
Welcome to the Institute for Future Success

The classroom was a hive of diverse conversations, creating a cacophony reminiscent of a bustling concert. Despite the chaos, the sound-wave-blocking walls and specially designed door material ensured that not even a whisper escaped the room.

"Quiet down!" The commanding shout pierced through the air, originating from a student amidst the chaos.

Miraculously, at his command, the conversations ceased, and everyone hurriedly took their seats. The room transformed into a space as silent as a library, and anyone entering at that moment would never have guessed at the previous state of disarray.

This sudden change was no accident; it was a well-rehearsed routine. The student who had shouted, though petite and sporting a brown bowl-cut hairstyle, was not particularly handsome but held a crucial role in the class—he was the lookout, alerting everyone when a teacher approached.

His tool? A discreet message to his phone from a spotter outside the classroom, notifying him of the teacher's imminent arrival.

As predicted, just moments later, the classroom door, which resembled a traditional Japanese shoji with translucent paper over a light wooden frame, slid open smoothly.

A woman who appeared to be in her thirties, yet looked significantly younger, stepped in. Her fiery red hair was neatly tied into a ponytail, and her glasses bore the emblem of an upscale brand. She carried a leather briefcase.

Unexpectedly, another figure followed her into the room—a student dressed in the IFS uniform. Yet, no one in the class seemed to recognize him.

The teacher made her way to her sizeable desk and began organizing her materials, while the unfamiliar student stood awkwardly in front of the classroom's expansive modern screen—the contemporary equivalent of a blackboard.

The contrast between the traditional door and the room's luxurious interior lent a unique quality to the space, even for such a prestigious academy.

"Alright," the teacher began, clearing her throat, "we have something a bit unusual today—a new transfer student."

Instantaneously, the room was abuzz with whispers, filled with surprise, disdain, and confusion.

A transfer student after the welcome ceremony, which had taken place two weeks prior, was unheard of.

"Now, settle down," the teacher instructed firmly. "If you have complaints, you're welcome to take them up with the director." Her stern tone quelled the murmurings.

"Good. Now," she gestured towards the young man, "please introduce yourself."

All eyes in the room shifted to him. He was slightly taller than average, with a slim build and a refined face that balanced on the edge between cute and handsome. His deep brown eyes, framed by a pair of similarly brown glasses, complemented his black hair, which was styled in a trendy long wavy perm—a popular style in Korea.

Feeling the weight of the class's attention, the student hesitated momentarily before introducing himself.

"I- eh, my name is Ree-an Jeong. I hope we can eh create good memories together." His gaze swept over his new classmates, noticing a few admiring smiles from the female students, a handful of hostile glares from some of the boys, and largely indifferent expressions from the rest. It was, after all, a large class of fifty students.

'Ha, not too bad,' Ree-an reassured himself mentally, even as he continued to stand awkwardly in the spotlight.

Observing his discomfort, the teacher quickly intervened, "You may take a seat next to Sebastian. He's in the middle row, left corner." Ree-an's eyes darted to the indicated spot, and as he made his way to his seat, he felt a piercing gaze on him.

The source was a striking girl with a doll-like face, mature demeanor, dyed blonde hair, and mesmerizing almond eyes.

Their eyes met, and while Ree-an's expression remained innocently curious, she looked back at him with clear distaste.

'What's her problem?!' Ree-an wondered, deliberately breaking the eye contact.

Settling into the seat beside Sebastian, he offered a slight nod in greeting, only to be blatantly ignored.

'Never was a fan of yellow,' Ree-an mused internally, referencing Sebastian's hair and the interaction with the girl.

Sebastian, with his fair complexion suggesting European origins, peeked over his large glasses with piercing blue eyes, giving him an intellectual aura. His blonde hair was styled in a modern undercut, and despite his slender build, there was a hint of muscle tone that suggested regular workouts. His dainty nose added to his unique charm, making him look like he belonged on a fashion runway.

'But can't deny he's got his charms.'

As Ree-an organized his desk, he couldn't help but steal glances at Sebastian, who eventually noticed. "Got a problem?" Sebastian whispered, ensuring the teacher remained oblivious.

"Ah, no, I'm sorry, I just—" Ree-an began, only to be interrupted.

"New faces might be intriguing," the teacher interjected, having noticed the exchange, "but save your chats for break time. Understood?"

Both boys nodded, though it was clear from Sebastian's expression that he was not pleased about sharing his desk space.

*Ding Ding Ding Dong; Dong Dong Ding*

The melodic chime of the bell marked the end of the class, providing a welcome break for many students.

Ree-an, however, despite feeling bored, made sure to keep his disinterest well-hidden.

Outwardly, he was the epitome of a diligent student: taking meticulous notes and appearing fully engaged with the lecture. He seemed to be a model student, a fact that did not escape Sebastian's notice, piquing his interest in the newcomer.

Before Sebastian had the chance to strike up a conversation with Ree-an, the teacher's authoritative voice filled the room, "Mr. Jeong, please accompany me to the faculty office. We need to discuss some matters."

With practiced ease, Ree-an quickly cleared his desk, slung his bag over one shoulder, and followed the teacher out of the classroom.

The hallways were quiet as they made their way to the faculty office, but Ree-an was anything but bothered. He took the opportunity to take in his new surroundings, admiring the sprawling academy grounds.

'I've gotta say, this school is kinda impressive,' he thought, observing the ornate floral arrangements that adorned each door and the luxurious curtains that framed the tall windows. The view outside was just as captivating, with its meticulously manicured lawns and an elegantly constructed fountain.

'This seems a bit over the top,' he mused internally. However, he pushed the thought aside as they entered the faculty office.

"Sit," the teacher instructed, gesturing to a chair beside her polished desk. As Ree-an settled in, she began typing rapidly on her computer.

"Did the director brief you about the school's operations and customs?" she asked.

"No, Ms. Ludwig, he did not," Ree-an responded.

She let out a heavy sigh, her exasperation apparent. "So, you are unaware of our specific procedures?"

"Just the basics," Ree-an replied, though he knew more than he let on. He hoped that she might inadvertently reveal something new to him.

Ms. Ludwig rubbed her temples, "Let's expedite this." She reached into a nearby cabinet and pulled out a sleek device. "This is your school-issued mobile device. I assume your personal phone has already been confiscated?"

"Yes," he answered.

"This device will connect you to the school's network and directly to me. If you run into any issues, reach out to the school administration," she instructed, holding his gaze intently. "But only contact me if it's absolutely necessary."

She returned to her typing, then asked, "You're familiar with our point system, correct?"

Ree-an nodded.

"To start, you will have 1,000 points. Since you've lived in Korea, you can think of one point as being equivalent to one Korean won. You can earn more points through tests, activities, tasks, etc. Anything you purchase must be within the academy's environment. Is that clear?"

"Crystal," Ree-an affirmed.

She paused, taking a moment to assess him. "At our school, individual effort is valued more than collective performance," she continued, stopping her typing to let the words sink in.

"You do have classmates, but you do not operate as a unit. The actions and consequences for the class as a whole will not directly affect your individual journey here. If the entire class fails but you succeed, the collective punishment falls on them, not you. However," she added, giving him a pointed look, "that does not mean you should be indifferent towards your peers. Having allies in this school is more valuable than having adversaries."

She took a pause, letting the gravity of her words sink in. "The higher you rank, the more esteemed your prospects upon graduation. These rankings are not confined by grade level; a first-year could potentially outrank a third-year, even securing the top spot. However, it is crucial to remember that these rankings become especially important as graduation approaches. But don't be complacent. If you don't start putting in the effort now, you'll find it nearly impossible to challenge those who have been consistently climbing the ranks from the beginning. Do I make myself clear?"

Ree-an nodded, "But how do I improve my rank?"

"Similar to earning points—through academic and extracurricular efforts," she replied, locking eyes with him. "However, there are various ways to climb the ladder, some more ethical than others."

The room fell silent.

"You won't probe further on that remark?" she asked.

"Should I?" Ree-an countered.

Ms. Ludwig smirked, "Not if you grasp the concept."

She glanced at her monitor. "Currently, you are ranked 1468 out of 1500. You are part of the 'Rabbit' group."

The term was unfamiliar to Ree-an. "Rabbit group?"

"It's one of the five groups, each representing a different rank. The Rabbit group signifies the lowest echelon. Your affiliation could affect how others perceive you, especially given your scholarship background."

"If any problems arise, can't I just inform the school?" Ree-an asked.

"You certainly can. However, whether the school chooses to intervene is a different matter," she responded cryptically.

Ree-an quickly caught her implication. 'If I'm not deemed significant, the school might not step in,' he deduced.

Wrapping up the meeting, Ms. Ludwig informed him, "Your dormitory is in the 'Rabbit' wing, room 12A. You'll be sharing it with Cole Amber."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Ree-an left the faculty office, ready to start this new chapter of his life.

Ree-an's journey to the rabbit wing of the dormitory felt like a voyage through the heart of a grand duchy. As he wove his way through the campus, it became clear that this was no ordinary educational institution; it was an embodiment of opulence and architectural majesty.

The school grounds sprawled like a verdant tapestry, studded with an eclectic mix of neo-classical and avant-garde buildings. Every edifice bore testament to the time-honored traditions of the academy, and yet, had subtle nods to the contemporary. Pillared porticos, shimmering water fountains, and manicured gardens fit for royalty were a testament to its elite status.

The cinemas were not mere viewing rooms, but palatial theaters with plush crimson seating, golden embellishments, and state-of-the-art acoustics. They showcased both classics and the latest blockbusters, a nod to the institution's embrace of both history and modernity.

The malls were reminiscent of Renaissance arcades, with high vaulted ceilings and marble floors that echoed the soft murmurs of affluent students browsing through boutique stores, showcasing the finest couture and artisanal crafts.

Gleaming theaters, capable of seating thousands, showcased not just school plays but also world-renowned performers, lending the academy an air of cultural prominence. The scent of chlorine wafted from the Olympic-sized swimming pools, where students could take a refreshing dip or train under seasoned coaches.

Hidden away in discreet corners were karaoke joints, exuding an aura of understated luxury. These nooks provided the perfect setting for young voices to soar, away from the prying eyes of their peers. The arcades were a masterclass in design - ornate and regal, yet filled with the latest electronic games. They seemed to blend the historical with the hyper-modern, much like the rest of the campus.

'This place might be more entertaining than I initially thought,' Ree-an reflected.

Despite the various distractions vying for his attention, Ree-an managed to stay on course, guided by his overwhelming need for rest.

It was only 4 p.m., but his body was crying out for a nap, making the prospect of a rest irresistible.

Reaching the Rabbit wing, an unmistakably large sign marked its entrance. Numerous dormitory doors lined the hallways.

Ree-an walked along until he found the cluster marked Rooms: 10A - 13D. After showing his pass on his device to the security guard stationed at the door, he was allowed entry.

Despite the wing's bottom rank, the interior was lavish—arguably the most luxurious setting he had ever resided in.

'If this is for the lowest rank, what awaits those in superior groups?' he wondered.

He soon found room 12A, but was surprised to find the door slightly ajar.

Deciding to enter quietly and without turning on the lights to avoid startling anyone inside, he relied on the ambient light filtering in from outside to navigate the space.

The room wasn't large, but it was adequately furnished with two beds, a decent-sized TV, a couch, wardrobes, and doors leading to what he assumed were the kitchen and restroom.

'Ah, my roommate,' Ree-an recollected Ms. Ludwig's mention of a Cole Amber.

The main area seemed to serve dual purposes as both a living room and bedroom, and Ree-an speculated that students probably bought additional furnishings from the school's shops.

Noticing light coming from beneath the closed bathroom door, he guessed that Cole was inside. Seizing the moment, he began to tidy up his side of the room and started unpacking his belongings.

Suddenly, the bathroom door in the floor swung open, and a horrendous humming filled the air, culminating in a scream so piercing it could shatter glass.

"La, La, Li, Lap—


Stunned, Ree-an turned to see a young man, clad only in a towel, staring back at him in utter shock.

The young man was undeniably handsome, with a rich brown complexion and striking green eyes. His jet-black hair, short and slicked back, added to his debonair appearance.

For a moment, Ree-an was so taken aback by the scream that he couldn't help but stare, trying to reconcile the manly figure before him with the high-pitched scream that had just filled the room.

"WHO ARE YOU? AND WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME LIKE THAT?!" The young man demanded, clutching his towel tightly.

"Maybe you'd like to put on some clothes first?" Ree-an suggested, unfazed.


Without a word, the young man tiptoed to his bed, snatched his clothing, and dashed back into the bathroom.

Moments later, he reappeared, this time armed with a baseball bat, making Ree-an feel more puzzled than threatened.

"IDENTIFY YOURSELF!" he demanded again, this time with a slight edge of caution in his voice.

"Can you please lower your voice?" Ree-an requested, his patience starting to wear thin.


Taking a deep breath, Ree-an introduced himself. "I'm Ree-an Jeong, your new roommate. You're Cole Amber, correct?"


Cole seemed to pause for a moment, as if processing this new information. Eventually, he put the bat down and said, "Oh, right. I did get a notification about a new roommate arriving today. Yes, I'm Cole Amber. Just call me Cole."


A prolonged silence ensued.

"What?" Cole inquired.

"Nothing, really. I hope we get along well with each other." Ree-an responded.

Offering a hand in friendship, Cole said, "Me too."

Ree-an briefly hesitated but then shook it affirmatively.

"All right, mate. I need to dash—baseball club awaits. Let's catch up later," Cole said, grabbing his sports bag and bat.

Ree-an nodded, watching him leave. "Seems like a decent guy," he muttered, sinking into his bed, taking off his glasses, and quickly succumbing to sleep.

Next chapter