
Harry's Birthday[2]

Finally the day they have been waiting for had arrive. Gabriela woke up very early that morning and went straight to the gym for a good workout. She was happy because she was gonna dance and sing for the guy she loves. She was already imagining his shock expression when he finds out that she can do all those things. She had given herself sleepless nights just to make this banquet a successful one. After working out, she came back home and began to practice her dance moves, because it has been three years already since she last dance in front of the crowd or since she last appear on stage.


Daniela was woken up by the loud of an mp3 player and what she saw next almost make her eyes to pop out. She couldn't believe what she saw, because three years ago, Gabriela had told Eric's father, Mr Anderson that she wouldn't ever dance again after the incident that happen to her back then. But now, she was going against her promise just to prove her sincere love to that jerk. "Ah Ella, what have you gotten yourself into?", Daniela scream in her head. She also couldn't stop her from doing what she was doing because it also remind her of the pass, how she use to play basketball and Gabriela used to dance for her whenever she scores. When she remember that, she just smile and went to prepare breakfast, instead of disturbing her.


Meanwhile at landscape mansion, Brian was back from his trip and was showing Iris some stuff he had bought for her and her friends, but he didn't know if they will like them. Iris seeing her brothers contemplating look, hurriedly said, "Bro Bri, you don't have to worry about them liking this gifts, because my friends never discriminate things. And I most thank you for this triple outfits, because this was exactly what we needed today and just in time you provided it".

"Huh? Where are you going to today?", Brian asked.

"Tsk! Today his that jerk's birthday, so I wanted my besties and I to wear the same train of clothes and not to mention, Daniela and I have a plan to expose that conniving brut today," Iris said enthusiastically.

" And who's the jerk?", asked Brian as he didn't know who she was referring to .

But before she could reply, Blossom who had been quite all along spoke up with just two words, "Ella's boyfriend".

When Brian heard this, he clench his fist tightly as he could still remember how that idiotic fellow had left her that day she had fallen sick. But then he also decided to just keep quiet and secretly follow this little devil as he couldn't fathom what she was up to with Daniela.


Back at home Harry was busy playing with Thalia, acting all lovey-dovey from the very moment his parents arrive with her. She was acting so coquettish like a spoilt child she was. She was also happy because she had everything planned to embarrass Gabriela without anyone's suspicion. And apart of her was happy because, she was going to show her cousin that she's sexy and pretty more than her now unlike 9 years ago were she use to outshine her in terms of beauty.

What she didn't know is that, Gabriela is now even more beautiful than what she use to be in the past and she will definitely be given 100% if she were to compete with a miser like her.


At 7pm, Iris came with her driver to pick Gabriela and Daniela up and also give them the dress her brother had bought for them, but decided to not tell them it was Brian that bought it yet, until the party is over.

She step down from the car and went directly to their bedroom when she didn't see them in the sitting room. As soon as she entered the room, she couldn't believe how beautiful her friends were after putting on some make-up.


"Hey, are you girls trying to murder all the guys in the party", said Iris with a pout because naturally, she wasn't putting on any make up.

"Are you a ghost? When did you enter the room?", Daniela asked and walk towards Iris.

"You are the ghost. Eh, I most say you girls look exceptionally charming today, most especially mummy Ella", Iris said with a smile.

"Oh! Thanks Baby. Now hurry and sit there so that mummy can make you look charming too", said Gabriela.

"Sure. My makeup skill is the worst, so I do simply respect myself by using only powder", said Iris while sitting down in front of the table mirror.

"Then I will teach you after today how to apply makeup on your own. Daniela hurry and put on your dress so that we can leave on time", said Gabriela.

"Red or Blue?", asked Daniela.

"Red, I am using the blue one", reply Gabriela.

"Okay", said Daniela.

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