
The Littlest One

Kevin was having the time of his life. Along with the other three people, he roamed the barn and immediate area. There were five females, several with young, and one bull elephant in the group. Uncle Wit had explained that the elephants were used in areas of the kingdom that were impassible for any other conveyance. He looked at them with longing, hoping maybe to get to ride one of them.

As they trooped out, preparing to leave, one of the workers ran straight to Wit, his expression grave. "It's the little one." He explained. "Please hurry." Without another word, the two of them turned and quickly hurried towards a unknown section of the barn. Kevin glanced inquiringly at Thadchai.

"Captain, do you know what is happening?" The man sadly stared where the two men disappeared.

"Our newest baby came too early, and is weak. It has been touch and go since she was born. I can only surmise that she must have taken a turn for the worst."

Kevin felt sorry for the little elephant. After all, wasn't he sick until the doctors fixed his head?

"Can we go see? I don't want to get in the way, 'cuse they need to fix her like the doctor fixed me. But I just want to see." Surikitiyia also looked up with pleading eyes. The captain sighed, torn between his two charges, and the desire to keep them safe and protected. He sighed again; he already knew what his decision was going to be.

"Okay, but you have to stay close to me, and not say or do anything to distract the helpers from taking care of her. Do you two promise?" When they both promised, he took one in each hand and led them towards the barn when the handler and his assistant disappeared.

As the trio got closer, they could hear the sounds of distress from the other elephants. The loudest was nearby, and when they reached the final pen, they could see why. A large female was in a pen, her trunk reaching across the wooden bars to the smaller space in front of them.

There, a tiny elephant about the size of his neighbor's Saint Bernard was lying on its side, making a wheezing, crying noise. The handlers were trying to get her on his feet, but her flailing legs and trunk were making it difficult. Surikitiyia quickly hid behind Captain Thadchai, but Kevin took a step forward, mesmerized by the animal's plight.

"What is it?" Thadchai had to raise his voice to be heard by Wit.

"We think it might be pneumonia. Plus she hasn't been nursing enough and she's dehydrated. We have to get her on her feet so she can breathe better!" The poor baby's eye was rolling until it made contact with Kevin. He held his breath as the young elephant locked onto Kevin, almost begging for help.

In that instant, wordless communication flashed between the helpless animal and the lost young boy, and Kevin suddenly knew what to do. He ignored Captain Thachai shout of warning and ran the few steps until he was inside the small pen.

"Her back foot hurts! She can't stand on it!" He called to the straining handlers as he skirted them. Kneeling down in the straw and scattered feed, he gently touched the animal who immediately slowed her thrashing. The handlers exchanged glances. Kevin whispered to the baby, "It's okay I'll hold it for you. Let's try again." The elephant made a concerted effort to stand, and, assisted by the handlers, was pulled upright and trembling on three legs. Kevin instinctively placed the elephant's leg on top of his thigh to support it.

Thadchai's fear gave way to an almost childlike wonderment as he watched the almost magic interaction between the straining animal and the frail boy. He seemed larger than life, his confidence giving him a stature taller than his actual height. Just who was this boy in their midst?

The handlers quickly retrieved the large nursing bottle and assisted the young animal, who began drinking.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Kevin asked, suddenly unsure if he did the right thing. He looked across to Uncle Wit; his face was wreathed in smiles as he nodded.

"We needed to get the pain medications in her before we can find out what's wrong and treat her. You did a good thing, young man. But how did you know there was a problem with the little one's foot?"

Kevin gave a little shrug. "I just knew, Uncle Wit, but I don't know why. What do I do now?"

The handler crabbed over to examine the upturned foot. "Ah! He has an abscess under her forth toe. Once we lance and drain it, she should be all right." Wit straightened up and walked over the anxiously weaving adult pachyderm. He gently rubbed her cheek as the trunk came up and touched his face. "Don't worry, Kwamsoo. We will heal your baby soon."

Captain Thadchai had found a small bundle of hay; he wrapped it with a nearby blanket to make a cushion, and then gently lifted the elephant's leg to allow Kevin to slide out. The young boy released a breath as he watched the captain, happy that had acted right away. The older man arranged the cushion underneath the leg and patted the animal on the head. "Not much longer now." He murmured to it.

The captain pulled Kevin up to a standing position and brushed off stray bits of straw. By then the young elephant had finished the bottle and was swaying slightly, her eyes drooping. "She's tired from her ordeal. Thanks to you, Noy Kevin, she can receive proper treatment." Indeed, one of the men was preparing a low table with various medical items, while another gently supported the tired creature.

"What will they do?" Kevin asked, worriedly, afraid for his new friend. The captain tousled his hair, that strange feeling giving rise to affection for this earnest young boy. In that moment, he made a decision about the child's future.

"They first take care of her foot by draining the abscess and then they will use antibiotics for any other infections in her foot and lungs." Kevin nodded, happy the little elephant will be safe. A chuffing noise caught his attention; the mom was still leaning into the area with Uncle Wit next to her.

When the large elephant saw that she had Kevin's attention, she stretched out her trunk in his direction. He walked with in reach and touched the tip, which wrapped around his hand. "You're welcome, Mama Kwamsoo."

"Is it okay if I come in too?" A tiny voice sounded from outside the pen, as Surikitiyia peeked around the edge of the wall. Uncle Wit gestured her in; she leaned over the sleepy head and patted it. Mission accomplished, she stood back up. "I'm hungry. Can we go back home now?"

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