
The unknown voice

Arriving at Racheal's place he would knock upon the door. Yet he did not receive an answer, again he would knock and wait a bit but still silence. Turning from the door he would glance up at the skies. It was indeed already nightfall so he figured she would have been home by now, but nothing. "Maybe she is out and about." Riyku would mutter to himself as he proceeded towards the elevator. Tapping upon the button to go back to the lobby he would glance around and about as the digital number displayed where the carrier was at.

With a bing sound, the doors would open and to his surprise, he was greeted with the woman he was just looking for. "Oh, Riyku." Racheal would attempt to step past the doors; although it would seem Riyku stood in her path. Normally, it would have been the usual tomfoolery; however, this time he had a serious expression upon his face. Racheal's eyeliner had been messed up and her eyes puffy as if she had been crying for quite some time. "What happened?" Riyku inquired though instead of attempting to conceal everything, she would throw herself at him which forced him to take a step back from the sudden motion. The doors would close as the two were now standing outside of the elevator. Racheal's face buried in his chest as she wrapped her arms around him. Her muffled cries were barely heard; however, he could tell just how much of a wreck she was. "Let's go inside so you can tell me everything." Riyku would escort her to the door while brushing her hair gently. Presenting her wristband to the door scanner would unlock the door once the scanner confirmed it was her. As she moved to reach for the handle Riyku seemed to come forth to open the door for her. "Come on." He gave her a light push to which she seemed to walk in. Removed her heels while Riyku shut the door and proceeded towards the couch where she would plop down with a sadden expression.

Riyku would follow suit after removing his own footwear; however, he moved into the kitchen and pulled a cup from a pantry. Reaching into another pantry he would take out a bottle of aged wine. Riyku would fill up the cup before heading to where Racheal was and offer her the glass while setting the bottle on the coffee table in front of them. He had been here so many times that he already knew where everything was. "Here." He stated softly. When she took the glass he would take a sit. "Now tell me what happened." Riyku almost demanded of her, but the care in his voice would insist he was not. Racheal would nod softly after downing the whole glass and setting the cup on the coffee table. "It's Brad. He is harassing me again. He kept calling me his 'naughty' girl in front of everyone. Of course, I ignored these claims and continued my work, but that only seemed to anger him. He tried to challenge me, but I declined. Although, he insisted I accept and said if I denied him one more time that he would use any means necessary to get me fired. I tried talking to my co-workers but they were of no use. They just said to give him what he wants since I am his 'naughty' girl. I am just soo tired of all of this. I am afraid to talk to my boss because he might side with him because they are best buddies." Racheal seemed to come out in full. Riyku would listen till the end and when she was done would rub the bridge of his nose. "This guy never quits..." Riyku grumbled before exhaling a soft sigh. "I'll take care of this." He added to which Racheal looked over to him. "What!? No!" She seemed to shout hastily which caused Riyku's brow to raise. The look on his face caused her to shy away.

"I mean If you did he might try to blackmail you or get someone to come after you. You already have to deal with the pressure of the Games as well as whoever is already targeting you. I do not believe you need any more stress." Racheal stated firmly to which Riyku chuckled lightly and placed his hand on hers which caused her to perk up at him once again. "You are precious to me. I will never turn a blind eye to your problems. Do you understand?" Riyku seemed to be quite firm with his statement. This caused Racheal to blush lightly as she nodded silently. "Good. Now, you let me handle Brad while you relax. Have another glass or two of wine. I'll draw you a warm bath so you can relax and I'll wash your clothes for you." Riyku would get up and reach for the bottle to pour her another glass. As he began to head off towards the bathroom, Racheal seemed awestruck by what was going on. It was the first time in her life that anyone other than her family seemed to genuinely care about her. Sure she had the occasional boyfriend or two, but never did they seem to actually care. It made her tear up again. It had only been three months since she met this man, but to her, it felt like three years. All the times they spent together, going out and joking around. He even helped her family out in their times of need so she wouldn't be so stressed. He had done so much for her in such a short time period. Reaching for the glass she would guzzle it down to keep the tears at bay, but in the end, they just steamrolled down her face. She was thinking about a lot and before she realized it she wanted to profess her love for him; however, how did he feel?

As she recalled her meeting with him, she remembered the sexual tension and how she wanted to ride him all night long. It was a lustful desire, not a heartfelt one back then, but now... It was different. Her heart throbbed for him, but what of him? Was he just being nice to be nice, or did he care to? So many questions circled inside of her that she did not realize Riyku was calling her name.

"It's ready." He called as he came back from the bathroom to see her messy face in tears. A worried expression would partake of his facial features as he approached her. "Something else on your mind?" Riyku inquired to which Racheal would nod lightly. "What's up?" Riyku asked softly. "I..." She paused for a moment, she wanted to say it but the words caught in her throat. It took all of her courage at his point to just blurt it out. "I am in love with you!" She shouted aloud. Her face plastered red as she stared up at him awaiting an answer. Riyku would scratch the side of his cheek, a bit taken back by the sudden profession. "I am flattered, Racheal," Riyku stated before closing his eyes. When she noticed this expression, she took it as he did not love her back and was about to turn away when suddenly he had pulled her into his being. Her eyes with wide in shock of this. "I appreciate your feelings. I truly do. However, at this time I do not see myself getting into a relationship." Riyku stated honestly, as he held her tightly. Racheal was about to sob believing that she would never be able to be with him but realized that he wasn't in any form of relationship from his wording. "My feelings for you will not change. I will love you." Racheal would cling to him tightly. For a solid moment, they were in an intimate embrace until Racheal let go and stepped back. A warm smile on her face as she wiped her tears away. "I am going to go bathe now," Racheal stated before moving towards the bathroom and proceeding with her process to clean her face of makeup, strip and relax in the tub.

Riyku would plop down upon the couch and slouch slightly as he rested his head on the top of the headrest to stare at the ceiling. A heavy sigh would escape his lips, not of annoyance or irritation, but guilt. Racheal wasn't the only woman who had professed her feelings to him in the past three months. Kristen had professed her feelings as well and he got vibes that Lira and Mina also had the same feelings for him.

[Hehehehe... You are going to lose everything if you don't make a choice.]

There it was again, that voice from earlier. "What do you want?" Riyku muttered as he closed his eyes.

[Oh nothing. Just to warn you. Your indecisive behavior will be your downfall.]

The voice added to which Riyku would shake his head. "I have no idea what you mean." He stated bluntly.

[You do though. You have witnessed the deaths of many. Allies, Friends, and Lovers. So many of your wives died because of your weak nature. You could not grasp anything, nay... You would not grasp it. You allowed it all to slip through your fingers out of fear of losing yourself.]

The voice would reply, the distortion sinister and evil as ever, yet seductive in a way. The words got to him though, his eyes narrowed as they opened and he sat up with a scowl on his face. "How do you know about the Memory Fragments!?" Riyku growled under his breath.

[How? How else? I am here. Always have been since your rebirth.]

The voice peered forth and Riyku's reaction bore surprise. "But... You aren't Coco. Wait... Where is she!? What did you do to her!?" Riyku demanded but would remain only audible to himself.

[Kekekeke... Wouldn't you like to know? Tell you what, I'll tell you where she is if you accept my offer.]

Offer? What offer? It could not be good, nothing good ever came from these things. Even he knew it from the fragments he was given. The more he thought in silence about why the fragments existed the more his questions went unanswered. "What deal?" Riyku inquired.

[Simply really. Let me infect your body.]

Riyku's eyes would go wide and his fingers would dig into the clothing he held onto it.

[Relax. It is not a takeover. I just need to finish a job and your body is the only thing that will allow me to do so.]

"And how do I know I can trust your word? How do I know the moment I accept this deal you will not take over my body." Riyku stated firmly to which the voice seemed to sigh.

[I am unable to. I already tried once before. When that happened most of my strength was zapped and stored into a separate dimension. What dimension is beyond me, but whenever you seem to level up I gain some of my power back. So the deal is simple; You let me infect your body and I'll give you strength beyond your wildest dreams. In return, I'll let you know what happened to your precious operator.]

Riyku seemed to have fallen silent. This thing was after something? An unfinished job? He already knew this thing asked if he sought out power. Right now though, he did not. Closing his eyes he would think in silence on the situation. It was true that he wanted to know what happened to Coco, but the risk of this offer was too great. It was like this thing needed his permission to infect him or whatever.

After several more moments, Riyku would give his answer, "No." He was firm in his statement. "I do not need your power. I am strong enough as it is. I won't let anything terrible happen to anyone as long as I still stand and breath. I'll just search for Coco myself as well. So go back to wherever you were." Riyku added to which the voice chuckled darkly.

[Very well. I am here... all you need do is call out my name.]

Name? Riyku's eyes would narrow, but before he could say anything else Racheal seemed to have come from the bath with a towel wrapped firmly around her body. It was rather erotic in the sense that her glistering cream color flesh appeared soft and irresistible in all the right places. "No need for the stern look, Riyku." She would approach him and straddle him with one leg on each side her arms wrapped behind his neck, resting on his shoulders. Her eyes staring deeply into his for a solid moment. "I did some thinking. My heart does still move for you. You have done so much for me and my family that I doubt I could throw these feelings away so easily. So, I will chase you down." She pressed her forehead to his own. His eyes slowly opening wider as he sat there in awe.

"One day, I will get you to fall in love with me." She whispered softly before brushing her lips firmly against his own. He was unable to react, for the first time in a while he was stunned completely. When she removed her lips she would also remove herself from him with a bright smile. "Now, I'll be taking you up on your offer to relax," Racheal stated with a teasing smirk as she moved to lay down upon the couch. Her head resting in his lap as she stared up at him happily. She then noticed the smear of makeup on his uniform. "Oh my. We should get this taken care of." She pointed to his shirt to which he looked at. "You mean you just want to leer at me." Riyku teased her to which she winked at him playfully, "Maybe." She added. A soft sigh of thrill escaped Riyku's lips as he began to unknit the buttons around his collar only to pull lose the black tie in a rather sensual manner. He would remove the tie and continue to unknit each button till the blazer was open to which he shrugged off the blazer and was left with the buttons of the white shirt. Racheal seemed to continue to leer at with anticipation.

Steadily the male began to unknit each and every button of the white collar shirt which would expose a fair portion of his pale scared flesh. Racheal would move to slip a hand along the well built yet lean structure of his body as she released a soft pleasant noise. Riyku's lips curved into a smirk as he began to caress her cheek softly. Moving his hand down and around her neck smoothly with a sensual touch before slipping under the towel to fondle her breast. Again came the pleasant soft noise as she closed her eyes, wanting to indulge in his touch. His other hand seemed to have slipped over her legs, around to the calves and coming back around the thighs. This only added to the sensation she was feeling. Her toes curled from his touch alone as she seemed to move her other hand to cup her breast and fondle them as well.

"You are supposed to be relaxing." Riyku teased her when he noticed this. "B-but..." She would protest, but backed down and let her armrest off to the side. "Good girl." Riyku seemed to whisper sensually towards her which caused her to shiver. His hand on her thigh seemed to smoothly hike up the towel to expose more of her fleshy thighs. "Just relax," Riyku whispered sensually again, as he maneuvered both of his hands against her body as if massaging the flesh while providing a sensual feel at the same time. Racheal would hold back several moans but gasped every so often during the duration of this 'treatment', and before long her body began to jolt around as if a climax had hit her hard. An exotic moan escaped her lips just this once before she relaxed her body again. Racheal's eyes would peer open to look at Riyku who seemed to have quite the satisfied expression.

"Geez, I took a bath too. You are so mean. At least let me take care of you!" She hastily sat up and would turn to turn around and face him. Her hands quickly moving to unzip his pants before he even had a chance to say anything. Quickly she would remove an erect rod that would pulsate firmly in her hands which caused her lips to grow wide in a smile. "My, someone was turned on." Riyku would close his eyes with a tint of red on his cheeks thanks to Racheal's words. As soon as Racheal began to stroke his thick shaft, he knew it was going to another late night and prepared for it.

The chiming of a clock went off three times. Riyku's eyes shifted from Racheal's sleeping figure which was under the blanket of the bed to the clock which read three ante meridiem. Swinging his legs over to where he would plant the soles of his feet against the ground he would get up only to move to the backroom which held a washer and a dryer. Of course, there was also a hanging rack of which Racheal's work uniform was nicely fitted on. Riyku would remove the last load of clothing from the washer and place it into the dryer and then start it up. A soft sigh would escape his lips as he took a moment to lean back against the wall of the backroom.

"What am I doing?" The male muttered to himself in thought. "Should I be having sex with someone who is in love with me, while I..." He paused in mid-sentence and closed his eyes before huffing heavily. "I get that I can level up by doing just anything... but having sex does not feel like it should be one of the things that give me experience points." The male muttered to himself yet again. "I wonder what Coco would say about this," Riyku stated before falling silently.

"It's just who you are."

He would try to intimate her which caused him to chuckle lightly. "or maybe she would say something like, 'Don't get ahead of yourself'." A soft sigh would escape his lips as his expression changed to that of worry. 'Skills.' Riyku seemed to mentally state which brought up his skills tab upon his personal vision, or UI.

Passive Skills:

Way of the Fighter Lv Max- Having trained through many lifetimes, experienced many battles and overcame several life or death situations. You have burned into your soul the ability to fight. Your body will instinctively take up arms or shields in whatever situation that comes forth.

Swordsmanship Lv3- 'Your trust in your blade will run as deep as the experience you gain through such.' +6 Strength when using swords

Gunslinger Lv3- 'One of many tools one will use in their lifetime will be a ranged weapon. As you train you will come to realize your hard work will not go unnoticed.' +4 Agility +3 Strength when using any form of ranged weapon.

Arcane Seeker Lv1- 'Your thirst for knowledge is boundless. You seek that of which many fail to do. The more you learn of the Arcane Arts; the stronger your bonds with them will become.' +3 Wisdom +3 Intelligence when using an Arcane Weapon.

Spearman Lv1- 'Guns and Swords are not the only weapons at one's disposal. Staves have always been used by both the warriors and the mages. As such, what you put in will be what you get out.' +1 Strength +1 Agility +1 Toughness +1 Intelligence +1 Wisdom when using a Staff of any kind.

Dagger: Lv5- 'Daggers are often seen as dishonorable in battle, but in a fight to the death any weapon is still a weapon.' +6 Agility when using a dagger.

Claw: Lv5- 'Claws in truth are a bizarre weapon. They can be used for a multitude of purposes beside combat as well.' +5 to all stats when equipping a Claw.

Cultivator Lv5- 'Your rigorous body is the main reason you are able to stand strong.' Shield Points will recharge over time. Getting at least six hours of sleep will fully recharge your Shield Points. Getting eight hours of sleep will apply a bonus of 200 Shield Points.

Spiritual Bond Lv4- 'Your profound knowledge of the existing elements around allows you to deepen your pool of mana' Mana points will recharge over time. Getting six hours of rest will fully recharge your Mana. Getting eight hours of rest will expand your Mana Pool by 400 points for four hours.

Silver Tongued Lv7- 'You have quite the way with words. You can talk your way out of any mess or into one if you so desire'

- Intimidation Lv5- You are capable of striking fear into another, be it man or monster. **Does not work on Boss Level Monsters or Mini-Boss mobs!**

- Persuasion Lv5- You are capable of talking your way into makings things lean in your favor. **Does not work on Boss Level Monsters or Mini-Boss Mobs!**

- Seduction Lv9- Be it man or woman; you can smooth talk your way into getting whatever you want. Bonus applies to those with little resistance to Charm.

Charmer Lv9- 'You are quite the Ladies' Man.' Women, are naturally easier to attract and reason with. Bonus applies to those around your age group or older.

- Playmate Lv.Max- You know your way around a woman's body. Your touch alone can start a fire in their groin. Just make sure you can keep up when all is said and done. +1000 Energy when engaging in sexual activities.

- Perfect Partner Lv.7- With expertise in the bed comes great responsibility afterward. Thankfully, you are sterile. **You can adjust your Semen production and fertility in the body menu.**

- Lover's Bonus Lv.3- When sleeping next to your lover after a satisfying night you will gain twice the amount of experience earned for eight hours upon waking up.

Guardian Angel Lv.1- 'You are the protector of those who you call comrades.' Doubles Strength, and Agility while protecting any allies within 10 meters of your person.

Tracker Lv. Max- 'Through much and I mean much tracking, you have learned the ways of a Tracker.' Tracking any personal or monster will give you a thin stream of light that only you can see which takes you directly towards them in the shortest possible route.

Chess Master Lv. 8- 'Your mental will is what brings you to be the best critical thinker. Solving solutions in marvelous time.' Will activate only when needed which will slow down your perception of time to a near standstill until you make a move from your present spot.

Sword Execution Lv.2- 'Sometimes finishing off your foe is all you can do to end the battle.' When a target is in a weakened state a symbol upon your personal vision will appear above their head which will allow you to 'execute' them. Granting you double the experience points. **Only works with Swords.**

Claw Execution Lv.3- 'Ripping out the insides of your target can be messy and gruesome, but can demoralize your foe while motivating your allies.' When a target is in a weakened state a symbol upon your personal vision will appear above their head which will allow you to 'execute' them. Granting you and your allies full rejuvenation from fatigue.

Dagger Execution Lv.4- 'A quick stab to the back, gut, neck or even heart can be fatal. It may be cowardice, but in the end, you are the one who is left to stand while they fall.' When a target is in a weakened state a symbol upon your personal vision will appear above their head which will allow you to 'execute' them. Granting you stealth for 8 seconds.

Gun Execution Lv.2- 'What is more empowering than executing someone on their knees while they look at you with a glare as you hold the barrel of your gun to their face? Nothing.' When a target is in a weakened state a symbol upon your personal vision will appear above their head which will allow you to 'execute' them. Granting you 50 strength for 2 minutes.

Happy Trigger Lv.3- Rapidly pulling the trigger of your gun will decrease the reload timing of your clips. *Only works with Guns*

Active Skills:

Shadow Mirror Lv.Max - Create a clone of yourself from your own Shadow. Costs nothing. Lasts until it is destroyed or is dismissed. **Clones only maintain 90% of your original power**

Shadow Weapon Lv. Max- Craft a weapon from your own shadow. Costs Nothing.

Shadow Replica Lv.3- Replica any weapon in hand for a fixed duration. Costs 100 Mana. **Replicated weapons only gain a portion of the original's power.**

Shadow Step Lv.7- Travel through the shadows at rapid speeds. Consumes 20 mana.

Shadow Mirage Lv.6- With command of the shadow you can cleanly strip a target of any limb by cutting the head or body piece of the shadow off. Consumes 40 mana per usage

Blink Lv.6- Teleport a few meters in any given direction. Consumes 9 Mana.

Death's Embrace Lv.Max- Call forth to the elements around you to bring forth a typhoon of destruction. Consumes 400 Mana and 200 Energy.

Weapon Summon Lv. Max- Bring forth any weapon from your arsenal. Does not consume anything.

Weapon Return Lv. Max- Calls back any weapon not in your hand; into your hand or inventory. Can always be used to store your weapons that are in hand too. Does not consume anything. **Not capable of summoning locked or restricted items, weapons or armor!**

Shadow Surprise Lv.4- A single target skill that will use the shadows to home in on the enemy with rapid speeds; only to emerge from beneath the enemy with a sword in hand then follow up with a barrage of bullets. Consumes 20 Mana on usage. **Only works with Sword and Gun weapons**

Chaser Lv.3- Chase after a fleeing target with rapid swings with your sword only to follow up with your gun afterward. Consumes 25 Mana on usage. **Only works with Sword and Gun weapons**

Super Crit Lv.2- Your next attack will deal massive damage to the target, but only at a 20% Chance. Costs 100 Mana.

Focus Lv.3- Increase your perception by x3. For every second in Focus, you spend 1 mana.

X-Strike Lv.2- Tear open your foes chest while leaving a symbol of an 'X' in your wake. Consumes 30 mana. **Only works with Claws**

Multi-strike Lv.3- Swiftly swing your weapon around in a flourish of movement. Consumes 50 Mana.

Empowered shot Lv.2- When holding the trigger your next shot will be empowered with x2 the damage. Consumes 30 mana and 20 energy.

Mystic Skills:

Assassination Lv.5- With haste you can instantly eliminate all mobs who are unaware of you. **Can not be used against Boss or Mini-Boss mobs.** Consumes 17 Energy and 7 mana per usage. Grants bonus experience points when assassinating a target. Multiplied twice for every target assassinated in rapid succession.

Critical Strike Lv.4- Vital or weak points on your target will be marked and striking them will deal massive damage. Consumes 50 Mana. **Hitting a marked vital point will make a new one appear at the cost of nothing. This can be repeated as long as the vital point is struck within a time frame of 5 seconds.**


Forms Gauge will recharge on a 1:1 Ratio.

Rage Form Lv. 1- Awakened to your inner Rage you will steadily allow madness to consume you whole in return for unrivaled strength and toughness. + 300 strength, +300 toughness. Effect: Steadily lose your consciousness to the madness. Duration 20 minutes. Duration will recharge on a 1:1 ratio.

~!7U5 F*7^ Lv.ERROR- ERROR!!!!

Riyku had leveled up several skills and gained new ones over the course of his training. Though his eyes would widen upon seeing something new. It was a brand new form; however, he did not understand. What this unknown form was that came out of nowhere. More so, what it even meant. He only assumed that it had something to do with that unknown voice. If so, then why wasn't it there when this thing tired to take over the first time. It hit him at that moment. "Coco... You." Riyku recalled that Coco said she found something in his data and would reboot his system to keep whatever was happening from doing what it was doing. If this thing was what caused him to black out back then... Did that mean that Coco was in a comatose state? Clicking his tongue the male would dismiss the skills screen with a mere thought and exhale a heavy sigh.

"Even so there is not much of anything else that I can do right now. I can't dive into my own subconscious of my own free will." He muttered in defeat while pushing himself off of the wall and proceed out of the backroom and into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Glass after glass the male would guzzle down before setting the empty glass upside down into the empty sink. His naked figure would carry on through the darkness as he went back into the bedroom where he got under the blanket and placed his arms underneath his head. 'If only I could dive into my own subconscious of my own free will. I could do something, but then where would she be?' He mentally sighed as he closed his eyes. Things were starting to become cumbersome. For now, there was nothing he could do. He would put this aside and drift into a deep slumber.

"Yo, Riy!" A strong masculine voice called out which caused Riyku's eyes to shoot open. Blinded by soft light he would move his hand before his face before his vision adjusted. Looking around something was off; this place was not Racheal's home. "Nice of you show up, man." Another voice came out of nowhere. It was then he saw a figure walk past him... no through him. "What?" The male's mouth moved of his accord and his voice projected from himself. Wait.. what was going on?

"Riyku!" A female squealed as she moved to jump onto the male who had just moved through him. "No way..." Riyku muttered as he looked at the male who caught the tiny woman who happened to wrap her legs around his waist and her arms crossed behind his neck. "Sicilia, I have work to do. Deyo isn't going to tend the bar himself." The male stated to which the tiny woman whined. "Oh fine, but when you have time you gotta dance with me." Riyku would look around to get a better picture of this place. It was pretty much a nightclub inside of a bar. There happened to be a small dancefloor and a stage with several poles spread around. The bar happened to be right next to him and behind him was the entry. What, could be labeled as a dining room held dining tables adjacent from the bar. There was even a lounging area with love seats. He also happened to notice two sign above two doors on opposite ends of the place. One read 'restrooms' and the other read 'Tavern rooms'. Upon closer inspection, the walls were decked with soundproof material. "What is this place?" Riyku inquired though it seemed that his voice could not be heard to the people. In fact, it appeared as if they had been moving around as if this were some kind of play.

The male moved behind the counter as if to tend to several people. Women were flocking towards him giving him teasing looks and trying to seduce him as he handed out their drinks and conversed with them. "That is me..." Riyku would take note of the male. "Yo Deyo, when you are done with whatever you are doing over there come help out." The male called out to another man who happened to perk back up with a wave of his hand. "D-Deyo?" Riyku stumbled as he noticed a man resembled the shop keeper in the shopping district. "Yeah yeah." Deyo would reply with a wave of his hand as he returned to tending to a female.

"It is known as Lucid Driving." A voice came from out of nowhere. Hastily, Riyku would look all around. "Who are you? Where are you?" He was clearly on high alert and his frantic expression seemed only cause the voice to giggle. "I am everywhere, but nowhere. You will come to find out in due time, Riyku." The voice replied which caused the man to click his tongue. "Fine. Then what did you mean by Lucid Driving?" Riyku inquired to which the voice seemed to mule over the thought of answering him before eventually giving him his answer.

"Lucid Driving is when you dive into your soul. You can look through several memories that were etched upon your soul, but only for a limited time. You see, if you stay too long you may never return to your body because your soul is pretty much interlacing with itself. If it becomes too tangled it will never come undone and you will be lost to wander the memories of your soul for all eternity." The answer Riyku got caused his brow to rise. "When will I know when my time is running out?" Riyku inquired to which the voice giggled. "I couldn't tell you. Only you will know when your time is running short." This caused Riyku to click his tongue in annoyance. "Can I search through any memory?" Riyku questioned to which the voice fell silent for a short period of time. "I wouldn't advise doing so. It will only hasten the entanglement of your soul. But yes you can." Riyku would close his eyes and sigh heavily. "Looks like there is a heavy price to pay." He muttered to which the voice would agree. Riyku began to stumble around as he felt a sharp pain in his head and an uneasy feeling in his chest. "Looks like your time is up. Staying here any longer is not advised. I'll force you out just this once, but after that, you are on your own." The voice stated with another giggle.

"Wait, what!?" Riyku shouted before everything went black when he heard the sound of a loud snap. Steadily the male would begin to open his eyes when he heard the sound of chirping birds outside. His vision was blurry at first, but when it came to he would notice Racheal was gone. His wristband was going off with a vibration which caused him to raise it up and tap upon the chip to reveal a message.

'I went on ahead. Thanks for doing my laundry and cleaning up my house. I had a wonderful night... Also, thank you for everything. You are always helping me out, always there for me. It's a shame that I got rejected, but I won't stop chasing after you. After all, I do love you. From Racheal.'

Riyku chuckled lightly and lowered his arm back upon the bed after closing out the message. "So it has always been like this. I wonder why." The male made a rhetorical question or more so a statement. In truth, this wasn't the first memory that had him surrounded by women. There was another one as well, his first memory fragment. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he sat up and looked out the window which the sunlight poured in. His eyes then shifted towards the clock which read a little after nine. "Since it wasn't a full eight hours I didn't get my bonuses, but eh it's whatever. I should just get the day started and head to that place Skylar mentioned of." Riyku stated to himself before getting up to prepare for the day.

Next chapter