
A sincere apology.

After class that day, Harry felt like he had gone overboard with the girls.He began to question himself as to why he was being that hostile towards the girls, at least they are innocent children who haven't offended him in anyway. And secondly, Gabriela might give up on him if he continues to behave like this. Even if he doesn't love her because of Thalia's existence in his heart, at least he doesn't hate her. "She's pretty, smart, excellent in every aspect and can't be compare to Thalia. But Thalia is sexy and seductive and good at satisfying him in bed", he thought to himself.


After what seems like eternity, he finally came to a suggestion on how to pacify the girls.

He went to one of the best flower shop and bought three package of roses and went to the girls house. When he arrive at the girls door step, he heard a loud music and noises in the girls sitting room. "Are they having a house party or something?", he asked himself.

Not knowing what was going on, he decided to peep through the open curtain outside and to his surprise the girls were dancing and singing along with the music. Not to mention Gabriela who was now wearing a very short crop top and a pair of short. She was swaying along with every lyrics of the music and shaking her hips, butt and bobs as if she was free from everything in this world. Her stomach was completely expose by the top, one could see her tone stomach with abs and her slightly hairy smooth skin that was now suck in sweat. She was so sexy to the core that Harry could feel his throat dry up and a sensation running through his body which made is second man to get hard. "Dammit", he curse under his breath and decided to look away.


After 5 minutes of calming down, Harry went ahead and knock on the girls door. The girls were quite startled at the sudden knock on the door and turn to look at each other in confusion.

"Iris did you call your driver to pick you up?", Gabriela ask.

"Nope. I told him not to border picking me up today and I even text my brothers and told them I'm with my friends and won't be coming home tonight", reply Iris.

"Oh! Daniela get the door since your cloth is less exposing. Iris come with me and change up", said Gabriela.

"Ok", said Daniela as she went to open the door.

As soon as she open the door, she saw Harry standing with three bunch of roses and was stunned for a while before asking, "What are you doing here?". At this moment Gabriela and Iris were back and were heading towards the door. The girls were also stunned at the sight of Harry.

When Harry saw that the girls were complete, he quickly went on his knees and said, "My sincere apology ladies".





The girls were flabbergasted at the sudden change in Harry's behavior. Harry seeing them look at him without a word, stood up and gave the roses to them. Even Daniela and Iris couldn't help but forgive him immediately.

"Apology accepted", said Daniela.

"Yeah, you are forgiven", added Iris.

"I won't be an exception, I forgive you sweety", said Gabriela.

"Am happy to be forgiven. I was so worried when I didn't see any of you in school after the incident this morning and I know I was completely wrong. I promise to be more careful and never cause all trouble again", said Harry with his head bow like a guilty child.

"It's ok Harry", the girls reply at the same time which cause all of them to laugh including Harry.

Next chapter