
The portal

The girl sat silently on the tree limb watching the young man move effortlessly through the underbrush. She wouldn't have heard him if he hadn't been whistling the meloncholy song of the warbler. So, she thought, he wants me to know he is looking for me. She wondered what could be so important to bring him out at this early hour. She deftly moved down the tree to land next to him as he approached where she had been idling in the evening sun.

"I brought a picnic if you care to join me" he said, not bothering to stop or look at the girl. She fell in step behind him and they continued moving silently to their destination.

The small glade was a place they often came to. They were always welcomed here by the creatures that called it home. On this day the songbirds greeted them with a meloncholy tune, for even they felt the sadness that lingered over the two young elves. A pair of young rabbits approached as they unpacked their picnic. The girl sat with her legs crossed and allowed the animals to hop on her lap. She gently stroked their fur as the young man settled himself across from her. He watched her with gentle eyes and a heavy heart. He had been her companion from the beginning. Guiding her and teaching her all that he himself knew. She was a quick learner with a keen intelligence. Curious about everything. A small smile appeared on his face at the the thought of the many questions she had sought him out for answers to. Some had left him at a loss for words and his cheeks inflamed. He had done his best to quell her rampacious curiosity and she had grown to be kind and gentle. He hoped he had done enough for soon she would be leaving him.

It was common for the children in the royal house to be sent to Corillian Sylva to be trained in the high magic. He himself had went. He had been excited about going. Learning the high magic was ingrained in his kind. His people were the keepers of the magic. It was an honor that made others look to them as leaders. He wished she felt as he had but she simply did not want to leave her forest. High magic or not it left her empty and alone.

She was simply different. The blood of her mothers people ran strong through her veins. Instead of being tall and slender she was petite. Although he hated to admit it to himself she was also growing the curves of a woman. She looked more like her own mother as the years passed. She had always had the coppery hair of her mother while his own was black and shiny, like midnight with a full moon. Her body was lithe yet muscular and her magic was wild. It came from within her and it was as much a part of her as she was part of the woodlands.

She looked up from the animals in her lap to meet his eyes.

"They will miss you too" he spoke, breaking the silence that had started to feel heavy.

"I don't plan to leave, they won't have to miss me. Besides they're still just babies. They need me here."

"Eldawyn it isn't a choice for you to make"he said. His words soft and full of sorrow for the girl. "It's the way of our people. Learning the high magic is an honor and will enable you to do great things for the forest and creatures you love."

"You can teach me Estelias. You've been teaching me anyway. I'll be able to stay here with you."

"It doesn't work that way love, and there is much I cannot teach you. You're growing into a woman. You need different skills than I can impart to you."

She moved to sit by his side and he pulled her into his lap. "You are all I have Estelias. You are the only person that cares for me, the only person who accepts me. I'm not like them and they are cruel. Please don't send me away. Plead my case for me. They will listen to you." She paused and he brushed a tear from her cheek with a slender finger. She looked up and met his eyes with a mischievous glint in her own. "You could charm the scales off a dragon."

He smiled and replied, " You think I'm that good?"

"Yes yes. You will make those old men tremble with desire for your beauty" she jumped up laughing and took his hands to pull him up with her. He laughed smiling down at her and she quickly stole a kiss and disappeared into the forests shadows. She knew he would follow.

She was already submerged in the cool water of the spring when he appeared. He quickly undressed and joined her. If they were ever caught he would be in a great deal of trouble with his father but he put the thought aside. Her innocence was pure and his intentions only noble.

The sun was setting as they emerged from the water. He watched her dry her body and dress. She pulled on the her soft leather breeches and belted them. After slipping the pale green blouse over her head she buckled her arm bracers on. She sat to pull her boots on and he came to stand beside her. He would run his blade through any man that would harbor illicit feelings or malicious intent. He feared for her. Had he sheltered her too much? She was inexperienced and too trusting. He didn't want her leaving him either but he knew that it was inevitable. No matter how much he charmed those old men. A queasiness settled in his stomach but trying to keep the mood light he said, "One of these days you will need to start wearing dresses, at least on occasions." She tilted her head to look at him, narrowed her eyes and scrunched up her nose. "Well that's terribly ladylike," he responded with a smile. She quickly retorted, "Well I'm a terrible lady."

Walking side by side they returned back to their picnic. They were silent as they repacked the the basket and and turned to walk toward their home. Her mind turned toward all the things they could do together over the next part of her life and his toward the loneliness and fear he would be feeling while she was gone.

They took the deer path back towards the village. The girl picked flowers and wove them both a crown along the way. She was happy he would again try to persuade the elders to allow her to remain at home. Deep down she knew it was futile but she suppressed those negative feelings and chose to remain optimistic. Estelias truly was all she had. Being forced to leave his side would crush her. She was shy and skittish, much like the creatures of the forest she called her friends. Estelias had been with her since she could remember. She had never wanted for a playmate or friend for he had always been there. Though she was much younger than him he had lavished her with attention. He played her childish games and never complained. He woke her in the afternoon and tucked her in bed at dawn. He became the mother she lost and the father she never really had. He was everything to her.

Estelias suddenly stopped and put his hand up. He was listening intently as he sniffed the air. Something was terribly wrong. The sounds of swords clashing and screams came to him over the distance. He began running toward his home with Eldawyn close behind.

The village was in a state of chaos. Dark elves had come to the forest and launched a surprise attack upon their peaceful cousins. It was initiation night for their new warriors. With no moon in the sky the timing was perfect. They killed indescriminatly and rejoiced in the blood of the slain. They left nothing and no one alive.

Estelias was horrified when he finally laid eyes on his home. The bodies of his loved were laying in pools of blood where they had been cut down. Dark elves were everywhere taking trinkets for momentos of this nights slaughter. He grabbed Eldawyn and covered her mouth as he pulled her back into the forest foliage. He prayed to the gods that they had not been seen or heard. If they had they would surely be killed too and maybe much worse for the girl who trembled in his arms, her eyes big and her mind in a state of shock. He had to protect her. His weapon was in his hand and his senses were on high alert. Using his free hand he signed to Eldawyn to quietly retreat back towards the glade. Unknown to them, they were followed.

Upon entering the glade Estelias began creating a circle of sigils. He had to get them away from here quickly. Eldawyn pulled an arrow from her quiver and notched it in her bow and kept watch as Estelias began creating the spell that would take them to safety.

The two dark elves moved silently hoping to surprise the moon elves. In her terrified state Eldawyn saw the enemy behind every moving leaf. She had never been in a real fight or battle. She had never witnessed death. Scanning the trees her green eyes met red eyes and she loosed her arrow with deadly accuracy. The second dark elf took advantage of his comrades fall and leaped into the small clearing slashing his weapon at Estelias. The moon elf gracefully dodged and countered the attack. Weapon meeting weapon in a song of deadly steal. His goal was to get the girl through the portal even if it cost his life. Eldawyn had put her bow aside and drawn her daggers. With the dark elves back to her she attacked. Stabbing into his left side and spinning away for him to be run through by Esteliass' rapier.

Estelias wasted no time grabbing the girl to place her in the circle. He would not be going with her. He had to find out if his father or any of his people were still alive.

Estelias wrapped his arms around Eldawyn and hugged her tightly. He kissed her cheek. "I love you Eldawyn. I will come find you. You will be safe where you are going. I have been there myself years ago. But please stay away from the human cities. Stay in the deep forest." Tears streamed down his cheeks as he roughly stroked her copper golden hair. "No Estelias please don't send me alone. Let me stay with you. I can help you fight" she sobbed.

"I will not place you in danger. You must go" he responded as he pulled her into the circle and spoke the words that would carry her to safety.

Eldawyns world became hazy. She stretched her arms out to Estelias but she could not reach him. The last thing she saw was a dark elf raising a bloodied blade.

This is a first draft and I plan to do some heavy editing. Please be gentle. This is the first novel I've ever attempted to pen

Joey_Kingcreators' thoughts
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