
Codename Ice-Ray

[While David pluming Calio to the ground suddenly a vine grabs David and holding him and stop him from punching Calio]

Dynamite: Yo

Calio: I didn't... Expect you to... Come...

Dynamite: I got this, you can go and help your friends

Calio: Good luck...

[Calio pick up both Liam and Ben and run away]

David: Hahahahaha! You?! What can you do?!

Dynamite: Oh, you'll see

[Dynamite throws David to the nearest derby and continues throwing him back to back finally throws him to the air]

Dynamite: "Enumeratio-Gigantic Flos"

[He summon a giant flower and eat him.]

Dynamite: Well, that was so easy. But I don't think you will be this easy... C'mon I know there's more to you

[Silent filling the air]

Dynamite: I guess that just it, then-

[The flower suddenly slowly freezes. David punches through it, he came out of the flower with a fist of ice, he rushes to Dynamite.]

Dynamite: Now that's more fun!

[Dynamite summons three more giant flowers and tries to eat him, but David dodge two of them and destroy the last one]

[he suddenly stop in front of Dynamite holding his punch]

David: I have no time to play around... Where are you!!

[The thing in front of David is not Dynamite but just a decoy... A tree shapes like him. Out of the blue someone punch David, throw him away from the area. The punches to powerful, that it destroys one of the buildings. While David was knocked down for a while, Syah notices a bunch of strings is pulling David's body. Syah realize that someone is behind this, he's being controlled like a marionette doll]

[Before the punch land on him, Syah holds Calio's arm. Calio surprise that Syah already right beside him out of nowhere. Dynamite sees Syah, he quickly tries to use his skill to run away, but Syah is quicker than him and he grabs Dynamite soul after he left his body. After that Syah break the strings around David before he wakes up]

Syah: You can't run away from me Dyna... Kid, carry this guy to my labs I need him alive for negotiation.

Dynamite: (Oh no)

[Syah thought the strings already break but...]

David: Hehehehe, Look like you already find it out...

Syah: What?! I already break it

David: Look again

[Syah look at the strings and it still intact]

[David Jumps back and flees the scene, the moment he flees he drop some papers behind]

[Syah walks back to the labs "I going to make you suffer Dyna..." Syah said that while holding Dynamite soul]

Dynamite: (*Gulp*)

Calio: Huh... What just happen...?

[They when back to Syah's lab, Calio sit on the sofa while Syah put Dynamite back to his original body]

Dynamite: *phew* I thought you do something to my soul...

Syah: I was thinking to put your soul inside a frog so you can become the real DynamiteFrog. But your soul is fragile so I put you back to your body...

Dynamite: Yea...

Syah: Well anyway he got away...

Calio: It's my fault to follow him I don't know it, come to this

Syah: ...

Dynamite: At least your friends are alright

Calio: Yea

Syah: Where you leave them anyway?

Calio: Near their houses

Syah: Good

[Syah goes to the table and shows them some of the strings from David body]

Syah: David... Is not himself...

Calio: What you mean, and what the heck is that?

Dynamite: Look like some normal clear strings

Syah: This's not some ordinary strings... These strings come from someone Elements power

Calio: You mean like us?

Syah: Pretty much but... Unlike us, this isn't normal elements

[Calio and Dynamite just sit there in confuse]

Syah: *Sigh* Let me explain

{Most of the elements comes from our ancestors. We call these "Pure Elements" like Dynamite he's power comes from the Nature Kingdom. That's why he can only use Nature power to its full potential. But in Calio case he doesn't have any ancestors... The way he got power by "Man-Made Elements" or "Artificial Elementals"... This type is still new and still in prototype, so we don't know if you can use it in full potential. It may destroy your body if you don't keep it low because we don't know the limit of your body. As for the enemy, we facing right now. This is a special type "Combine Elements" it the combination of either two elements or more}

Calio: That explains my situation

Dynamite: How about your power (Smirk)

Syah: Like I say... You will find it soon enough

Dynamite: Damn it!

Calio: Heh

Syah: alright back to the subject, come look at this

[Syah picks up a scissor and tries to cut strings but the strings are so hard that the scissor crack. And then Syah uses his power to burns the strings but nothing happens to the strings but the strings are heated after been in flame. After many tries, it finally cut but it quickly gets back together]

Syah: As you can see... These strings aren't normal, It's a heat conductor and it can't be cut by normal scissor. This string is made out of metal but yet it can move like a normal strings

Calio: Yea, it does look different it shiny too

Dynamite: Almost like it's a mercury

Syah: That's it!

Calio: What? It's mercury

Syah: Mercury is also known as quicksilver it can move like water yet it still counts as metal... If you ingest this you will die

Dynamite: What that has to do with mind-controlling

Syah: Well it's not controlling mind but instead he's controlling the body

[Yet again Calio and Dynamite just look at Syah]

Syah: Goddamn, do I have to explain everything?

Calio: Yep

Syah: Fine... The way he controlling him is to make the victim unconscious by letting him sniff the mercury just enough to shut down his brain and use theses strings to get inside his body to control the metal inside his blood. That's how he controls him using the power of his elements.

[Dynamite cut the explanation by asking a question]

Dynamite: That does still not explain how he can speak through his victim

Syah: That's because he speaks through the metal and made an illusion that the victim is speaking directly, people can't tell the difference because these strings are too thin and clear to see

Calio: The man behind this must be a mastered marionette

[While they speaking about this, Calio saw the papers that David drops]

Calio: Umm... Syah what's that

Syah: hmm?

[Syah look down at his pockets]

Syah: This, David dropped it before he left...

Dynamite: There must be some clue on who's the real him

Syah: Maybe, let's not waste our time and investigate this paper

[Syah scatter the papers on the table. There are a letter and a poster of a carnival. First, they open the letter was written by someone name Rysand... Syah instantly catch the name]

Syah: That name... I saw it before but... I can't remember

Dynamite: Same...

[They read the letter]

"Codename Ice-Ray,

I hope you receive, this message I have high hope, for you. I already gave you the location it's on the poster I send you with this letter. Your mission is to assassinate the host of the show, Jestring he's one of the Tenenox. Don't rush thing out make sure to do it swiftly"

Calio: I'm guessing it doesn't go well for him...

Dynamite: Yep...

Syah: ...

[Syah just stay quiet and look at the poster... The poster shows a Big carnival come to town in the next months...]

Syah: This is not good...

The end of Chapter 3

I'm very sorry for late slow publish... I decided to revamp some of the story I hope it doesn't break the storyline

Sylvatorecreators' thoughts
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