
Travelling to Indy.

The following day was a busy day for the Ellas. They have to make a trip to Indy the next day. When Ella woke up to see the brightness of the sun, she felt relax. After getting off bed, Ella went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast while Daniela was yet to wake up. Ella made a breakfast of braise egg, vegetable soup, bean cake and mint tea. When Daniela woke up, her sister had already started to serve the dishes, she just walk up to her sister and greeted her," good morning mummy! Sorry this lazy baby always wake up late, but mummy is the best".

"What a lazy child you are. Hmm, do I have a choice? I have to cook so that you won't wake up and eat me, glutton. Hurry up while eating, because we have to get ourselves ready for our summer trip,"said Gabriela.

Immediately, Daniela's eyes lit up," you mean we are finally gonna travel? omg! I can't wait anymore, I really wanna have fun before school resumes".

" Mhmm! Remember to work hard in order to gather up enough money before school reopens. We don't have parents or elders to rely on like other children, we are just ourselves and nothing more", said Gabriela.

"I know Ella, don't worry I will definitely do my best," reply Daniela.

"Alright! I'm praying for the best," said Gabriela.

When the girls were done with their breakfast, they started to park their necessities and arranging everything accordingly. Before the realise it, the time was already far spent and it was 4pm by the time they finish. Ella went out for her evening work out while Daniela retire to watching movies.


When it was dawn Ella check her phone and discover that Harry hasn't call or text her since morning and she felt so disappointed. But what she didn't know was that Harry had already travelled to Ellen to meet his girlfriend early that morning. She began to get worried when his number was switch off and had to text him with hope that when he on his phone he will see her text. Happy with herself she went to sleep.


Early the following morning, Ella woke up to see Daniela's bed empty and she began to wonder why her little brat has woke up this early. After refreshing up, she park their luggage outside while Daniela prepared breakfast. After having their breakfast the duo took a cab to the airport were they will be leaving in less than an hour. After settling all the protocols, it was finally time for the flight to take off. While Daniela was busy chatting with Iris, Gabriela was searching for a job with good pay online. She just didn't want to waste her money to a trip that won't benefit her, even though she was happy to meet her mentor again after two years, she still wanted to gain more things from this trip.

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