
I want to see the girl that saved my life.

When Blossom arrive at the hospital it was already 10am and Brian was awake by then.

When he saw his brother lying weakly on the bed, he couldn't help to reprimand him. "You are just too stubborn, Bri. How can you have a fever for a week without taking medication or visiting the hospital? Did you want the fever to fry your brain?"

"I didn't think it will resolve to this. Besides, you know I don't visit hospital or take medication when I have a fever, except it is something serious", Brian said with a straight face.

"Huh? You are still making a straight face in your condition, how boring",said Blossom.

"I'm not in the mode to entertain you right now Blo. So if you don't have any thing else to do, go and get me discharge",reply Brian.

"You fainted yesterday on your way back from green pack and was brought here by a young girl who also donated her blood for you when the doctor discover the fever has dry up your blood, yet you wake up now and start spouting nonsense. Do you want that little girl's effort to go into the drain, by leaving the hospital when you haven't recover at all?", Blossom ask with a serious expression on his face.

Brian was dumbstruck, as he could still remember a beautiful girl who had came up to him and ask him if he was ok before he pass out. Just then Iris rush into the ward with a swollen eye and a worried expression on her face. Brian and Blossom look at their little princess appearance and they both ask at the same time, "Were you crying?"

Iris ignore their question and turn to Brian before tearing up again. Brian didn't like seeing her like this, he has always dotted and spoilt this brat more than his brother. Blossom dotes on her too, but he always scold her when she does something wrong while Brian never scolds her.

Brian begin to Pat her head while she sniffle on his chest like a little child and said, " It's ok Iris, brother is fine now. You can stop crying, ok".

"I was so worried about you since yesterday, before bro Blo called to inform that you are in the hospital. I couldn't come because those wicked house keepers didn't allow me to go out. The old nanny was the only person cuddling me and I slept very late so I couldn't come to see you early", said Iris while pouting like a spoilt brat that she was.

Brian and Blossom boasted out laughing at her childish behavior. Sometimes they wonder if she's 19 or still that 6 years old child that their uncle left in their care.

When Iris saw her brothers making fun of her, she tear up again,"Wuaaaaah!!!!!! Why are you people laughing at me?"

"Hey, no one is laughing at you, ok. Now that's ok, stop crying", said Brian with a voice full of tenderness.

"Yeah Iris, stop crying. Everything is fine now, you should be thanking that miss that saved your father's life and not crying like a baby", Blossom said in a soft voice while caressing her hair.



"What do you mean by that miss that saved my father Brian's life?", asked a confuse Iris.

"I can't remember the name doctor Sam told me but I will call him in here to explain everything", Blossom said as he rang the dumbbell in the word.

Within 2 minutes, doctor Sam hurried into the ward and immediately bow as a sign of greeting to them before asking, "May I know What's the matter boss?"

"There's no problem actually, I just want you to tell my brother how he got here and what happened yesterday", said Blossom.

"Oh! Actually sir, you were brought in here yesterday by a young lady named, Ella Wills. Your body temperature was so high and you had pass out as a result of that before you were brought here. The fever had also dried an excessive amount of blood in your body and when we told that young lady, she had volunteer and donated her blood for you. She had also pass out few minutes after donating her blood for you and was immediately put on an IV drip, but she woke up this morning and left the hospital without a word. She seems not to know you though, and she even said you were strangers to each other", said doctor Sam.

"Hmm, that's strange. Can you remove this IV drip from my hand?", requested Brian.

"What do you want to do Sir?", ask doctor Sam.

"I want to watch the hospital footage, so that I can see the girl that saved my life", reply Brian.


"After disconnecting the IV drip, Brian and his siblings went upstairs to watch the video footage of the hospital. Iris was dumbstruck when she recognise the girl in the video, it was her friend, Gabriela. She couldn't keep quiet anymore and blurted out immediately, "This..... this.... this is my twin friend Gabriela Wilson".

Everyone turn to look at the girl who was speaking with a trembling voice.

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