
I will make him pay.

When Eric arrive at Country C, it's was already late in the night. Dragging his suitcase, he rang their doorbell and waited for an answer. Soon enough, Daniela who was still watching her favorite cartoon, rush towards the door and what greeted her was her senior Eric. She jump and hug him, before he could even speak. Eric was quite shock but then remembered that this was one of his kitten. Ruffling her hair, he said to her, "Kitten did you miss me that much?"

"Hey, who said I miss you? Hmph, anyway since you are here, you might as well be welcome if only you bought me chocolate", retorted Daniela childishly.

"Heh! My little kitten sure looks more cuter than before. As for the chocolates, they're for my stubborn kitten and not you. So give way next to the rock", Said Eric as he grin mischievously at Daniela.

Stomping her foot, Daniela said, "Don't you be all full of yourself yet, because my mummy Ella won't eat your chocolates except I'm satisfied. Now hurry up and come in, it already so late".

Defeated, Eric dragged his luggage and went in.


Looking at the apartment his two kittens were living, he wasn't so satisfied at all. Though it has three rooms, a sitting room and kitchen, it couldn't even be compared to his apartment when he was in school. He could clearly remember about his father telling him that Ella has strongly rejected the house he offered her in Apex estate. There was a tight security there and the houses in that estate were well built with a good city view from inside. Most of the people living there, were students from the rich family or young heirs who wanted to live alone. 'Why did she choose to do everything by herself?' She had bought this little apartment with the savings she made during her high school days.This apartment was sold out by a young man whose grandmother had been killed when he had just gotten a scholarship to study abroad and for him to be able to forget the past and move on, he had sold this apartment out.


Lost in his thoughts, Eric didn't notice when Daniela who had carried his luggage to the guest room returned.

"Hey, why are dazing out like a lost ghost?", teased Daniela.

"Huh?" Eric who had been caught red-handed, felt awkward and gave a light cough.

"Just wondering how you girls are so good at arrangements. You know when I was living alone at school, I use to scatter things everywhere".

Daniela squinted her eyes and said, "Mhmm, I'm not the one that did the arrangements but Ella. If it was just me, this house would have been as messy as a dumpsite".

"Seriously? Where's my stubborn kitten?", asked Eric.

"She's sleeping. She was dancing cry by Rihanna for an hour or more before she fell asleep", reply Daniela.

"What the heck? She danced one song for an hour?", asked Eric who couldn't believe his ears. She had promised him five years ago that she wouldn't dance again after that incident that almost made her cripple.

"Yep", reply Daniela.

Sigh, Eric said, "I can't believe she can still dance again after that..."

"Cut the crab guys, you are disturbing my sleep".

He didn't get to finish his words before Gabriela's sleepy but charming voice cut him off.

"Hey stubborn kitten. Won't you come and greet your daddy for coming to give you a hug?", said Eric as he got up from his seat to pull his silly kitten into his embrace.

"....", hearing his voice, Gabriela's eyes immediately flip open as the sleep was now nowhere to be found. She stared wide eye at him and couldn't help but rush into his embrace.

"Eric", she mumbled .

This was the only thing she wanted and she couldn't ask for more. He had actually come all the way from Indy to country C just to give her a hug.


Eric hug her tight to himself as if he was afraid she would vanish. Gabriela on the other hand didn't know when she had started tearing up again. Hearing her sobs, he said to her, "Cry Ella if you want to. As long as it makes you feel better, I will be more than glad".

"Hearing those words of comfort from you makes me feel better already", she said amidst tears.

Eric separated her from his embrace and kiss her forehead and said, "Stop crying then if my words makes you feel better. Stop crying for a worthless person like Harry. You are stronger than all your pains and you have never allowed your pains overpower you. Gabriela you have to be strong for yourself, for Daniela, for me and father, for your future, for that man who deserves you and for the world who look up to you. You are strong, beautiful, determined, smart and valuable".

After saying this, he look into her eyes and said, "Gabriela Wilson remember, "only a weaker can be stopped, but a determined man can never be stopped no matter how many barriers he may have to fight."


Gabriela was speechless, for she was the one who had told him this same words when his mother had passedaway and he had wanted to let down his studies, his father and had almost committed suicide out of depression. 'So he still remember this words, but I had forgotten'.

Snapping back to reality, Gabriela smile at him and said, "I will be strong for you, Daniela and father, Eric. I'm sorry for letting you all down and I'm so sorry for going against my promise to you for wanting to dance at his birthday. I'm so sorry".

"It's ok kitten", said Eric.

Even though he wasn't pleased with her going against him because of that idiotic fellow, he wasn't going to scold her. Rather he will make that idiot pay for her every tear drop.

Next chapter