
Saving one's life is more important.

The doctor didn't know what to say anymore, but their boss is going to arrive by tomorrow and Brian still needs blood. Not knowing what to do anymore, the doctor decided to break the news to this stranger girl maybe she could be of help.

"What's your name miss?", asked the doctor.

Gabriela ponder for a while on whether to tell him her real name or not. 'Hmm! Why does he need my name?'

'I thought he said the young man is his boss brother?'

'Why can't he just go ahead and treat him, instead of asking me ridiculous questions?'

Shaking her head to clear the silly questions in head, she finally reply, "Ella wills".

"Miss Ella, actually the patient as been sick for a longtime now, maybe for a week or two and the fever has actually dried up his blood. So presently now, we need someone to volunteer and donate their blood for him, because we are currently out of his blood type", said the doctor.

"What's his blood type?", asked Gabriela.

The doctor was taken aback, he had thought she was gonna get angry at his words, but she wasn't. Not wanting to waste time anymore, he quickly reply, "Type A blood".

"He's quite lucky. I'm type A too, so you can go ahead and have mine", said Gabriela.

"You mean you want to donate your blood for him?", asked the doctor who was rather stunned at how brave she was.

"Come-on Mr doctor, saving one's life is more important to me than caring about my own safety. So hurry up and save his life, after all, no one knows tomorrow",said Gabriela calmly.

"Ok miss, we shall proceed immediately",reply the doctor.


After donating two bags of blood for Brian, Gabriela could feel her body go weak and cold. She wasn't wearing anything apart from her yoga outfit that expose her stomach and legs, but she was still stubborn and wanted to go home immediately at the thought of Daniela being worried about her whereabout. She wasn't with her phone and she doesn't know anyone here, so she has to go home by all means. After only walking halfway through the hospital's corridor, all the bones in her body grew weaker and her legs give way as she fainted on the floor.

A nurse who knew what just happened, rush to call another nurse for help and in no time rush back with a stretcher and carried her to another VIP ward.


6 o'clock in the morning, Gabriela woke up to see herself in an unknown environment and wanted to scream, when realization suddenly hit her. She look at the IV drip connected to her hand and sigh. Laying back on the bed, she began to think about Daniela and in no time wanted to disconnect the drip from her hand when a nurse walk into the room and scream for her to stop. Turning to look at the nurse, she greeted her, "Good morning miss. Please can you disconnect this IV drip for me?", she said half pleading with her baby doll eyes.

"Please not with those baby doll eyes. You know I can't resist those eyes", said the nurse.

'Tsk, I didn't expect my eyes to be that adorable", Gabriela scream in her head.

"Pretty please", she pleaded again.

"Ok, I will, but the doctor instructed me not to let you go until Mr Blossom, our boss twin brother meets you", said the nurse.

Gabriela was not in the mode of seeing any of his family members. She was glad she could save his life and she was not a type who will allow people thank her for the rest of her life for giving them a little help. Thus, after making sure the drip was disconnected from her hand, she hurriedly jump down from the bed and told the nurse what was in her mind, "There's no need for me to meet your boss. I already save his brother's life, and that's the most important thing right now. Secondly, I don't want him to compensate me, because that will only make me feel like a money grubber who's only helping someone for the benefit of getting money from them.

Lastly, I like helping people, because no one can predict tomorrow as this world is a globe revolving around".

After saying this, she disappear from the hospital in the blink of an eye, while the nurse was standing rooted to the spot.


When she arrive home, she saw Daniela sitting on the floor

with her knees clutch to her chest. Gabriela felt her heartache at the image in front of her, she sat down next to her and patted her head. Daniela almost jump in fright, when she saw her sister beside her, she turn and hug her tightly as if she was going to disappear anytime. Gabriela hug her back and whisper into her ear, "I'm sorry for making you worry".

"You scare me to death Ella", said Daniela while wailing.

"It's ok Baby, mummy is here and mummy is so sorry", reply Gabriela while separating her from her body.

"Ok. What happen? You look pale", scream Daniela in horror upon looking at her sister's face.

"It's nothing", reply Gabriela.

She wasn't going to tell her sister that she donated her blood to save a stranger, if not her sister sure will scream at her on top of her voice.

"What do you mean nothing? You slept outside last night and came back this morning with a pale face and you are telling me nothing happened to you. How does that make sense?", asked Daniela.

"Actually, I kick a stone yesterday on my way coming home, so I fell down and became unconscious. I don't know what happened next, but I woke up in a hospital this morning", reply Gabriela.

She wasn't good at lying and she wish this could pacify Daniela, however the next question almost blow her cover.

"Seriously, then how come there's two needle holes on your hand?",asked Daniela with an eyebrow raise.

"Ah! That most be from the IV drip", reply Gabriela.

Daniela knew something was off, but she was happy to see her sister safe and sound, so she wasn't gonna pressurise her anymore.

"Ok fine, go in and take a warm bath while I prepare breakfast",said Daniela.

"Thank you so much Niela, I will never leave you alone ever again", said Gabriela as she hug Daniela.

"I'm sorry too sis, if I had followed you out yesterday this wouldn't have happened?", said Daniela like a guilty child.

"It's not your fault, I was just being careless and I promise to be more careful next time", said Gabriela.

"Ok, go and have a shower", said Daniela.

"Ok Baby", said Gabriela.

Next chapter