.

"I don't know much about it Ella. She only told me that her brother's driver will be coming to take her home when I was complaining of her waiting for us," said Daniela.

" Alright, let me send you girls home with my car, it already late",said Harry.

"No worries Harry, we won't trouble you for that and besides we just meet", said Gabriela

"We are already friends Ella so stop complaining", said Harry.

Ella just didn't want to prob further, so she hop into the backseat with Daniela. After sitting comfortably they began to chat happily has they seem to be so excited about their decisions and the way things walkout for them.

When the car stop in front of their apartment and bidding Harry goodbye, the girls decided to take a warm shower and drag their tired bodies to bed.

Next chapter