
Her boyfriend really is something.

As soon as the jet landed, the siblings hurry down and rush towards the front door, but before the could knock, Daniela had already open the door and invited them in.

Blossom rush over to where Gabriela was sleeping soundly on the executive chair and started checking her body temperature, before starting the treatment. He injected some liquid medicine into an intravenous fluid before connecting it to Ella's hand.

After everything, Blossom sigh in relief and said, "Her body temperature will come down in the next few minutes. She did caught a cold and I think is from yesterday when she disregard her uncovered body and decided to save someone who woke up this morning to make ruckus on going home, and is even leaving on a business trip now". After saying this he cast a meaningful glance at Brian.





Brian was speechless for a while and said, "I can't stay in the hospital while my company in Spain is having a hard time". Then he turned to look at Daniela and said, "I'm sorry, your sister pass through a lot yesterday and today just for the sake of saving me. I honestly don't know how to repay her kindness and care towards me yesterday, because some people would have left me there, but your sister didn't. Even when she didn't even know who I am, she still went ahead and donated her blood for me, without thinking of her own safety. Your sister really is one in a million girl and I really appreciate all her efforts yesterday. But am also sorry that I can't stay by her side today, because I have to make a trip to Spain".

"It's ok Mr Brian. My sister always told me that saving another person's life is more important than thinking about your own safety. I'm also sorry for disturbing you guys and I'm so grateful for your help". She then turn to Blossom and said, "Thank very much Doctor".

"Don't mention it please", the twin answer at the same time.

Daniela blink her eyes and look at the two handsome men in front of her in astonishment.

Iris laugh and said, "It's the power of twins".

"You are right. And oh, thank you so much princess, if not for you, I don't know who and where I would have gone to", Daniela said with a sad voice at the end.

"Hey, stop saying that. I should be thanking you and your sister. By the way did you inform Harry about it", Iris asked.

"Inform him? Hah, I would have been stupid then. Can you imagine that, that ungrateful brat was the one who brought Ella back home with the fever? He even knew that she had a fever, but instead of doing something about it, he drove his car and left without even saying a word", Daniela said with annoyance.

Iris was about to answer, but was immediately cut off by Brian. "What kind of boyfriend treat's his girlfriend like that? Does he even have conscience? And is he even human?"

"Exactly, what kind of a man treat's the girl he loves like that?", Blossom asked all irritated.

"You are right brothers, but Ella doesn't seems to see the truth that this guy doesn't love her", Iris said.

"Everyone see the truth except my sister. He even has a girlfriend at Ellen that he's presently dating and still date's my sister too. I tried telling my sister once but he maneuver everything by telling her a bunch of concocted lies. We even hack into his phone and saw the confession between him and Thalia his girlfriend and we also discover that he is using my sister just to achieve his academic goals. My sister is a genius in our school and everyone had always want to get close to her, but she doesn't like having too much friends, so she will merely teach those who are interested in learning and also help some people with their assignments as long as they are willing to pay the amount she request for. But when it comes to that jerk , my sister writes his test, his exams and even teach him for free without requesting for anything. Presently now, she's having sleepless nights just to make his birthday banquet a success and had even used the money for our monthly keeping this month to buy a cake for him in advance. Now tell me is he really not an hypocrite? said Daniela.

The guys were in awe after listening to Daniela and they both said at the same time, "That boyfriend of hers really is something".

"I know right, but we have a surprise for him on his birthday", Iris said and grin mischievously.

Daniela sigh and said, "That will affect Ella too. But we have to let her know everything now than later".

The guys furrow their brows at the same time and were about to speak when Iris cut them off guard and said, "Don't tell me you two are about to speak the same thing again?"

"Huh?", they scowl at her at the same time which made Iris and Daniela to boast out laughing.


After chatting for a while, Brian check his wrist watch and discover it was time for him to leave. Just then his assistant, Leonard call to inform him that everything he needed is ready. Before leaving, he turned to Daniela and said, "My regards to her when she wakes up".

"Ok no problem Mr Brian, safe trip", Daniela reply.

"Thanks Miss....",

"Daniela", Daniela completed the sentence for him.

"Oh!". He then turn to Iris and patted her on the heard, before turning to Blossom with a meaningful look on his face and said, "Make sure she's completely ok, before you leave. Secondly, Make sure Iris doesn't leave the house without your consent and lastly, do not scold her even if she does anything, just wait until I come back".

"Sure Mr workaholic", Blossom reply with a sly smile.

"Whatever. You better do your job well", Brian said with a straight face and left.

Next chapter